Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

wow my kidnapping idea went far :phaha
ahh Jue i was cracking up so hard over that conversation! I could see them doing that (And us putting them in the closet in the first place ;))
OH wow, please write that story Eva it sounds like a grand idea! Greg. Sara. Closet. yesss...:)
I'm starting to get this feeling :lol:...Everyone's saying that the new episode is Nick/Sara it would be so hilarious is for like 10 mins of the episode she's with Greg and they have a Sandle moment :D *Eats positivity cookie*
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

ya Eva, I remember when I first came in to this thread, Jessica have kindly enlightened me about that look on Griss's face at that hallway scene in 4x4. And here's her quote:
Sabser said:You haven't lived until you see the look on Grissom's face :D!
yes, that look's really...mastercard+visacard+citibank card priceless. Pray hard we get more of those looks in future episodes *eats positivity cookies and drinks Hawaiian Blue* :cool:

GregsLabRat, yeah, throw them into a tiny room, a closet, a whatever I don't care, as long as it's small and cozy and they have a laptop :p, hey I won't even mind if it's a cupboard, as long as we can squeeze them in~ ;) oh on the other hand..let's not be too hard on them shall we? We shall throw in a hot jug of Hawaiian Blue for the caffeine craving pair how about that, just to spark their creativity, nothing else! And definitely we aren't gonna spike that Hawaiian Blue...*whispers : if we do, do you really think we would tell?* :devil:

hui, so...I guess by now you would have guess who's that illusion guy...yah? no? Anyways, it all started when we were saying that the apartment scene (a GSR scene) in Nesting Dolls are just but an illusion. I believe GregsLabRat's the one who started it:
GregsLabRat said:
well me and my sister were talking about the apartment scene and I told her it was just an illusion, that it never REALLY happened :cool: haha :devil:
anyway, from then, somehow we titled Griss as the illusion guy. We can't say too much bad stuff about him though, coz it's just not so civil to speak ill of other ships, though sometimes we do get carried away lol, but we always try to control ourselves, but here, you got your answer. ;)

and welcome to the thread, greg_sara_love, just follow some of the rules here (which aren't many in fact) and you will fit in nicely, no probs about that :)!
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

hey im a 4eva SANDLE SHIPPER!!! love them together...i just read all of u ppl's fic and its kinda cool and touching!! i spent wif ma com frm the mrn till mignt...hehe my love with the sandles will never last...and so do yall rite?? :D
hey guys.. can sumwan give me the pic where jorja fox almost lick eric szmanda's cheek at the red carpet i guess...cuzzits so funny and i wanna put it in my Sandle folder...thanks ;)
Oooh, of course! Oh and you really shouldn't double post. :) It may not be the right one since its not on the red carpet.

I love it too though! They're so cute...
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

jue said:
GregsLabRat, yeah, throw them into a tiny room, a closet, a whatever I don't care, as long as it's small and cozy and they have a laptop :p, hey I won't even mind if it's a cupboard, as long as we can squeeze them in~ ;) oh on the other hand..let's not be too hard on them shall we? We shall throw in a hot jug of Hawaiian Blue for the caffeine craving pair how about that, just to spark their creativity, nothing else! And definitely we aren't gonna spike that Hawaiian Blue...*whispers : if we do, do you really think we would tell?* :devil:

Aww yeah! A cupboard :lol:. Yeah, of course they're allowed to drink Blue Hawaiian. All the Sandle shippers do, and our goal is making Jorja into a Sandle shipper after all ;). Maybe we should let her eat loads of positivy cookies too, or else she's gonna get mad :p. Woot, now I really feel like writing the story :D.
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

jue, oh i see, thanks :D

btw, you are from singapore too? haha, i hope channel 5 starts showing season 6 soon :)

love the photo! i'm glad they are good friends off-screen~
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

haha the illusion guy :devil: so, to further the sandleness for Jorja maybe a bedroom will be good,t hey have space, be a bit comfy..have a bed...*cough* :rolleyes: i mean.... :p

so we need a checklist
[]positivity cookies
[]blue haiwaiin
[]1 bedroom
[]1 laptop
[]Crazy sandle shippers
I think thats about it right? lmao :lol:
Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect"

