Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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^^ Ahhh, lovely quote! :) I so believe that Sara/Greg can set each other free!

I'm doing great, Ericloca! :) I've got to be going to school real soon though...
Hell , I have migraine that won't leave ... I think I'm gettig the flu ... I hate flu in the middle of the summer !!!!! :(
Hey Sandle buddies! How are you? I'm fine, it was the last day of school today so it was just about drinking coffee, talk with the others and ignoring our teacher who wanted to participate in the conversation *lol*, getting the report card (w?) (and mine's very good :)) and then - go home! Well, no holidays for me, though, I still need to go to work. Maybe next week I'll have to go to Münster for 3 weeks to learn gas chromatography, I've already been there once, the town's great, lots of students from the uni and therefore many many bars and stuff! :D

*stops being o/T*
Dani, thanks for the quote, it's really cute!

Yes, Sandle definitely can make your day better. On my way to school it was raining, and I was tired (I hate driving when I'm tired), but then I listened to How to save a Life and began to smile! ;)
^ That's true. I really need some positivity cookies.. I got my results from last week's exams today. Everything was really, really good... except maths. :( Now I might have to redo it! Another weekend of stress. Aargh. It was so stupid. I was so happy about my other results and then maths came, and just blew it all. :(

*eats positivity cookies*

Feeling better already. Thanks for the people who reviewed and responded to my fic! I'm so happy you guys liked it. :D
Hello guys! Just dropping by. :D I don't have much time. Tons of homework are needed to be done. :( I just want to say "Hi!" and to tell you guys I cried at the end of Empty Eyes yesterday and you guys already know why. :(

And I read your fic, Eva. :D I loved it and left a review. :)

Hope you guys, keep on Spreading Sandle-love! And I think you'll be seeing less and less of me here. *brings out the tissue* But I'll try my best to be here always. :)

I miss you guys. :D And why don't I see my bestie K. Naz?? I miss her. :(
*hugs Pau* Too bad you're being dragged away by school now. It's terrible, isn't it? We'll miss you just as much as you'll miss us, believe me!

Finally a SPOTD by me again!

Sandle Pic Of The Day
(from Gum Drops)


Just because I love this photo so much! :D
I'm here. :) Tehee! Thanks for the hug, Eva. You guys are too sweet! :D *hugs Eva back and hugs everyone else* Love the pic. :)
I am in the mood for another Sandle photo story like the one I did last night . Episode : Who shot Sherlock .

Catherine was the first to find out about Greg and Sara's secret and finally caught them together heading to Grissom's office . She posted herself in front of them and started asking questions "You two never told us you were going to marry ! We had no idea until Hodges mentioned ? Why the hell didn't you say anything ?" "Well ... we wanted to make you a surprise and just invite you to our wedding . " Greg smiled "Would you like to come to come to our wedding ?" "Yeah , we sure do" Catherine answered before giving Greg a hug "but you two are so amazing ... I mean almost nobody noticed you two were together and now I hear from David you're going to marry ?" "WEll it's a long story , we mustn't waste time on telling it . You just need to know we love each other and we are going to marry in three weeks from now "Greg just looked at Sara and started laugh , happiness all over around them . Sara just couldn't stop laughing . She knew everybody was happy for them and she loved to be in the center of the attention . She just jumped in Greg's arms and hugged him tightly . Catherine brought the champagne to celebrate . They took one glass and felt that all the world was made for them , that they wanted to live that moment forever . They were happy . Happy and together . Grissom -the only person that was against their relationship finally realized that the true feelings won and asked Greg and Sara to forgive him . He congratulated them and joined the party .
HEY MY HUNNIES!!!!!! IM BACK!!!! and all here...sorry but im in Malaysia...its boring without u guys...and C.Pau im here n thanks 4 missing me..i too miss you..*hugs Pau...MISS ALL OF YOU!!!! *hugs every one*

and i love the ide abt sandle band...i bet the first song will be 'Sandle All The Way Baby' :lol: and i love all the conversation makes me sandly rite too tired to talk... ;)
Hey Naz, you're back! Good to see you!
Pau, big hug from me, school can be so horrible soemtimes when it keeps you away from the really important things. Hope we'll still see you here often enough!
Dani, your photo stories are awesome! Wish this had happened in an episode.
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