Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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^^ Cute! :) Awwww! Love all the Sandle moments!! :D Ahhh! Greggo and Sara got me all smiling and stuff.
whaaaat ugh how awful was the ending to last nights episode?
I know. I froze and was all, "You've got to be kidding me!" Ewwww! Sara deserves someone who really gets her and understands her. Someone whose not afraid of showing the world that he loves her and someone who is funny and smart and cute and hot!
Someone like Greg!!
*waves* Hello, fellow Sandle shippers. Havn't had too many scene with our favorite pair lately. Hopefully they'll work together more soon. :( The ending to Thursday's episode was something I never needed to see.
what happened in the ending of the epsiode?!
question for you lovely lot! :D
well it's more of a statement but i'll stop rambling :p
name your 3 top sandle episodes! and say why! :D
mine are (in order best first)
1. fannysmackin - for the obvious reasons it's just so great and we see just how sara really feels about greg :D
2. 4x4 - simply because of the shower scene and the secret glances then the comments after (especially "really? gosh, i asaw everything!" :D :D)
3. iced - because they get a whole case together! so lots of sandle and the way he looks at her when they are at the exploded toilet :D (and greg's hair :p)
No new episodes of CSI for two weeks? >_<
I was surprised by the ending at first, (Sara shaves Grissom's beard because they trust each other? Hmmm...) but now that I think about it, the ending sort of cracks me up. How easy would it have been for that GSR scene to turn into a crime scene?
"What? Sara slipped with the razor? Who uses a huge blade like that to shave someone, anyway? Oh, it was HER idea? What about trust? Oh... ironic..." :lol:

First the board gets crazy and does something to the threads/message dates, now some people are going on vacation? :( As if the lack of episodes wasn't enough to slow down the posting.
I still hope anyone who's going away for a bit, has lots of fun and comes back soon!

Your banner is very cute LoveCSI... It kind of gives me an idea for a banner myself. I think I'll make one!

So to actually continue sandle discussion, csimonkey
my top three sandle episodes would have to be... (there are quite a few but I'm narrowing it down to:)

1) Organ Grinder - Greg and Sara almost went out! They almost kissed! I never thought I'd hate the word 'almost' so much! (Still love the sandle interaction in the episode, though.

2) Who Shot Sherlock - Once again, they could have gone out if it weren't for the case... but Sara and Greg shared a wonderful hug and I forgave the writers (almost... ;))!

3) Fannysmackin' - Yes it was brutal watching Greg take a beating like that ( :eek: Why, writers?! Why?!) but Sara's comforting and the whole "I know that Sidle scent" had me grinning. Plus we got the thread title from that episode! :D

(They aren't in any particular order. I guess from earliest season to most recent season. Season 2, season 5, and season 7 respectively.)
1. Fannysmackin' - Need I give any explanation? The way Sara came running, RUNNING, towards him, sat with him, rubbed his hair, consoled him and nearly cried... and then the 'I know that Sidle scent' to make it even more perfect. Woot, I believe I have a Fannysmackin' obsession at the moment. :lol:

2. Iced - Simply because it had so many Sandle moments! I kept smiling the whole episode. I especially love the scene when they blow up the toilet (he makes her laugh :D) and the 'Him?!' - 'Me?!' scene. :)

3.Organ Grinder - Because he asked her out, because she called him Greggo (she was the one who came up with that nickname!) and because she told him she could really, really kiss him. :D
Hey guys!

I am not the biggest Sara fan, but I like her when she isn't around Grissom...he seems to bring the worst out of her. I love her with Nick and Greg. But Nick is more like a brother to her, while Greg seems to be a good match for her.

This thread is making me want to watch Iced again, love that eppy. I also love it when Greg tells her she smells :lol: :lol:
Okay, random interjection here.
I totally had a Sandle sign today.
There was a car in front of my dad and I with a lisence plate that read "4Sara" and then, in the car next to us was my neighbour, Greg, waving like a lunatic.
Its random, and maybe I'm reaching a bit, but even my dad agreed it was an odd coincidence. :)

^ Haha, that's absolutely a sign. :D Maybe we should start making a list of all the Sandle signs. They must mean something. ;)
Was watching "Who Shot Sherlock" tonight, and was totally overwhelmed and surprised (in a good way) by Greg's seriousness in the case. No doubt this is his proficiency test and he should be serious, but seeing him being all pro and focus when work...let's just say he shown us he can be all pro if he wanted. :) top three sandle episodes would be:

1) Fannysmackin' - dont think we need to go on and on about how touching that scene's just..touchingtouchingtouching :lol:

2) Organ Grinder - Greg should have exercise his seriousness in that scene too, he should grab her hands forcefully, pull her close and kis...ok ok I got carried away :D

3) Who Shot Sherlock - last but not least. Greg and Sara shared so many moments together in this epi, and I swear there are more than once she throw that "I know you have this seriousness and professionalism in you, I just knew it" look to him, it just make me smile when I saw that... ;)

Jules, yeah! Another sign....look around, it's just...everywhere, isn't it so? :cool:

xfcanadian, to me, Grissom seems to be able to bring the best out of Sara only work wise, but Greg on the other hand, was more capable of bringing the best out of Sara, as a woman. Just wanna share some of my thoughts. :)
hmm top 3 sandle moments...
1) Fannysmackin'- Of course, this is the ULTIMATE sandle scene and it always will be unless they...kiss or actually go out in a different one :lol:
2)Bully for You- "A real man wouldn't mind" I love Gregs subtle come-ons ;)
3)Organ Grinder- Come on! THEY WERE SO CLOSE TO KISSING! *Cries* :(
xfcanadian, to me, Grissom seems to be able to bring the best out of Sara only work wise, but Greg on the other hand, was more capable of bringing the best out of Sara, as a woman. Just wanna share some of my thoughts.

I see what you mean. I have always looked at Grissom and sara as a father/daughter or teacher/student kind of thing. But her confidence is way up when she is around Greg. She isn't so depressed around him :p
^ Exactly. That's mainly the reason why I became a Greg/Sara shipper. Sara has always been my favorite character and I noticed she acts so much happier around Greg. And he has always seemed totally into her. I just feel like he's the only guy to really make her happy.

I've always thought of Grissom and Sara as a father/daughter relationship. And I really don't mind it as long as it stays that way. ;)
phew i'm back! :D
didn't notice you'd gone i hear you all saying :p well i wasn't i just wasn't on yesterday so i had the withdrawal symptoms, you know the fever and all that? :p :D
well our new episode is tonight and it is burn out. any sandle moments?
I don't know, I haven't seen it yet. Yesterday they aired 'Double-Cross' here. No Sandle moments, unfortunately. Poor Greggo still had bruises all over his face from the beating. :(
csimonkey said:
well our new episode is tonight and it is burn out. any sandle moments?

Oh, there is a nice Sandle moment in it.

Grissom yells at Greg for turning music on and Sara defends Greg with that she turned the music on and that Grissom should be nicer to Greg with all the stress (Fannysmacking) he is under.
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