Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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I missed Happenstance. I dont have channel 23 but I have AXN! :)

Any Sandles moment in Big Shots?
Yep my frm build to kill.... :D 'Living Legend' no sandle moments...i've watch it...darn..ouh yah sarastar could you please write the following chapter where sara lost her memories...its kinda touching...believe me i cried :lol: love ur fanfic!!!! glad to hear tt eric n jorja are also sandle shipper...our misson is halfway completed..nw we must make the writers a sandle shipper :devil: *eating positivity cookies*
Ohhh my God, yes, I have to write more on that story, greg_sara_love. I neglected it way too long! I'm really happy to know you like my fanfics. :D
The positivity cookies helped me.
Oh, awesome. :) THEY HELPED ME TOO! :) They keep me happy through the stupid exams! :D I'm totally eating them now too, before I go on a trip to China! YAY! I can't wait!
Eric dragged her into kick-ball AND into this music festival according to that awesome interview, so it's gonna be easy for him to drag her into Sandle.
I was just about to say that!! Eric totally loves Sara and Greg together and she's quite a Sandle already... so Eric will probably make her even MORE Sandle! God, that rules.
Hey didn't anyone watch Big Shots? I totally thought there was a scene. First, Greg goes to Sara about the interrogation. He could have gone to Gris, Cath or Nick but he went to Sara.. Then she got all worried because he was in there and he shouldn't have been. Then, she agreed to check something for Greggo... Then the mom comes and Sara puts her arm infront of Greg saying the mom needs to calm down.

I thought it was really sweet. :)
Ok break out the violins guys
*Clears throat* I....fell asleep 5 minutes before CSI. I woke up 20 minutes into it. *cries* i was so confused the whole show! :(
BUT i did see the Greg Sara scene (Thank God :D) and I love how she kinda blocked Aaron's mom from Greg (She was all concerned and stuff :p) It was a great Greg episode, i especially like when greg got into it with Aarons mom, actin' all tough :D
I could totally dig Jorja and Eric getting together in real life, it'd kinda..."influence" the writers to make it happen on set :rolleyes:
Am glad to hear about the sandle scene in Big Shots. Its so sweet that Sara would protect and defend him like that :) Just because to put your hand in front of someone is such a spontaneous thing to do and she must feel very protective of him to do that :D

Actually, she's done that quite alot this season, especially in Fannysmakin' and with Grissom.

First, Greg goes to Sara about the interrogation. He could have gone to Gris, Cath or Nick but he went to Sara..
Good to hear he went to Sara first, it shows he trusts her the most and shes the one he turns to for help :)

I cant wait to see this episode! And being Greg - centric makes it even better!
Hey ppl!!!all the sandle follower :D :D could sumwan post smth wif sandle banner ar wallpaper...cuzz i wanna put the pic on sandle profile at friendster as the background....thank yall sandle ppl!! SANDLE 4 EVA!!!! :D :D
I can't wait to watch the episode either, it seems so awesome. I'll have to wait for it, though... :rolleyes:

So I wanted to let you know I finally updated my story 'Faded Away'. And now I'm totally Sandly! Woot! I love this ship. <3

And yeah, Delia, I hope so much Eric can make Jorja more into Sandle. We really have to tell him to do that. He could make sneaky comments on how much Greg likes Sara and how happy Sara seems around Greg. "Hey Jorja, ever noticed that Sara smiles a lot when Greg's around?" :lol:
hahaha I can see Eric doing that "You know what would be a GREAT ship, Jorja?" ;)haha anyone have Eric's address so we can write a letter, maybe we can even get him to call Griss "Mr. Illusion" on the show :D that'd be great
Considering all the spoiler pictures and the optimism, I'm glad I didn't read the spoilers for Big Shots. Not that it wasn't great or anything, but I guess I was just hoping for more scenes. And we get the Sara/Greg scene near the end - talk about waiting in suspense! :p

BTW: That interview was great! Jorja and Eric's friendship have put a smile on my face. :) It's funny because all the things Eric does (drag her to concerts, get her to join a kickball team) seem almost like something Greg would do with Sara. ;) (I can dream can't I?)
hey SaraStar nice fanfic!! I laughed like hell.. :lol: :lol: :lol: btw is it the end of the story?? cuzz i love the story alot tt i want you to move on... :D :D btw good job..its the best!! :D
Hey do anybody know what flavour did greg eat...u noe the ben and jerry ice cream in the episode 'pledging mr johnson' in season 1 :D ooh and also the song greg played in the same episode...its kinda catchy.. :D :D
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