Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

^^ Love your signature. :) Go, Sara/Greg! They're so perfect together. They have fun together and he's so much more easy-going and they won't keep it as a secret.
Greg will be proud to show off his girl!

Sara + Greg are Pure Love!! :) C'mon, TPTB Open your eyes!!
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

hmm to be curious...whose signature ur refering to?? :lol: :lol: i kinda slow tdy cuzz i kept remembering cute sandle moment
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

^^ Yours! It's too adorable! Sandle-showering.
Sandle = Love! Sandle showered together, she saw everything! The hugged & they flirt and he obviously is so smitten over her!! They've done everything together... Now if only they'll do a little more. :devil:
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Goddamn im so slow hahaha....well i must say they need to show some kissing.. :devil: well im very sure that sara will soon end up with greg..heheoh do you find my idea about making sandle at friendster? :D :D :D
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Hey..i've read message board at cbs...i mean its funny what ppl r sayin there.."At last episode Suicidal Greg will shoot Sara too" i was like :eek: :eek: :eek: what?? :eek: :eek: :eek: where do they get that frm..their evidence is just a pic...but sumwan said that the pic is frm episode 4 i was like :lol: :lol: :lol: whew...why on earth they think like that?? I think they are scared that GSR will not last...i think Sandle will take over...Sandle strong.....i wrote this not to make GSR ppl angry but its funny :p :p :p
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

why does the thought of suicidal greg make me laugh? :lol: i can't imagine him ever being suicidal, and he would NEVER shoot sara, he loves her too much :)
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Greg is the OPPOSITE of suicidal. haha, that's so out of character! Greg is a happy optimist.
very sure that sara will soon end up with sara..
Agreed! I think that TPTB wrote Greg's love for Sara almost as a way to tell us that at the end they will be together!

Adorable, no?
I have faith & I'm pretty sure that will happen!!
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Yargh..Nvm ppl sara will soon end up with greg....hmm then what happen to grissom then, will he end up with catherine or lady heather...i dunno :confused: :confused:
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

^^ That's quite offtopic. But I don't think he'll end up with anyone. He seems to be kind of a loner. :lol: and he just isn't the right person to fall in love and make the relationship work.

Do you think that the writers conveyed any secret message in 'Fannysmackin', guys? That maybe he really loves Sara + will freak out when he finds out about GSR?
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

hmm yah...his heart will break when he find out...well lets get this straight i dont want CSI to become to soap opera kinda movie...yup its kinda offtopic so lets change the topic...hmm i wish i can read the i can tell yall what will happen.... :D :D :D :D but then seriously the suspence is killin me stress now...tell me how will i let go of this stress?? :mad: :mad:
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Hm yeah, there could've been a secret message in Fannysmackin. Or is that wishful thinking? :lol: Oh well, we're positive shippers, so we may. :) So let's believe there is something hidden in the beautiful Fannysmackin' moment.

Do you guys think Greg knows about GSR already? I hope they're gonna show when he finds out. And then he has to go to Sara, crying, and she'll realise she loves him more. :p
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

I just watched Post Mortem and it was sad watching Greg getting so upset over the civil suit :(

I wish in the scene where he pop by Grissom's office to ask for the day off that Sara said something comforting to him :) Well, Sara shared a look with Grissom and I dont know what does that mean?

Anyway, tomorrow is Empty Eyes for you guys? Remember to share and announce if there are any Sandle moments :))
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

i dont have Empty Eyes for another 2 weeks i think, seriously i would love love LOVE to see Greg's reaction when he finds out, but i will be so mad if he just goes, "Finally you guys got together!" i will stop watching, i swear. that is not Greg, TPTB! Are you listening? lol
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Wow, I didn't even think of Greg making a comment like that GregsLabRat! I so agree, if he did that I would probably stop watching too. It's totally not like him, and even though most people say Greg is over his crush, I don't think he is. I'm not just saying that because I'm a Sandle shipper. I think it's pretty clear he still has something for her from the scene in Fannysmakin'. God bless Teh Scene. :D

I'm really looking forward to seeing Greg's reaction to GSR, too. I just can't wait until they tell the team! I thought we would find out this season... Maybe the season finale but I haven't heard anything. Does anyone think Greg might feel a little.. I dunno, betrayed by GSR getting together? It's just, Greg put himself out there and asked her out for dinner and let her know he was interested, while Grissom just pushed Sara away, constantly hurting her. Wouldn't Greg be upset that even though Grissom treated her like that she still went for him? GUH so much drama and angst! I can't wait!!! :D
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Well I think Greg is over Sara enough that he might be able to accept their relationship, but I think deep down he would still be slightly upset. Greg is adult enough now to see the difference between a crush and real love.

Now don't get me wrong, I still rather see Greg and Sara together, but I do not see the writer's of the show going with that.
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