Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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:lol: Love the dialogues done by everyone!

And great fic araSgerG!

So I watched BTK Pt2 today and I noticed some Sandle in the beginning! You know, when Greg is talking to Sara about the groupies gathering outside Izzie's house..and she pats him on the back.... :D

Just thought it was a cute moment
Oh wow, you're all starting that screencap game! That also takes me back! :) I'll see if I can post a pic tomorrow. I don't think I'll try and come up with a quote (it's funny because back when I was new, I was so computer illiterate! I couldn't post pictures and I just typed and posted... oh, there I go reminiscing again.) :lol:

Multishippers warm my heart :D there is nothing better than multishipping cause it makes you a more open-minded person, more tolerant toward the others ;)
Bless you for saying that Sissi! Since I'm a multi-shipper, and all, I love how you make it seem great and tolerant (rather than indecisive, which is how I feel sometimes, :rolleyes:). Just because I can't stick with one ship? Well guess what - I'm sticking with this one!
Yep, sandle is (and likely will always will be) my number one ship! My OTP, if you will. Even when I get pulled into the other Sara-ships I always come back to this thread. :D

I feel like starting a sandle cheer or something. I feel so excited today! (Which could be because of the approaching holidays.)
That reminds me... while browsing other threads, I thought we could try and do a fic challenge. I know we tried before, but I'm feeling up for a writing challenge (I could use up my energy for it!), and I would feel much better if other people added some of their nice fics.
Kind of like on the hip/hugger thread, because they do 'prompts' and Christmas challenges... (did I say that outloud? ...Ummm... I'll move on.

So speaking of writing, I'll go ahead and compliment araSgerG's fic. It was "yummyble" (or is it yummyful?) Heh... trying out the new word here. I'm glad you included that part about how no one song defines their "love" (plus I like 'Dreamgirl'. I was recently listening to that song. The other songs look great as well, even though I haven't heard them)
Anyway, it all goes back to what I was saying earlier. They have their complexities and their simplicities.
They're so multifaceted that previous sandle members came up with 100 reasons they should be together!
(And to everyone who thanked me, you're welcome. I was happy to find the list as well. And I definitely think it could stand to be revised - if for nothing other than to add the Fannysmackin' part!)

Greg and Sara have something beyond friendly flirting, or back & forth banter. I truly believe there's some depth to it. He cares for her, more than a friend (which we all know), and Sara cares about him in her own way. Now, those who doubt it - thinking it's a "one-way crush" - would surely re-think their stance (at least) after the well-known scene for which this thread is named after.
Sara has proven that she cares for him, and that's got to mean something. No matter who she's with at the moment.

And now I'm just babbling on and on... :p

But hey, only this ship can make me go on like this.
Thanks a lot for that Sandle babbling, Hestia! And I know, I can talk about Sandle for houuurs... but I think people will get annoyed with me. That's why I love this thread so much, here everybody enjoys talking Sandle. :D

I like your idea of a writing challenge. Since I've got Christmas holiday now, I've got so much time to write fics. And Sandle fics are my favorites. :)

I'm gonna go read your fic, araSgerG! :)
Bless you for saying that Sissi! Since I'm a multi-shipper, and all, I love how you make it seem great and tolerant (rather than indecisive, which is how I feel sometimes, ). Just because I can't stick with one ship? Well guess what - I'm sticking with this one!
Yep, sandle is (and likely will always will be) my number one ship! My OTP, if you will. Even when I get pulled into the other Sara-ships I always come back to this thread.

Lol hunny, trust me i would be the last person telling you multishipping sucks :lol: I think it's fun to be aware of several possibilities, not be focused on only one; this way when one of them success you're happy :D

but back to Sandle love :D
I really appreciate the idea of making a Sandle challenge (and no it's not because i'm the mod of Fanfiction :p ), i think it would be nice to see newbies writing stories and also seeing if Hestia had improved her writing :D

Thanks a lot for that Sandle babbling, Hestia! And I know, I can talk about Sandle for houuurs... but I think people will get annoyed with me. That's why I love this thread so much, here everybody enjoys talking Sandle.
Enjoy! it's probably the only safe place where you can talk about Sandle !

Guys i was wondering what was your favourite Sandle episode ever and why.

