Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

That's an excellent idea! and well it will bring us ideas for our next thread :p

Geeks Shower, Gotta Love Gold Stars...
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Yayyy, that's the spirit. *hugs you* Those are all awesome ideas. Geek Shower and Super Geeks are brilliant. Keep them coming. :)

Secret Glances could be Special Glances, too. :)
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

:lol: lol you know Batman and Robin? Well we have Sexy and Gorgeous!

This is a very good idea SaraStar!
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Great idea SaraStar :) about Guilty Secret, Swami Greg Scene, Subtle Gestures and Geek Spirit :D

I like Sexy and Gorgeous, suits them v well, and they are kind of a crime fighting team too :lol:

Sabser you're in the UK too! We only have to wait 2 more months til Fannysmakin and all the Sandle loveliness now yeay!!

Sissi youre Colin Firth banner is so cool btw.
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

thanks i love Colin Firth :D

I also like the Sexy and Gorgeous, they look like a couple of superheroes :lol:
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

So I was look at a couple of older Sandle threads and I noticed you made a '100 reasons why Greg and Sara should be together'. I noticed the one that said, 'Because he can do all these things with her that she's never done, like going sailing. '
:eek: I don't remember that list... I think I shall go hunting for it.

It looks like everyone is trying to come up with words/phrases that have the letters 'G' and 'S' (for Greg and Sara).
I hope these are okay:
Simply Sweet and Geeky but Soulful.

...I like the sexy gorgeous suggestion. Superheroes, you say? Go team Sexy/Gorgeous! :lol:
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Yay, you guys have such awesome ideas. :D I totally love Geeks Surrender and Geeky but Soulful. <333

And Sexy & Gorgeous is just great! :)

When we have enough suggestions I'm gonna make a Sandle graphic with all of them in it.
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Hey, y'all I'm just getting over a stomach bug (Don't come near me!) and I really like the, uh... letter-thing...s'cool. But me no think good and creative today...Who-Ha! Sexy-Gorgeous!
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Well, it took me a bit but I found that list with the '100 reasons Greg and Sara should be together'. I first found much of it here (down towards the middle).
Then I snooped around and found where on this board it originated. Turns out it was in thread four and it was started by Sissi! :eek: I am shocked… I never knew she was such a sandle shipper - and a frequent poster at that! I should have, since I joined around thread four. I guess my memory is lacking. -_-

So, I started reading some of the old threads and I got kinda sad because so many great people left... :(

...But then I thought to myself that I can’t stay too gloomy, because now there’s all these lovely new people to talk with. :)

That's my own little trip down memory lane (thread-wise). Sorry for the slight off-topic-ness.
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Hestia, that's priceless! And I totally agree with all the reasons.
I love the thread title, btw. *thinks back to Fannysmackin'* Sara was so cute to Greg ^_^
Wow, Silhoutte - These pictures are just fantastic! :lol: Did they say something about getting a kid? :lol:
Then I snooped around and found where on this board it originated. Turns out it was in thread four and it was started by Sissi! I am shocked… I never knew she was such a sandle shipper - and a frequent poster at that!

YEAH it was me! lol Didn't i say i was an HARDCORE SANDLE as an HARDCORE SNICKERS? lol i thought i did I love Sandle from the beginning and it's not going to change lol

I also missed the other posters: Wildy etc :( hope they will be back one day or another; oh Kegel still there :D

WWB i didn't know you were Sandle :D You chose the right ship :rolleyes: :lol:

BTW maybe we could do things that we used to do like posting a pic and trying to find the dialogue which fit to that pic, what do you think guys?
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