Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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wow i had a confused morning i thought it was thursday so i was happy then it turned out to be wednesday so i was sad and then i realized it didn't matter because there;s no new episode this week anyway! :depressed: :( and now i have to go to school lol
Grissom and Sara is a father/daughter thing. It kinda creeps me out a little now but its not like i want grissom gone or anything, heck the show wouldnt be any good w/o him look what happened when he left! haha yea so i think we all agree grissom is just...not Greg. :lol:
gregsandersfan i love your avatar! :D
yeah that was a really good episode wasn't it? so cute how she was like "actually, i turned the music on" and told grissom to be nicer to Greg :D i was like aaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww :)
yes xfcanadian ,SaraStar and GregsLabRat, that's what I meant. Here we aren't gauging GS relationship just becoz of their age gap, or we hate Gris or what, but rather the way they interact. *I could go on and on but I rather not, this is not the great debate ship lol :p*

Anyways, one of the reason I mentioned about age is that some of my non-Sandle friends commented, while Sara seems to be always in a serious mode, Greggo on the other hand, seems to be like a kiddo, always making jokes and being all time funny, they said Greg and Sara looked more like big sister and younger brother than couples.

I agreed that they have that "big sister younger brother" look based on their outer appearance, but I would vote for a no no if they concluded Greggo as a kiddo. This young guy might have always looked jovious, but he does have that seriousness in him, plus, who's to doubt the true-heartedness of his love/crush/infatuation/whatever feelings for Sara? We aren't blind ok? :D

Yes no doubt the pair have more joking+happy moments than those heart to heart talks, but I believe if there's an opportunity of them having those I-can-share-your-problems talk, Sara would open up to him, maybe not much at first but she definitely will, coz she knows beneath that jovious face lies a kindred soul, and if she's ever in trouble, he would be there to support her, always, and no questions asked.

Last but not least, what's wrong with the always joking happy moments between them? Isn't that what we always hope for in a relationship? Faithfulness and happy times? Or you would you rather prefer a gloomy-disturbed-sad-serious-dark-anytime nervous breakdown type relationship? :lol:

**They would be showing Nesting Dolls tonight on TV, I am seriously thinking I won't wanna watch it, and I bet all True-Sandles knew why :D**
share the joke? :p :D
OMG, your whole story made me so happy,jue! I cannot agree more. I'm absolutely sure Sara trusts Greg totally. And of course he'll always be there to support her, no matter what. Oh, God, I love this ship so much. I can ramble about them for hours!

I do understand why you consider not watching 'Nesting Dolls' and I agree, but on the other hand: it's an amazing Sara episode. She's my favorite and I was happy to get to know more about her life. Even though it was bad news and the person she told it to wasn't the person it was supposed to be. ;)

That picture is LOVE!
Exactly Jue , now see if other people saw that they would know why we ship them! *Screams* That picture is awesoooome lol
well me and my sister were talking about the apartment scene and I told her it was just an illusion, that it never REALLY happened :cool: haha, but then i thought if it really didn't what could be the best ending for that episode? And i was thinking maybe it could show Sara and Greg talking and laughing and have it show Grissom watching them, kinda all suspicious :) that would be and ending. :devil:
I'm new here so please be patient while I get the drift of things!

I just started watching CSI and fell in love with Greg/Sara. Their relationship is what keeps me watching and renting out past seasons of the show to see what happened. I am a confirmed Sandle fan.

I like what Jue has commented on. I've read viewers trying to compare Greg and Sara's relationship to that of a younger brother/older sister but I really don't see it that way. Not unless it's in a V.C. Andrews way. The way Greg feels for Sara has always been obvious from what I've seen.

I also sense from Sara that she is attracted to Greg but is kind of wary about approaching it or how to deal with it. She's had some problems in the past and has said that she picks emotionally unavailable men. Greg on the other hand is available and waiting for her.

Sara with Grissom is angsty. They would have those heart to heart talks because Grissom is the team leader. Also Sara did not have a great father and Grissom may fit in as a replacement for that.

I sometimes get the feeling that the joking between Sara and Greg is also because they may both be afraid about confronting those feelings and what opening up would mean and cause. I think a calvalcade of emotions and feelings would probably be released and both are shy about them. They already have a very strong friendship and that friendship is probably a valuable thing to both of them and they don't want to risk it.

I also see nothing wrong with that light heartedness to their relationship. Sara needs to laugh! Her life has been too hard! Greg is the cure for that. I always remember the answer Jessica Rabbit gave to Eddie Valient in 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit' about what she saw in Roger "He makes me laugh" she replied.
yes CSIMonkey i see the sneaky kiss lmao :lol:

Wow Threnody that whole comment was just. Wow. I kept nodding and saying "Exactly" and "That's right" :)

(I love Who framed Roger Rabbit) :) There like a cartoon version of Greg and Sara haha
It's me again! :lol:

I'm probably late with this but okay, my top Sandle episode are:

1. Fannysmakin'. Do I really need to explain? Okay, I will anyways so I can squee while writing it. :p Greg got hurt, very bady. Sara came to the scene and was holding back her tears. She held his hand and rubbed his hair for like 2 minutes. She came there for him. In that scene it was like the whole world didn't matter, it was just two of them. :D

2. Organ Grinder. Greg was adorable asking Cath if Sara would ever go out with him. Then he asks her, she accepts. He goes to ask her if she's ready to leave. (This scene gets extra points cause it was infront of Grissom. :lol:) She couldn't go because of a case, and you can see the dissapointment in his eyes. Then, Greg was doing research for Sara. (I love how he does this even though Sara didn't go out with him. That's love.) He finds exactly what she wanted and she leans down and says she could really kiss him. *sighs* Why didn't she? Damn it.