Mine (for the moment until we get more Sandle of course) is "Fannysmackin'" or How we knew he never gave up on her :D
This episode, and specially the Sandle scene made me giggle; i was like "OMG THE SIDLE SCENT"....So he used to smell her? that's interesting....Did she also smell him? :p
Seriously, there is deep love between them and everytime someone will tell me that Sandle doesn't exist , i will tell them to rewatch that scene; nobody can deny what happened.
I still haven't seen Fannysmackin'. :( I feel so far behind... But I just want to wait 'til it's on TV here. I want to be able to see everything well. It seems like such an amazing episode... <3

So for now, my favorite Sandle episode is probably 'Iced'. It get all happy when I watch that one, because there are sooo many awesome Sandle scenes there. But I'm sure that when I've watched 'Fannysmackin'', that one will be my favorite. :)
Yummy! Iced with the exploiding toilet! lol Awesome episode you're right! Take your time to see Fannysmacki on tv , you will have such a good time, trust me :D

I also enjoyed an episode from season 5 , the one where Greg said he dreamt about Sara
SARA: [...]"So relax and lie down on your back"

GREG:"You know it's like a dream i had once except it wasn't in a garage and grissom wasn't watching, it was a different dream..."

Ohhh yeah! That's so awesome! And Sara's face was priceless. She had this secret smile at her face. :D

And let's not forget this one:

'You smell like death.'

'I've heard'.

'You know, a real man wouldn't mind.'

:D Ihhh. Greg wouldn't mind, I'm sure. ;)
Oh yeah cause Greg is A REAL MAN :lol:

There are so many great Sandle moments that i can't keep up my favourite:

Sara" You know I could really just kiss you right now"

Just do it Sara, kiss him! lol
Yup, Greg is definitely a real man. That's why he's so perfect for Sara. :)

Ohhh yeah! 'Organ Grinder' is so awesome too! I can't believe he turned away. I wanted her to kiss him so bad!
Although it looked pretty cute when he turned his face away shyly. :D And then he sighed when she walked away. Aww.

But if I could re-do the scene, I'd definitely have her kiss him. :lol:
But if I could re-do the scene, I'd definitely have her kiss him

DEFINITELY lol If i was Greg , i would have kissed her :lol: But i think he was too shy for doing that, and that's what i love in him. He is just so cute !

Oh and when he wanted to date her, he didn't even know how to ask her.
Aww merci Sissi will stop saying its bad then :p

Im sure that Greg is definitely a real man but he's also cute and a bit shy which makes him even more endearing and why Sara should definitely go out with him.

I think my favourite episode is Dead Ringer and the hug because it was the first time that i thought Sara could like Greg and not just the other way round. Because she could have run to anyone else and she came to him, and it was really sute how she just ran into him and he was ready to hug her.

I think the scene i would most like to have happened is when Greg was flexing his muscles in the mirror i would have loved Sara to have turned round and seen him do that, it would have been so funny to see her reaction and how Greg would have reacted to her catching him :lol:
I think the scene i would most like to have happened is when Greg was flexing his muscles in the mirror i would have loved Sara to have turned round and seen him do that, it would have been so funny to see her reaction and how Greg would have reacted to her catching him

:lol: I'm sure she would tell him "Yo Sex Machine Would you get back to work please?" :lol:

Gosh i'm Sandleling today, i don't know what is happening to me lol
Good Lord! Gone for 9 hours and look at what everyone has posted! That just means the Sandle love is getting stronger. :D

I'm up for a writing challenge! I love to write it's one of my favorite things to do so don't hesitate! And I have to say my favorite Sandle episode is Who Shot Sherlock. Priceless. The way she asks him out to dinner (drink?) and then hugs him at the end is so cute.

Okay so I brought a picture over here for the caption......
Click Me!

And my caption for this would be:
Sara: I can't believe it.
Greg: Yeah well, believe it sweet cheeks.
Sara: Grissom was video taping our sex life?
Greg: No he just took pictures.
Sara: And now it's on Scandal Pages. Great.

And I also made this while I was bored...
^ :lol: Thats hilarious Kate

Aww the dedication is so good to, it would be so funny if Greg and Sara knew what sandle shippers were!

Hmm, my caption is:

Sara: Wow is that what we look like?
Greg: Yep.
Sara: Wow we look good.
Greg: Hell yeah, but I kinda wish Ecklie hadn't walked in at that point.
Sara: Yeah, kinda ruined the moment huh?
Greg: Yeah, but at least he'll never be able to look us in the eye again.

I writing challenge sounds like a good idea, have never been able to finish a sandle fic, maybe this will force me too :lol:

sandleling - yeay another sandle word. We can make a dictionary out of all the words we have now.


And theres loads more words, just cant think of them ATM :lol:
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