Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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Okay ... no Sandle global warming ... I found some perfect Sandle quotes :
The day that I'll die, when death replaces birth, I'll recognize angels' faces, because I live with one on earth
The hardest thing in life is watching someone you love , loving someone else.(I really think this is perfect !)
If the people we love are stolen away from us the only way to have them live on is to never stop lovin'them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever
Oh Dani the quotes are so sandlish! You're right, the 2nd is perfect - in a sad way, though...
I wish Sara and Greg would just go out after shift, have a few drinks, get a bit drunk and then... well, let's see what happens. ;)
ericloca said:
Exactly ... why can't the writers give us that ?

*coughs* You really wanna know that? Okay I'll tell ya, because their evil PTB. That should put these two together more, but won't.
Wow, love the quotes! *Grabs a tissue* there so beautiful. ok I'm being a drama queen :lol:

Kat I LOVED your poem, as usual! I can't imagine why you would feel insecure about your writing, it's so awesome! :D

I hate that ever since they got Grissom and Sara together they stopped putting Sara and Greg together on scenes. :( I mean, ok, if you don't want them to fall in love, that's fine, but don't let there friendship suffer! [[And not having them in love isn't really fine. Don't listen to that part. :)]]

Grrrr >.< I bet Grissom purposely separates them. Darn his supervisor powers! :mad:
Yay! I'm finally writing Sandle again. I missed this so much. Be pepared for a brand new oneshot one of these days; Close Your Eyes. Ahh, I love writing Sandle. I always completely lose myself into it! :lol:

Haha yeah Carrie. It isn't really fine, but it's even worse that their precious friendship is suffering is going too far. Aargh. Why are they doing this to us...
luvincsi said:
I think Eric plays the drums. And when I saw a pic of Jorja playing the guitar, I loved her more. :D Yeah, they could be in a band together like a Sandle Band. :D ;)

And I really agree that this thread is full of talented, creative, smart, nice, loving and sweet shippers. :D Hooray for Sandle-buddies! :)

OH MY GOODNESS...A SANDLE BAND! That would be flipping awesome! Pau, you are brillliant.

Since I told the team about me and Greg , everything is wonderful .They were surprised I did that , that I had the courage to tell Greg that . But I feel powerful and happy since I changed the course of my life . Catherine was the one that helped me with everything . They didn’t ask about Grissom ; they just knew because they have seen Gil mad and guessed we broke up . Even after five years , the love between me and Greg is still strong ; we understood we made the right decision , because all our feelings were true . We stayed one day and talked about what would have happened if I wouldn’t have did that thing . Probably I wouldn’t have been that happy . Love gives me this feeling of safety and happiness . Greg said hew would have dumped his job at the lab , I would have been sad .. and it would have been worse .
There passed a couple of years , we are five years older now . Grissom stopped grieving after me and found the perfect partner. She is a sweet girl . They make an wonderful couple . My life have been wonderful , because I took that decision , I changed my faith . I don’t regret any second now breaking up with Grissom or going out with Greg . Because I feel so good now … we moved in together and bought a house , the best house ever . My life is complete .
Now I stay at the table and I rub my dog on the head , we took even a dog . Well , Greg made me a present . The most wonderful present I ever received in my life . It was after ten months from the moment I told him about my feelings . We were eating and then he went upstairs without a word and brought me this little puppy . His name is Cole . He likes Greg a lot .
I look into my puppy’s eyes now and I think at that day …Greg is at work , I am not working anymore . “Sara ?”” I hear a voice . Is Catherine . Oh , I forgot . Today is my daughter’s birthday . You all wonder what daughter , don’t you ? Well , Alison is our daughter , we … received a little gift when the doctor took me some blood to analyze . I was feeling bad … this is the reason “Hey , Cath , how are you ?” I ask my best friend . Mrs . Catherine Brown , of course . He finally had the guts to tell her , after my wedding . I married Greg three years ago , after Al was born . “Oh, girl , I’m fine , but how are you ? ” she asks me , like we have never seen each other in the last days .
“Mom ! ” a voice is calling me from the garden “What is it , sweetie ?” . My daughter sees Catherine and jumps in her arms . My daughter , my little girl … I so love this word . I am a mother now , a real woman . She is so beautiful . She has Greg’s eyes , identical . But she has the hair exactly like mine … she is dressed like a princess . “So , when is daddy coming ?” she looks into my eyes like Greg used to look . My heart is melting .
Greg is the best father ever . You won’t believe this , but he’s amazing with kids . He made all this party for his little angel . He calls her Angel . And she loves it . We invited all her friends , but ours as well . I want my daughter to feel happy and to give her the best that we can .
Catherine is telling me that Warrick is coming soon . Nick will be here , with his fiancée , Amy . She’s an wonderful girl that is working in the Trace since Hodges left . Two years ago . We have so many guests … there will be Alison’s friends , James , Claudia , Andrea , Michelle . And of course , Kate , Kate Grissom . Gil’s and Sofia’s daughter . She and Al are the best friends ever . Gil thanked me that I helped him realize that he wasn’t in love with me but with Sofia . He and Greg are good friends now .
A Sandle band sounds amazing !
*Cries* I am so unfaithful to this thread! :( I haven't been here in forever, and tomorrow i'll leave again to go on holiday! *Cries more and gathers everyone into a big, Sandle-tastic hug* I love you guys. I'll miss you all so much!

