Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

I agree greg_sara_love i can't wait, it will happen i tell you! *Raises fist dramatically* :p
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

what if..what if..Greg wanna tell sara tat he luv after the tough case...he invited her to his house 4 dinner. B4 that he clean his house and then he cook sara's fav dish. when sara came, he greated her like "hi sara thats a nice outfit" (But then sara wear a normal tee and jeans) he hold her hand and lead the way to the dining room. He lit the candles and they begin eating..Ouh yah b4 he lit the candle, he pull out the chair 4 her and pushes it in(gentleman) Sara said "Greg u noe my fav dish?" he replied "u told me once,u noe when we're doin the case abt the murder of Mrs Jones" she was like shocked "What? u still remember the case?" "I remember all the cases that we did together" she smile. But this smile is different frm the other smile....****TO BE CONTINUE***** (hey this is like im writing a fanfic :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:)
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

hey i think i have an idea...what if i make "sandle" to friendster....if its ok...well its juz 4 sandle shipper n i could give all of u the password and username...if its ok wif yall...if u wanna the password u can ask me by pm me... :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

I loved the Sara comforting Greg part. She was SOOOO calm and caring towards him. I loved it!
:lol: I know, she looked so scared of hurting him and he looked so relieved that she's here. :) We all know that they're meant to be, Sara does too deep down and Greg... well--he always has loved her even since the first moment he laid eyes oin her. :)

Oh and which episode was it when Greg had his psychic powers tell him that he's meant to be with Sara?
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

^ Huh? I've never heard of that. What happened in the scene then?

I love that photo! <3
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

is that when he has the turban on? if it is, i don't think he says that, just a load of other random mumbo jumbo :D
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

haha like the 'fanfic' see i'm not the only one who's heard of Greg saying he has psychic powers that say he should be with Sara! *Is proud* lol
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

ok ok i wanna continue the story.... k here it is..

After they finish the meal...Greg ask her to close her eyes..then he rushed to his room to get this box. Then he put it infront of sara (which is on the table)"ok sara u may open ur eyes" she gently open her eyes and saw th box."Greg, what is in that box? he remain silent. She open the box guess what is in that box...(yall guess what is in that box maybe 2morrow ill finish the rest) :devil: :devil: ooh the suspence is killin me :devil: :devil: :devil:
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Oh... the bit about his psychic powers telling Sara that they're meant to be. I read about it in Ultimate CSI... Liars. haha. I voted for Fannysmackin', because you could tell that it killed her to see him like that.
See him so weak and vulnerable. :( I don't get why she didn't kiss him right then and there! He would have got better straight away.
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

i read someone commented in the spoiler thread that Greg's crush for Sara is over, he's in love with her. I wonder what made him/her think that? i really hope that is true!
I agree greg_sara_love i can't wait, it will happen i tell you! *Raises fist dramatically*
*Raises fist too* Power to Sandles!! =)

Yeah, Sandle is true!
Sandle is Pure!
Sandle is the ship we're rooting for!

With this rhyme I'll shoot to fame!
...Yeah right! I mean, this poem's lame! :lol:

Anyway, getting back to normal ;)... *Clears throat and chuckles sheepishly* I voted for Fannysmackin' because that episode showed how deeply Sara cares for Greg, and you can definately tell that there could be something beautiful between them :D

*Starts humming 'Something Beautiful' by Robbie Williams*
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Your poem wasn't lame! I love it! :lol: We should have processions like that. All the Sandle fans, chanting that poem and raising their fists. LOL. I'm sure we'd get attention to our ship then. :p

It was a pretty tough choice between Fannysmackin' and Iced. I loved Fannysmackin', like you all said, you could see so well that it hurt Sara terribly to see Greg like that. And she was so sweet for him, held him and consoled him... *dreams away* Alright. So that's Fannysmackin'. But I totally love Iced too, because it has all these happy and flirting scenes. And I love happy Sandle! Anyway, I voted for Fannysmackin in the end. :)
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Defintely Fannysmackin' it's just the best serious moment between them it shows that there relationship is strong and they are always there for eachother!
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

In the box...there's a cute little neckles...She was shock!!"aww greg..thank you very much.." the neckles is kinda a shape of heart with dimonds...Theres a says" If you love me, wear this tomorrow love Greg" theres silent. "I gotta go" she bring the box with her...tomorrow..Greg waited impatiently for her to come. Then she arrive...Guess what she wear that neckles he gave her.."Sara..Sara.." "Yah Greg i love you too..." the both kiss lightly...**End** so how was it...

And Guess what! I've made Sandle Profile at add the profile cuzz it 4 sandle shipper at :D :D :D :D
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