Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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^^I'm checking into that now. No, it isn't in reference to what Greg said to Sara in Season 2. It's in reference to what Grissom said to Sara in last week's episode.

So, let's not start discussing it in this thread. It will be handled in the GSR thread.

First and foremost, I
you, gregsandersfan. Those caps have cured me - thank you SO MUCH! :D

Glad you all liked the screencaps I posted before. I'll try and find some more to post. Or maybe I'll save them for a rainy day/to cheer you gals (and guy) up.

GregsLabRat said:
Welcome CSIMonkey ! We get more shippers everyday i tell ya.
Too true. But I'm glad and I happily welcome any and all newbies who visit this nice little 'Coffee Shift of No Return' (Haven't used that phrase in a long time! :lol:)
We keep the Blue Hawaiian and the cookies flowing to keep the sandle members here and to bribe newbies! :)

So, I liked the scenes they shared on Thursday, no matter how short. At least we got more information on Greg's court date, and they had a nice, non work related conversation (well, it was not case-related anyway).

i am so behind! we're only on episode 4 here lol so you guys have to tell me all i have to look forward to in the sandle world :p
Well (I believe) episode 5, Double Cross doesn't have any Sara/Greg interaction but episode 6 Burn Out has some great Sara/Greg moments, including the scene where Sara defends Greg for the loud music playing in the lab. The next few episodes are less than sandle-favorable. I think a recent episode might have had Greg and Sara together momentarily, and/or not alone. (Redrum comes to mind)
Anyone else want to add anything I might be missing?

Regarding eggbe4thechicken's post (sorry 1CSIMfan, I just want to say this one quick thing!): I just came back from the GSR thread and they're not using that thread title. I even PM'd eggbe4thechicken about it, so don't worry.
Now I will say nothing more on the subject (and hopefully no one else on this thread will.)

Okay I just want to say one more thing! I HAVE to say that I disagree...

I think the chicken came before the egg! ;)

Edited right before the mod came and told us what I was trying to say! So yeah, matter resolved :cool: Thanks for the info 1CSIMfan!
Just thought I'd get back to you about the GSR shipper thread suggestion. They're not going to consider it as an option. Even some of them thought it was more appropriate for Sara/Greg. Hope that helps. ;)
Dude, I've sooo been negelecting the 'net lately...and suffering from Sandle withdrawal...although I have to say the post-dumpster Sara did not look happy to see Grissom. But that's about as much as I've got to say as of up. I lost my print copies of my Yellowcard/Sandle fic so I've got to go on an expedition into the depths of my junk drawer to find it so I can put up the good parts...that Seth made me write...
May I just point out that your icon, araSgerG is cracking me up so MUCH?! I love it to death. and everytime I see the last pic, I think it's that head guy from 'WaT'.

**this next part is pretty graphic and contains spoilers for a book** That's why I have it in spoiler code, for those who are reading 'Twilight' by Stephenie Meyer.

[SPOILER='Twilight' by Stephenie Meyer (for those who are reading it)]But anyways.... I'm reading a book called 'Twilight' and in it a girl named Bella Swan can't keep her mind off of a boy named Edward Cullen. She talks to the son of the man from whom her father bought her truck from and he says that the Cullens (because they're all adopted- there are three that actually have the last name of Cullen and two have the last name of Hale because they're twins) are vampires or something like that. Well, I was reading it this afternoon and it got me to thinking: "This is like something that would happen between Greg and Sara!!" because Edward and Bella argue every once in awhile and he's saved her life by just appearing in a flash right before a van crushed her legs.... (not that it did. All she got was a bump on the head.) I haven't finished reading it yet, but so far it seems like it's mirroring the Sandle Ship.


Well, the only grpahic parts are "vampires" and the thingy about the van...
ahh i neglected the sandle again this weekend :(

BUT I BRING YOU FORESHADOWING IN THE REAL WORLD! I went to the fair *Gasp* and I saw this couple and the guy had spiky blonde hair and i was kinda laughing because it totally reminded me of greg and then he turned to the girl he was with and said "Sara let's go on that ride...pleassssse?" :eek:
It was lmao :lol:
Oh God, I've been MIA for a while... Oh well, I've got nice images for you guys!



Oh and just to clarify: the Eric and Jorja header-thingies are of their awesome friendship!
I love those pics
and I was watching Big Middle last night and I forgot the line Greg says to Sara
"I had a dream like this, but in my dream, Grissom wasn't watching"
:lol: absolutly adorable on Greg's part

and here is a picture from Big Middle


just how well they work together :D
I loved Big Middle,hhunter :p. Especially when Greg and Sara and...Grissom...tested out the weight of the woman. I cracked up when they left poor ol' Greg underneath while they talked :lol:

Those pics are great, kissmesweet ! They are best friends, aren't they, you can tell by the way they act around each other :D. The look on their faces in the second picture :lol:
They look a little guilty.
That's a great one for the caption game...

Welcome CSIMonkey :). The cookies and coffee are like a lure. We are the fishermen/women ( ;) ) and all the newbies are our little fishy friends...

...Please tell me if that sounded offensive because I'm worried now...

just how well they work together

They do work well together, hhunter. They can be sensible and keep their mind on the task at hand, but, around each other, they still know how to have fun at the same time, which shows that they really are BFF :D!
Glad to know you dig my av.

I haven't had anymore Sandle signs, unless you count the fact that I've got a class with a guy named Greg and then a class with a girl named Sara...I'm really reaching aren't I?
Aww the pics are great Kissmesweet ! See even outside the show they're great together! EEEE i cannot WAIT for this weeks episode, *Crosses fingers for sandle scenes* ;)
I was watching 4x4 this evening (another episode I really love :) )
and it's another great Sara/Greg episode
the shower scene was too good
how Greg said he saw nothing and Sara said she saw EVERYTHING, because she was trying to peek while they were in the shower to get a look at Greg ... NAUGHTY LITTLE SARA :D
am i allowed to post a link to a pic i made in here? if not, go over to fan art and take a look. it's on the last page (or maybe the second last) and i put sandle fans - then the link :)
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