Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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oh yah!!the pic are first i thought they were holding hands or what.. :rolleyes: but then nope... :(
i wish they do smth more :devil:

The article was hilarious :lol: i think jorja trying to give us a hint tt at last she n greg will ebd up together..cuzz in the article she said abt her n greg :p :p

well lets hope tt it will come TRUE!!! :D :D
Wow thanks for the interview hui :) Love that interview. Jorja is so different from Sara. Its nice to hear that Eric and Jorja are good friends off screen, probably why the sandleness is so nice on - screen :D

Thanks for the interview quote kissmesweet :) I hadnt read that before. Yeay Jorja's a sandle shipper at heart too! And she's right, Greg does look very nice in a jumpsuit :devil:

Aww i love sandle pics. This means we know they definitely at least have one scene together. But I love the first one especially, because theyre both mirroring each others positions, and you only do that when you really like someone, so they must both like each other :D And they always stand close together in all the photos and scenes :)
CSIangel17 said:
Jorja is so different from Sara.

yeah- they are quite different but still i love them both! ;)

Its nice to hear that Eric and Jorja are good friends off screen, probably why the sandleness is so nice on - screen

i never looked at it that way before.. :) I totally agree with that CSIangel17
i wish they do smth more
haha, I KNOW THEY DO. :devil: They do all sorts of naughty stuff and its only that TPTB won't show them to us, just yet! We'll get it eventually though! :lol:

Its nice to hear that Eric and Jorja are good friends off screen, probably why the sandleness is so nice on - screen
Absolutely. :) They are fantastic together, off screen as best buddies and on screen as more than that! :lol: It's so great that they're such great friends! They look like fun people to hang out with!
No problem, I got the interview from the spoiler thread and I just select the goodies part ;)

luvincsi, which channel for the marathon? i missed last night episode! i guess i will have to catch the reruns on weekends despite that I have 3 tests next week and the exams start the week after.. argh :( so GOOD LUCK, SaraStar & GregsLabRat!!

ETA: Removed the question because it is not allowed :eek:
Awesome, thanks Hui. It was still reaaaaally nice of you to get the interview! :) I LOVE A SANDLE-LOVING Jorja! I love Jorja. Period. :)

If you mean, the marathon episode--that was 4x4. :)

Speaking of exams, ughhh. Darn. I have them after the Easter holidays. But I never study. :lol: and I always get a great score. :lol: I need LOADS of Sandle-cookies to get me through either way.
*Steals a load of Sandlecookies and beer from you guys*
hui said:
luvincsi, which channel for the marathon? i missed last night episode! i guess i will have to catch the reruns on weekends

it was in channel 23 (if you have cable)... Studio 23!!
do you also live in the philippines??
well, here, in AXN (is it okay to mention channels/networks??)it was Happenstance.. [is this what was shown last night that you missed if yes then dont want to spoil it out for you..] its a very nice and tricky episode by the way..
hope there are some sandleness next week *crosses fingers*.. The Episode is Living Legend..

Good luck on your exams guys! .. I guess you still have classes huh?? Its summer here..

do you guys think Eric & Jorja will end up together in real life? lol :p

i dont know but that would be something!! well, it can be possible right?? i mean they are close friends! ;)
OMG. I LOVE that interview!!!! That was awesome. :D

I have a theory for tonights episode. I think what Sara and Greg are staring at in the second promo pic is the boy's mom. Cause she comes into the lab and starts yelling right? And I read somewhere that Greg says something like "She's not supposed to be here" to Sara.. That's what I think is going on. :) I'm so happy they work together! :D
hui erm..the episode 'living legend' has no sandle moments...i've watched it..kinda cool episode btw.. :D but darn theres no sandle episode :(
Living Legend DOES have a Sandle moment at the beginning, doesn't it? Like in greg_Sara_love's banner with them talking at the start?

Or did I get it wrong? :lol:
kissmesweet said:
Living Legend DOES have a Sandle moment at the beginning, doesn't it? Like in greg_Sara_love's banner with them talking at the start?

Or did I get it wrong? :lol:

Wasn't the moment in greg_sara_love's signature from 'Built To Kill' ? Living Legend aired here last week and I don't really remember any Sandle moments. And when there are I remember, believe me. :lol:

Whoa, I haven't been here since yesterday and we're a page further. This feels so good! Our ship is totally growing. <3 And of course, Jorja's a Sandle shipper and proud of it. She just doesn't know it yet. :lol: But hey, Eric dragged her into kick-ball AND into this music festival according to that awesome interview, so it's gonna be easy for him to drag her into Sandle. Woot, we gotta mail Eric and tell him to do that! He seems to be very persuasive towards Jorja. :p

Thanks for all the sweet wishes for my exam! It did go very well. The positivity cookies helped me. And you guys. ;) Good luck to everyone else who has exams! Eat positivity cookies before, it'll help.
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