Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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kissmesweet, I loved your fic. I can really see Greg fiddling with the roses, wondering if she'd like them or not. Well done, great job :D

Speaking of fics, i've just written one. Don't ask me where the idea came from. it popped into my head while I was watching American Idol videos on YouTube. So, please read and review. It would make this crappy day so much better :lol:

Rats-My New Fic

What would Sara get Greg for Valentines Day? Hmmm, well a C.D would be the first thing that comes to mind, but...I think Sara would get him reservations to the most romantic restaurant in hopes that he'd take her with him :lol: What am I saying? She'd be the first on the list :D

Oh, I've seen that video before, LoveCSI . Isn't it just great? I suppose I should put forward one of my favourite Sandle vids...okay so, three :lol:

1)The song is called Poster Girl. The song is really catchy, the effects are brilliant and it has brilliant Sandle scenes. I've watched it eight times today. My record is twelve :lol:

2)Obvious. I think Westlife took Greg hostage :lol: and asked him to tell them how he feels about Sara because everything is exactly from Greg's point of view. Perfect Song, and a great vid.

3)Ever the Same. I love this because the song is really moving and it really fits the relationship Greg and Sara have, and what Greg would do for Sara if she was with him. Definately one of my top three :D
Aww, I still remember all the "old" Sandle songs... :)

I've posted a new Sandle story. Who knows me, knows that it's not exactly only fluff, but rather some drama and angst (not so much between Greg and Sara than rather what I'm putting them in... anyway :D).

Troubled Times

I so hope we see some Sandle scene on the show again. Withdrawals, I have. :p
Aww yeah, that video is my favorite one, LoveCSI! The song matches Sandle so perfectly. :D I listen to it all the time.

I'm off to read Sabser's and gregsandersfan's fics now. :)
Oh, havent been here for ages, feel like a bad sandle shipper :( Welcome to the sandle thread ams :D *hands positivity cookies and Blue Hawaiian* I cant believe I missed Fannysmackin' because of a university visit :( But oh well, I'll catch the repeat :)

Oh and happy belated Valentine's Day to everyone :) I'm sure Sara and Greg had a sandletastic day. As for what Sara would get Greg for Valentine's Day, I would go with Marilyn Manson concert tickets and a hotel room for after :devil: :lol:

I dont think Greg would go vegetarian for her, I see him as a guy who likes his meat too much. But I think, he'd either take her to a vegetarian restuarant or cook her a lovely vegetarian meal at home :)

Will go read the new fics now :)
k, as what araSgerG likes to state his Sandle signs and omens, I do saw something too. Was on a bus, looking out the streets through the windows, and spotted a kinda almost dreamy white Jeep I liked very much, when that car passby, I noticed the plate : GSR 3009...was wondering why this sounds so familiar, when it dawns on me...Greg-Sara-Romance...yeah I am slow. :D

And this Jeep thing happens on Valentine's day itself, so? Definitely a sign! :eek: *shouts to TPTB:do you hear us?!* :D

Jessica, don't worry, I've already stockup dozens and dozens of pillows, in prep of more urgh-scenes to come...maybe I should prepare some rotten tomatoes too? hmm.. :lol: thank u for liking my that not-so-shipplish manip. :cool: and that enormous positivity sandle cookie's so cute...think I will get fat for eating those, but well, I don't care for now...*grabs one and run away*

and...I really like that "Ever the Same" video you recommend...cute! *runs away again*

Eva, nice manips...everytime I saw this pair *so close* to each other it just make me happy~

GregsLabRat, if the writers would get that slightest hint, won't mind writing endless script to them...but I think they rather like to piss us off sometimes..ok, most of the times.. :p