GregsLabRat said:
so we need a checklist
[]positivity cookies
[]blue haiwaiin
[]1 bedroom
[]1 laptop
[]Crazy sandle shippers
I think thats about it right? lmao :lol:
*trys hard to disagree, putting up headmaster face* erm...I think the items are alright, except for the last 3, first of all, with Sandle shippers all around (I won't think there would be only 1 anyways) in that room, how are they gonna have the mood to write? Let alone crazy Sandle shippers, they would be busy fighting those drooling faces, busing running everywhere from I-so-wanna-kiss jorja-ians and I-so-wanna-kiss eric-ians! :lol: They should have privacy to ermm...ermm spark creativity, yes, spark creativity! :D

And, I should be giving you detention you know GregsLabRat, what's that last two items for? huh? Rope and lock? Care to give me a legal and appropriate reason? Can you? You can't? Well..I can't blame you, coz I can't think of any too, except they look just right with the pair in that room :rolleyes:

Allow me to add+improvise the list?

[]positivity cookies
[]blue haiwaiin
[]1 bedroom (with lots of pillows for vigorous pillow figh..ermm..*cough* comfortness :D)
[]1 laptop
[]Crazy sandle shippers(in e room but hiding everywhere, peeping without them noticing of course)
[]Handcuffs (*cough* this is necessary if one party juz won't writing that fic :cool:)

Any more...ermmm legal and appropriate items to add? And Sandles, do RSVP your place in that room, the room's not with unlimited space ya know? Just big enough to occupy about 20 of us hiding? Latecomers please go look at the big screen outside (like during the worldcup time lol)

Jue RSVP a space in the cupboard, with comfortable peeping holes of course[/b]

too caught up by the not-so-legal activity stated above, but yes hui, crazy jue's from sg too!
well thz fer the pic...i dun understand abt the double post...if u mean the sandle folder i told ya actually its at "my documents" at the pc itself....hmm i dunno abt it cuzz im new here...but i will everyday talk wif ya abt SANDLE ;)
No, I mean. If you post twice before another reply, then you're not supposed to do that. Sorry, but its good that you're new. :) The mods might get you for that. haha. Oh well, just don't post twice again.
Allow me to add+improvise the list?

[]positivity cookies
[]blue haiwaiin
[]1 bedroom (with lots of pillows for vigorous pillow figh..ermm..*cough* comfortness )
[]1 laptop
[]Crazy sandle shippers(in e room but hiding everywhere, peeping without them noticing of course)
[]Handcuffs (*cough* this is necessary if one party juz won't writing that fic )
Throw in a few writers with their drinks spiked and Sandle cookies to give them energy, we're good to go!
What a great list! Well done! :) You've got me smiling. I just saw "Who Shot Sherlock?" and The S/G chemistry is absolutely adorable and so sexy. :) Gotta love them.
I watched Bodies in Motion the other day..
very good Sara/Greg chemistry there
Sara: "Techincally that makes you a cannibal" Grissom would be proud"
Greg: "Grissom would have tasted it on purpose"

UMMM EEEWWW but very cute. I love her facical expressions. Jorjoa has GREAT expressions :D

as for kidnapping them... make sure you have enough Blue Hawaiian to last a while... the might need it ;)
Hmm i would add:

[]Jacuzzi( :D )
[]Strawberries ( hum in case we're hungry)
[]chocolate (that one goes with the chocolate)
[]Eric with chocolate[] ( what? a girl can't dream? :lol: )
hey guys!
go to youtube and type in "eric szmanda and jorja fox"
there's a really sweet vid of them together called Eric szmanda and Jorja fox - hug, should be the second one down and you can see how genuine they are and how they are together! she hugs him!!! :D and he says "nothing like a dorm room to get you going" and she laughs :D :lol: it's sooo cute!
also, the first result you should get, the kick ball one, is cool. run eric run!! :D :D
i love seeing the actors in their "normal lives" especially eric and jorja together! they are such good friends!
one more thing - I LOVE ERIC!!!!
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