3. 4x4. Sara + Greg + naked + shower + together = Jealous Grissom. :lol: That end scene when she said she saw everything was amazing. Grissom was so jealous it's not funny. (Okay, maybe a bit. :p) Also, I love when Greg checked his muscles in the mirror when she wasn't looking. :lol:

Other favourites are Dead Ringer when Greggo pulled Sara into a hug and swung her around. Awww! Then Who Shot Sherlock when Sara asked him out, then offered to buy when he didn't reply. Then when Greggo passed his test we got another Sandle hug! :D
Welcome to the sandle thread, threnody! Good to see another new face in this dry season of CSI hiatus! :)
I also see nothing wrong with that light heartedness to their relationship. Sara needs to laugh! Her life has been too hard! Greg is the cure for that. I always remember the answer Jessica Rabbit gave to Eddie Valient in 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit' about what she saw in Roger "He makes me laugh" she replied.
I love your analysis and what a reference, you'll fit in fine! :D Have some complementary Blue Hawaiian and cookies:
There's more cookies where that came from especially if you come visit more often. ;)

Everyone here is voicing just what I think! Brother/sister relationship? I don't think so. Glad you started the discussion jue - BUT...

jue said:
**They would be showing Nesting Dolls tonight on TV, I am seriously thinking I won't wanna watch it, and I bet all True-Sandles knew why :D**
...if only I had gotten here yesterday! You SHOULD have watched it - just the beginning though! Two scenes from our "top sandle moments" comes from Nesting Dolls!
The scene where Sara walks into the locker room and gives Greg advice (plus he's in a suit! :cool:)

Screencaps just to refresh people's memory:
Greg fixing his hair :lol:
He's in the locker room
Sara walks in
Oh yeah, he looks like a pro.

And let's not forget later on when Greg protects Sara after she gets sent home.
Greg: "Sara's always been there for anyone who needs her. She's always had my back. So what if she flew off the handle a little?"
Awww... she'll always have his back, even now!

And two more pics (because I can! :p):
Does this look like 2 siblings?
Love Sara's silly grin in this one! :D
^ OMG yeah, I loved the scene where Greg protects Sara. Too bad Cath did not really give a satisfying answer. :p It would've been way better if Greg hadn't cared about that, but went to help Sara anyway. :)

OMG threnody! You described everything exactly how it's in my mind. I can't believe it! I agree, I agree. :D Welcome here! Whoa, the ship is growing fast. :)

Maybe we should start discussing every Sandle scene that could've been better. Such as the almost-kiss, but the almost taken out. ;) And I was talking about one here above too. Greg should've gone to Sara's apartment right away, instead of... someone else. :p
have i posted this wall before?
sorry if i have but i can't remember!
also here are the lyrics to one of my favourite sandle songs (i think it's sandle anyway :lol:) especially the chorus bit that i've put in bold. :)

Artist: The Fray
Album: How To Save A Life
Title: All At Once

There are certain people you just keep coming back to.
She is right in front of you.
You begin to wonder could you find a better one
Compared to her now she's in question.

And all at once the crowd begins to sing
Sometimes the hardest thing and
The right thing are the same.
Maybe you want her, maybe you need her,
Maybe you started to compare to someone not there.

Looking for the right one you line up the world
To find where no questions cross your mind.
But she won't keep on waiting for you
Without a doubt.
Much longer for you to sort it out.


And all at once the crowd begins to sing.
We'd never know what's wrong without the pain
Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing
Are the same.

Thanks GregsLabRat (Who Framed Roger Rabbit is one of the best films ever made and Jessica/Roger are so cute and very Sandleish!), Hestia (thanks for the Blue Hawaiian and cookies!) and SaraStar! I'm glad you liked what I had to say! I'm glad to join the thread here and thanks for the warm welcome. I adore Sara/Greg and am glad I was able to put into words what so many Sandle fans feel! I can't wait until I have made it up to 100 posts and get to add a Greg/Sara avatar! I'll be ecstatic that day. Although not as ecstatic as the day when Sara and Greg actually get together!
^^ Agreed! :) Good luck on your 100 posts, sweetie.
Then Who Shot Sherlock when Sara asked him out, then offered to buy when he didn't reply. Then when Greggo passed his test we got another Sandle hug!
Awww! That was amazing. :) Loved that scene!! Sara and Greg are so comfortable and easy around each other! They talk to each other and flirt naturally. :) Almost as if they've been doing it their entire lives! Hmmm, maybe they have!
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