Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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Kissmesweet That was such a cute story! haha poor Greggo being all tired until he gets what he wants XD
And i love the picture CSIMonkey ! Ugh this week is going by to slowwwww i need more CSI *cough*sandlescenes*cough*
and it's another great Sara/Greg episode
the shower scene was too good
how Greg said he saw nothing and Sara said she saw EVERYTHING, because she was trying to peek while they were in the shower to get a look at Greg ... NAUGHTY LITTLE SARA
Agreed! That was sooo adorable. "Oh gosh, really? I saw everything" and the look tha Grissom gave them was so funny! He looked like as if he was asking himself if he heard the right thing!
He had.
Kissmesweet That was such a cute story! haha poor Greggo being all tired until he gets what he wants XD
haha, yes! :) Thank you, that's so totally sweet!
Love the pic, csimonkey! I wish I had amazing skills like that, but-as proved yesterday-I can't even flip a pancake and catch it :lol: I'm useless :p!

Loved the fic, kissmesweet. I like all your little oneshots, they're so cute :D

ok - sara and greg need to hurry up and get it on
sara and greg love each other
sara and greg are great together
will that do?

:lol: That cracked me up! Love it :)
Hey, I'm really diggin' all the pics.
I shared my Sandle thoughts with my quiz bowl coach today....she looked at me funny...
I think I'm going to make a CSI-spoof where Grissom just says nonsense and Horatio is there being, how to add some Sandle?
just some pics from one of my favourite scenes where they are using greg in an experiment and sara goes "that's why we've got the pulley greg, so relax and lie down on your back!" wonder what she's thinking ;) then greg says "you know, this is exactly like a dream i had once. except it wasn't in a garage and grissom wasn't watching!" lmao :D
ok so greg:
looking sceptical -
lying down -
love this one! -
and sara's reaction -
err, on-topic post - greg and sara STILL haven't got it together :p
well i couldn't get on the forum yesterday or this morning! i had a breakdown lol :p it said somthing was wrong with the server :confused:
WOOT. I'm back from my school camp. Finally. And... *drums* I've finally seen Fannysmackin'. OMG! I love it so much. <333 Sara's hands on Greg's hair were the most adorable thing ever. Aww. I'm so Sandly now! :)

kissmesweet, I looooove those Eric/Jorja graphics. I love The All-American Reject's 'Dirrty Little Secret'! I'm gonna go read your fic soon.
whoa the date is wrong....whaaaat ugh how awful was the ending to last nights episode? :eek:

Loved the whole Nick Greg convo though, it was pretty funny :p
Hi Sandle shippers

csimonkey LOVE the wallpapers
Big Middle is a good Greg/Sara episode
loves what he says in the garage

no CSI for two weeks--ARGH!
I'm off on vacation for a week have lots of Sandle fun
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