I've been following your story over at fanfiction, M. Danni It all brought tears to my eyes. It's absolutely wonderful :D ! Does Sara not understand that she can have everything she's been dreaming of in Greg?

Glad your exams are over, Eva. I bet you've done excellent! :D

And you'll do great in your exams too, C. Pau! :D

Love the quotes and the poems from C. Kat and everyone else. Facing My Fate is so sad but beautiful without a doubt. :D Hopefully Greg won't have to feel that way much longer!

Oh, has anyone heard the new song from Take That. It's called 'I'd Wait For Life' and fits the current situation just right from Greg's point of view.

I don't know if it's already been posted in the song thread - I came straight here :D - so i'll post it here and edit later if it's not in the song thread.

I'd Wait For Life

There's a place we used to be
There's a face that I used to see
There's a picture with you by my side
There's a moment that I want to find.

I don't know where to start
Or how to begin
But I know I love you still.

If you ever turn away
If you ever change your mind
If the road ahead becomes too hard to climb
If there's something in your heart that tells you to stop
Oh to hold you close tonight
I'd wait for life.

There's a voice shouting inside my head
There's a space on your side of the bed
There's a hope everytime there's a sound
There's a silence that's playing too loud

I don't know where you are
Or how you may be
But I know I love you still.

If I close my eyes
I'll dream a little deeper baby
'Cause you are always on my mind
Yeah you are always on my mind
For life.

Can it fit better than that? :lol:
Sabser the song really fits! Greg will wait for Sara, and some day she'll turn to him.

I agree with all of you, not having Sandle romance in the story is one thing and well, you can't even blame TPTB because they decided on GSR and if they'd write in affairs and one night stands and whatever, then it would turn out into a silly daily soap, and that's not the intention of CSI. (And well, if we get Sandle, then all the other shippers would claim their rights, too, and suddenly we'd see Sara cheating on Gil with Greg [no comlaining here :D], Warrick leaves Tina to start a new life with Cath and Nick and Sophia would have some hot nights in the locker room, while Ecklie decides to make a coming-out and says that he's gay... :devil: :D) BUT Sara's and Greg's friendship shouldn't suffer! They're a good team and I hate it when they don't work together at all!

Sandle Quote of the Day

Do you want me to tell you something really subversive? Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it. . . . It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk everything, you risk even more.
(Erica Jong in How to Save Your Own Life (1977).)

[Thought it fits because Greg has to risk it all, for saving Sara as well as for telling her how much he loves her, and the title of the book is nearly like ours ;)]

Page 20 already! We're great!!! :D
Good afternoon-evening, my beautiful Sandle- buddies! :D

Thank you, Pau and Dani!
Sure, you're welcome, C. Kat. Anything for my Sandle-buddies and you really are a good writer. :) And I love the SQOTD. :D

*coughs* You really wanna know that? Okay I'll tell ya, because their evil PTB. That should put these two together more, but won't.
Argh! :mad: I hate it that we're seeing less and less of scenes of Greg and Sara together. Can anyone pls. put some Sandle drugs in the writers' drink or something?? :devil:

Grrrr >.< I bet Grissom purposely separates them. Darn his supervisor powers!
Oh yeah. The Supervisor Powers. :eek: Darn it. But that's okay. Nothing can beat the Sandle power. Tralalalalala.. Woosh!! :)

OH MY GOODNESS...A SANDLE BAND! That would be flipping awesome! Pau, you are brillliant.
Brillant? *blushes* Gosh, thank you, P. Aleh. :) *hugs*

And hooray! Eva is writing again. Wohoo.. Can't wait. :D

Enjoy, Jessie. :D And don't worry, even if you haven't been here for a while, you're still a great shipper. :D And I haven't heard that song before but I like the lyrics. :)

*off to read M. Dannielle's Realizations*
Hi sweeties! And hi Jess, we missed you too. And aww we will miss you again! Anyway, have a lot of fun on your vacation. Where are you going? *hugs tight*

Lovely quote, Katja! You always pick such beautiful quotes. :)

Oh and because my writing has been on hiatus because of school so long, here is a Sandle oneshot I wrote yesterday evening. I'll dedicate it to you guys, because you're the most supportive, sweetest, cutest and talented bunch of shippers ever. :D ---> Close Your Eyes
Hey guys , good afternoon ! I jusy come home from the park with Steve and I am playing with Eric .
I love the SQOTD , wonderful like all the times because Kat chooses it and she's the best writer in this thread .
I'm glad you liked the fic *blushes*
Eva, my gosh the story was so cuteyful! Put a smile upon my face! ;) Please write some more!

Dani, you made me blush *lol* Now I'm even more eager to finish my next story!

Hm somehow I miss Liff and the DTs... :(
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