Hestia, those pics are a cutie, I like the look of them in "Wonder what they're lookin' at...", they looked so innocent, and happy...awww :lol:
LoveCSI said:
Hi everybody!
That Sandle site in Wikipedia it's so cute! Someone wanted link -
I checked out what other shippers have done and some of them added videos in their ships site (Sara and Nick). Maybe some of you know how to put the videos in Sandle site! That would be so cool!
I have seen some very good music videos in YouTube. I liked Sara and Greg- It have all good Sandle moments and very good song!
I have actually watched for the very first time Fannysmackin' video there and it was so good! Sara and Greg, and all that “Sidle scent” and Sara were there for him….. Ooooooo

edited to remove link to fan made video

It is against board rules to post links to fan made videos. You can say where they are (YouTube), but you can't link to them. You can, however, post links to cbs approved videos (like the link I left in above).
AHHHHHH the new ep had scenes with Greg and Sara! :eek: eeek! So yeah, when that box was FINALLY opened i seriously thought the lady was going to be Sara I was watching with my sister and I said "Gosh grissom don't you recognize her apartment?!" :( then i had to pause and gag and correct myself. "He BETTER not know what her apartment looks like. Maybe Greg does." :lol:
So yeah, we get Sandle scenes, and I don't get better I get sicker! I have the chicken pox. I mean come on. Maybe next week Greg will have them or something :rolleyes:
i'm so confused!
ok, i'll start by declaring my love for eric/greg and my great likeing for jorja/sara :D
i sooooooooooooooooooooo want them to get together so i think i'll fit right in here ;)
few questions - what is GSR (haven't read all 13 pages!) i know it's gun shot residue but if it's that you're talking about why don't you like it? i'm probably being really thick here lol.
also, are there any exciting developments in sandle world since seaon7 episode 4 coz that's where the UK is up to and greg just got beaten up :( i loved the episode and the chemistry between greg and sara was just perfect! :D
ok i think that's it for now :p
Welcome to the sandle thread csimonkey *hands positivity cookies and blue hawaiian*

GSR stands for Grissom Sara Romance, which is Grissom and Sara being canon as of the season 6 finale. Which basically isnt great for sandle shippers, obviuosly, but we remain ever positive, as we know Greg Hasnt Given Up On Her Yet :D

As for any sandle moments, there is one, which i think is coming up in the UK soon, the next episode I think, where Sara defends Greg in front of Grissom. But I cant remember the episode name, but I'm pretty sure its coming up in the next few weeks :)

And you're right, the chemistry between Greg and Sara is just perfect, and Fannysmackin' demonstrated that :) I mean in times of distress like that people let go of their inhibitions and let there emotions out, which is what Greg and Sara did :) So they both must now know how each other feels. Its just a matter of time :D

And I just finished watching Monster in a Box and loved it. No sandle scene as such, but they worked a case together and were left alone together for a whole scene :D And I love how Sara was getting the boxes down and just gave them to Greg and he took them immediately. I dont know why, I just found that really sweet.
hehe my heart goes all a-flutter when i see them together! :D that sounds stupid lol.
ok i now hate GSR too :p but i see that's not allowed in this thread so i'll shutup lol.
aww, at the minute it seems my days are spent just wishing for a tuesday night! :lol:
and don't we all wish we were in sara's shoes? :p :D
I liked that scene too, CSIangel17!! Haha, when I first entered the world of CSI forums/fanfiction, I thought GSR meant Greg Sara Romance :cool:. And I was so dissapointed when I finally found out that it was actually Grissom.
Welcome CSIMonkey ! We get more shippers everyday i tell ya. So does anyone else think that next weeks episode is gonna have some highschool stories in it? Maybe....maybe... :rolleyes:lol then again we still have the 'apartment scene' looming over our heads, just waiting to strike.... :eek: *Eats more positivity cookies* :)
Yay new fics! *rushes to read them*

Hi csimonkey, and welcome! And don't worry, it doesn't sound stupid, we all feel that way about Sandle. Hahahahh. :D

Monster in a Box was good, because Sara and Greg had some scenes together. But there wasn't a lot of Greg, :(
i am so behind! we're only on episode 4 here lol so you guys have to tell me all i have to look forward to in the sandle world :p
hey, i'm sorry if this post is in the wrong place, but i thought it would be polite to ask your opinion! :D

I have come from the GSR shipper thread (don't hate me :rolleyes:) and we have a thread title suggestion of "Real man doesn't mind the smell" it is in reference to what Greg says to Sara in Season 2 and to the last weeks ep, when Sara smells, but Grissom doesn't care ;) Would this be offensive to Sandles shippers or have you used it already? if so, we will not use it :)

Thank you :D
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