Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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^^ You're welcome, sweetie. :) You totally rule!

Delia! (Beautiful name, by the way!)
Hey, sweetie! I'm missed you tons. Thanks, I've always never really liked the name. :lol: It's a shortform for Cordelia really... who was King Lear's daughter. :lol: My mom's a Shakespeare freak. Either way, I'M SO GLAD THAT YOU'RE HERE!

Oh wow, I'll probably PM you about Sandle quotes and graphics and things like that tommorow. I have to go to bed now. :lol: Good luck with your exams, sweetie! You'll do great and have a Sandle cookie to give you incredible strength.

Hey, I'll give EVERYONE Sandle-cookies and Greggo-sandwiches and... um, Sara-chocolates! :lol: I'm blabering, but who cares because....

S/G ARE THE REAL DEAL. Can't wait for the finale. BRING ON THE SANDLE AND oops, take that, GSR!
^ Thanks, hun! I love this thread. Sandle shippers are the sweetest! <3 *hugs all Sandle shippers* But how can they not be, when we're supporting the sweetest ship ever? :D

Of course I'll take a positivity cookie (what do I say, loads of positivity cookies) before my exam. That's a great idea, I'm sure it'll help me. :D

I noticed you guys talked about the ultimate Sandle season... well, so far (I mean, season seven sounds promising when it comes to Sandlove) it has to be season five. So much flirting, to many Secret Glances! Aww. I love it. Season five is just filled with Sandle moments. But of course in season two we found out about Greg's crush on Sara, and the fact that Sara 'could really, really kiss him'. Sooo... that one is awesome too. :)
yo...haven't been here for quite a fact, after the kidnapping thing, I've gone to hiding :lol:

And suddenly when I came back, woola, Spoiler boxes everywhere! So I need to have one too! Let's join in the fun. :D

So Sara would be MIA, and the team learnt about GSR? Looking from a positive angle *eats positivity cookie*, this might be the twist we are waiting for, coz we all know crisis means twisters, and in mid of crisis, usually the real feelings will surface, meaning Greg would definitely not be the happy-go-lucky Greg anymore, imagine devastated Greg (coz Sara's missing) knowing GSR, for the first time? Storm.Quakes.Disaster, whatever you can think of. All these might led to a good confrontation between him and Grissom. Then at least, from there onwards, anger tension between him and Gris will force the more serious Greg to surface more, what I am saying here it's that because of this incident, Greg will become stronger, more mature, and this would definitely be a surprise to Sara (when she came back), not knowing or seeing this side of him, and once she get to know more about him, she will know he got whole lot more to offer than Gris, and so Sandleness will roarrrr... :devil: As for Sara, as long as she's still in the set in S8, then it's ok. Personally I am hoping Sara's got a concussion and lost her memory or something, then Greg would be the one to be near her and take care of her, then for once, she would somehow forget her dark past, be the real herself, and embrace Greg's kindness and loviness.

yeah...I am rambling on and care? ;)

PS: Eva, good luck with your exam, Sandleness will blessed you all the way~~~~
Welcome back, Jue! Nice to see you here again! We missed you. And please, ramble all you want. That's what we're here for. :D

Thanks! I hope my exam is gonna go well.
Welcome back, Jue. :)

Well, I've learnt not to have high expectations for big storylines like this, but since it's Sandle, I'm expecting atleast a hug or an "I'm glad you're okay" from Greggo. Although we might not get that in the finale, but in the season premire. :) I think Greg would be seriously worried about Sara. I mean, she was there for him when he was injured and now she's missing, he should be terrified for her. I hope the writers don't make Greg act like he did in Gave Danger, though. They didn't really show him being worried. They should for Sara though. They have an amazing relationship. :D
Oh shoot... I don't know if I wanna be spoiled. I told myself I would remain spoiler-free after watching Fannysmackin' and reading about the "hand hold" we never got. (Sure the episode was still *sandletastic but I like being surprised.)

kissmesweet, your previous picture of Greg and the ice cream had me in stitches! :lol:
But the recent pictures of "the look" are great! And they reinforce my belief that he was looking worried and not upset (well maybe upset that she was so shaken)
what is the ultimate sandle season?? :confused:]
(i ask a lot huh?)
No it's okay, luvincsi. We're happy to answer any questions you may have regarding sandle. :)
I'll echo CSIangel17's answer. Season 5 not only had Sara as Greg's mentor, it also had quite possibly the most memorable, flirty, shippy, adorable, sandle-y moments ever! :D

Case in point (In season 5):
Sara asks Greg out! (But he's wrapped up in the case. :( )
We get another sandle hug! (plus celebration and champagne. :cool:)
The explodapotty! (Sara and Greg look so happy...

... Oh yeah - and they shower together. :devil:

That's enough linking for today. And that wasn't even all their moments. We still got the little flirty comments, the looks, more smiling and a very jealous Grissom. ;)

yo...haven't been here for quite a fact, after the kidnapping thing, I've gone to hiding :lol:
Don't go into hiding jue! You always have a ton of interesting, insightful things to say.

I'm in the middle of an exam week in school, so things have been a little bit hectic. Tomorrow's the last one, so then I'll be posting more again. :)
I also want to wish SaraStar good luck on her test. You'll do great!

So, as you can see, I'm glad to be back, and glad other people have returned. (Welcome UnspokenHope! I know you're name is Pam, but can I still call you by your user name? It's a very nice name! Reminds me of how I feel about sandle - all my ships in fact.)

