Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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Jorja has the best expressions doesn't she?
Absolutely. Sara looks so smitten with her Greggo!
Very cute icon, LoveCSI.
GERG: hey sara how come ur not in sexy mood tdy??
SARA: izzit? then make me...
Oh my God! That's so hot! I want that to happen onscreen! :) It'll rock!
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

So... I guess I'm officially the only Sandle fan who didnt see "Fannysmackin" right?
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

No, i'm pretty sure at least one other person jasn't seen it on here, it's a good episode though :) Sandleness XD
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

It is a really good ep. Hopefully you can see it soon.
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Definitely watch it! 'Fannysmackin' is an amazing S/G episode.

"I came here for you, Greg."-- Sara.
God that took my breath away!! I wish that she kissed him too!
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Fannysmakin' was really good. It turned out different than the way I thought it would.

I loved the Sara comforting Greg part. She was SOOOO calm and caring towards him. I loved it!
I hope we get to see her comfort him again when he is involved with his inquest. They seem to keep putting that off. I would LOVE to see her be the only one who is there for him.
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

I didn’t see "Fannysmackin" to! Well I couldn’t resist so I went to YouTube and watched short video from that episode- that Sara & Greg moment! But I cant wait to see entire episode!
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

OMFG I serrrriousssly know about that line, and I didn't even see the freakin episode but I swear to God, even just reading it in all the Sandle fans siggy banners took my breath away.

I wonder if Eric and Jorja know anything about Sandle... like if you saw them walking down the street (and I would NEVER DO THIS! *Looks all fake-innocent*) and shout "OMG SANDLES" at the top of your lungs, if it would even cross their minds you were talking about them...?

LMAO. Had the greatest image of just shouting SANDLES as loud as I could as they walked by. XD

Oooooh &&&&&& I was gonna put this here but I forgot.
You know how everyone has an idea for a shipper scene in some episode? I heard that 92% of tickling-fights between a guy and girl (but not siblings) end in a near-kiss-possibility, or a full on kiss <3

So my new idea for a scene is that. Some insan-o tickling fight between Sara and Greg where one of them lands on top of the other one and they ever-so-slowly lean in and......

Use your imagination. <3 Why should I decide how it ends for you?
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Some insan-o tickling fight between Sara and Greg where one of them lands on top of the other one and they ever-so-slowly lean in and......
hahaha ya i will watch that scene over n over again if they show it at one of the eppy gotta love tt will be funny and lovely dont cha think guyz?? :D :D :D :D :D :D
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

Conversion dad now doesn't think Sara and Grissom'll stay together! Yay, Daddy!

Oh, and if we lock Eric and Jorja in a room together save room for me and the Moose-Cam...the kids at Quiz Bowl have learned to fear it...teachers, too.
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

greg_sara_love said:
hahaha ya i will watch that scene over n over again if they show it at one of the eppy gotta love tt will be funny and lovely dont cha think guyz?? :D :D :D :D :D :D


Plus Greg just LOOKS like one of those adorably wishes-he-was-macho-but-poke-him-in-the-sides-and-watch-him-squirm kind of guys. <3

*Sighs* Oh, how I wish for a boyfriend i could tickle back in defense... like THAT will happen. (lol)

Oh yeah, and...

Saved by Sarahh. Boo YA <3
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

araSgerG said:
doesn't think Sara and Grissom'll stay together!

hey! juz curious...y do u think sara n grissom will not stay together?? :confused: on second thought...who cares :rolleyes: atleast sandle is strong rite guyz??!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

i seriously want sara to end up wif greg...the suspence is killin me!!!! ouh greg when will u tell the truth to sara??? ouh i feel like cryin... :( :( :( :( :( :(
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

i read someone commented in the spoiler thread that Greg's crush for Sara is over, he's in love with her. I wonder what made him/her think that? i really hope that is true!
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