Oh, and thanks for the welcome Sabser. You all know I can't stay away for long. (plus I brought tons of pics. That should please you all!)

BTW: *Sandletastic is one of our "sandle words" concocted a bit before the holidays. We started thinking up sandle words right around here. We must have all been drunk on egg nog or that spiked Blue Hawaiian! :lol:
Sandle (off screen) goodness :)

I saw that you and Fox and Eric Szmanda are members of the World Adult Kickball Association, playing for the Royal Blue Balls team. How did you get involved in that?

He dragged me into that! He put together a kick ball team with a couple of friends and it's a co-ed team and they desperately need women. Last season was our first season, and the kick-off for this season is [coming up]. We've been practicing and getting ready – it's so much fun.

Eric would be one of the people that I see the most. Because of common interests like kickball. (laughs).

What is your favorite thing to do after you've finished shooting for the season?


For the last two years, Eric has dragged me – again, dragged me – to Coachella. It's a big music festival in California. I'd been a bunch of times and I hadn't been for a few years. I've had a really good time, but we were so tired by the time we stop. I've told him there's no way I'm going this year. I just want to turn the phone off and not do anything but sleep for four days. So that'll be what I'll try to do this year but he keeps sending me the line-up and every turn around, there's somebody else playing that I really want to see. I'll keep you posted!

.. and the rest
oh wow Hui! thanks for posting that! I love articles like this its kind of a thing to fall back on i guess, its like "We may not get Sandle but look how they are OFF set!" I love it. :)

I also want to wish luck to Eva ! I have exams coming up in a few weeks and trust me, it ain't nothin' to look forward to :\

New episode tomorrow! *Is excited* Don't forget to spike those coffees for the writers :D
thanks for answering my question guys..
my mom which season of csi will she buy for me.. [i dont own a ny csi dvd.. huhuhu :(] and i have to choose the ultimate sandle season. so i guess, she'll buy me the season 5.. yehey!! thanks again!!

well, yesterday.. there was a csi 3-episode marathon_ i was really psyched about it!! one of the episodes is dead ringer. when it started, there were these people running and i was like "OMG!! This is the episode where Sara and Greg will hug".. [i havent seen the episode before but i saw a clip of it in youtube.]

after sara handed over the "stick" to nick [i think it was nick..] she went toward greg and they hugged. they did that twirly thing first.. that was so cute and adorable.. awwww!!
love is written all over that!! ;)
Case in point (In season 5):
Sara asks Greg out! (But he's wrapped up in the case. )
We get another sandle hug! (plus celebration and champagne. )
The explodapotty! (Sara and Greg look so happy... )

... Oh yeah - and they shower together.
Beautiful, sweetie! Thank you! WE GOTTA HAND IT TO SEASON 5 and hope Season 7 WILL BRING US MORE SANDLE-LOVE!
But how can they not be, when we're supporting the sweetest ship ever?
Absolutely. S/G are so adorable and cute and sweet! I JUST WANNA WRAP THEM IN A BEAR HUG! Haha, *Delia wraps her other shippy mates in giant hugs too!
Hey Jue: thanks for all of the fantastic suggestions! We love a worried and possibly, jealous Greg! :) We love that! :devil: And we love an angry Greg too... (Darn, I don't remember ever seeing him angry. :lol:) and we love a Greg kissing Sara!

Hint, hint, TPTB! :D We sure love our Sandle-love!
^^ Ooops, yep. Thanks for the interview! Eric and Jorja are great friends and it's so fun to see that! We know that Eric totally adores Sandle! Does Jorja? Did we ever clear that up?

Hey guys, LOOK WHAT I FOUND! Spoilers for next week's episode:
Picture 1
Picture 2
They are from Episode 22: Big Shots! YAY! I'M SO GLAD! SANDLE WORKING TOGETHER AND MAKING MAGIC (AND SOLVING cases of course! :rolleyes:) haha.

AND YES! Beuatiful Jorja is totally a Sandle shipper at heart!
But Fox also revealed there are some advantages to the team-split. While the actors get to enjoy more time off the cameras, the split has also given her a chance to get closer to colleague Eric Szmanda (Greg Sanders). "There have been a lot of changes with splitting up the team and I've been thrilled that I get to work a lot more with Eric this season. Greg's enthusiasm for his job really makes everything new again for Sara because his character is now out in the field learning to use stupid little gadgets. So it's been fun for her to enjoy it and see it all through his eyes."

Fans wonder if the increased screen time the two characters have received will be conducive to a romantic relationship. While Fox admitted maybe Sara is looking at Greg with different eyes after his promotion, she made sure to give nothing away. "Well, we had a shower scene not long ago and that was pretty kinky, because we were both naked, but that's all I'm going to say about that," the actress teased
"It feels weird to talk about things through Sara's eyes but who knows what could happen with Greg as she moves on? I know that she's been taking some second and third glances at Greg this season because he looks good in a jumpsuit," she joked.

haha... HE DOES LOOK good in a Jumpsuit! and she thought that the shower scene (which they were both naked) was totally kinky! Besides, they saw each other naked... which means that there won't be any surprises when they hook up. :devil:
The article is from CSI Files:
haha that interview cracked me up! He does look so good in a jumpsuit...*daydreams*

and the pictures are so awesome too! I'm not sure if i'm suppose to but i'll put what i have to say about them in spoilers *shrug*

They look so confused in both! just staring down the hall like "Uhh..." haha i can't wait to see what there looking at now :D
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