Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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Hey guys! I agree with you guys, school sucks! Just had exams. But they finished monday and i got my results back, and they are amazing! I'm the same, Pau, I get really high grades, without working too hard. I feel sorta guilty when my friends work really hard and i get the grades without trying. Do you?

Anywayz, on to Sandle! I love your story, Dannielle. So sweet!

Del, love the fluffy thought! Can't wait for the fic, but take your time, we'll be patient! :D Love the quotes too, perfect for Sandle.

L8er guys! xxx
*walks in cheering*

EXAMS. ARE. OVER. *dances* Yay yay yay. Finally. No more studying (well, except for the possible resit, but let's hope it doesn't get to that). If anyone's wondering; history didn't go that well, but Latin went great! :D And as we're talking about this now; I usually have good grades as well. People used to call me nerd/geek as well... but hey, I don't give a damn! Greg and Sara are geeks too! So it doesn't matter at all. Geeks are cool in this thread! :D

Hestia, great choice of SPOTD! I love love love that scene. She just storms right into in his arms! It makes me so happy. Let's just say that the SPOTD is our thing now. If one of us hasn't posted one yet, the other does it. Alright? :)

Ahhh I so feel like writing again! I miss the Sandly way I feel when I write; I haven't written a piece in so long thanks to school. But now I have tiiime. I guess you guys can expect an update for Faded Away anytime soon.
Hehe I know that, too - I never had to work hard for my very good marks, in fact, I was really lazy *lol* well now its not that easy anymore, I have to work, too, but not as much as others. And even if sometimes I should do a lot more, I still have this "So what?" attitude cause I've always made the experience that it's still enough. Well, it didn't work out last time... 45% in synthesis exam... worst mark I ever had! :eek: Well, I learned from that... Eva and PSG, glad to know you're just like me^^ We should form a Sandle Geeks' society :D I admire Sara and Greg for how they made their ways, and I wouldn't mind having a career like Greg...

So finally it's weekend, and although it's raining I'm in a Sandle mood. Didn't plan to spend the night at home but ok, so at least I can continue my ff while listening to fluffy sandlish lovesongs ;)

Sandle Quote of the Day

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
(Mark Twain)

Greg, don't let your chances pass you by! Dara something and you'll get what you dream of!
Hey Dani, like your vid! Well done, and I love the song, too!
I've been creative tonight and do you remember one page before when I posted the lyrics from Dance of the Vampires? Well, I made a little collage with it, nothing special, but I'll show you anyways *lol*

Is there anyone who knows good and free(!) software for making wallies etc.?
Hip_hugga_lovah said:
I've never seen that episode Hestia. Why are the hugging?? Cute pic though!!!
Well, during a race in the beginning of Dead Ringer between cops and CSIs (set up so as to pass a baton after finishing a certain leg of the race) after Sara finished her part and passed of her baton she just ran into Greg and grabbed him in a spontaneous celebratory hug! Spontaneity rocks! :D

SaraStar said:
*walks in cheering*

EXAMS. ARE. OVER. *dances* Yay yay yay. Finally. No more studying (well, except for the possible resit, but let's hope it doesn't get to that). If anyone's wondering; history didn't go that well, but Latin went great! :D And as we're talking about this now; I usually have good grades as well. People used to call me nerd/geek as well... but hey, I don't give a damn! Greg and Sara are geeks too! So it doesn't matter at all. Geeks are cool in this thread! :D

Hestia, great choice of SPOTD! I love love love that scene. She just storms right into in his arms! It makes me so happy. Let's just say that the SPOTD is our thing now. If one of us hasn't posted one yet, the other does it. Alright? :)
Really? We have our own thing? I've been upgraded!
Thank you so much Eva! I'm a co-SPOTD presenter! Since you're here (and I'm really glad your exams are over), would you like to post the next SPOTD?
Oh and lest I forget I also agree that geeks rock!

BTW: Have you posted your fanfics on the fanfic thread, Danielle? I haven't read them yet, but according to the others they're really good. :)
I will post them veery soon *blushes* , I posted them on this thread , but there are in my fanfiction profile that's in my signature .
Dannielle, loving the new parts! I'm watching the video later, my brother's asleep on the couch, and I like to keep him that way. :lol:

Don't find love, let love find you. That's why it's
called falling in love, because you don't force
yourself to fall, you just fall. - Unknown
That is like the most romantic quote ever! It totally fits Sandle, because Sara doesn't realize she loves Greg, but when she does it'll be like BAM! :D

I just need to find some theme music!

Haha you're like the Mission Impossible of the thread! :p

*walks in cheering*

EXAMS. ARE. OVER. *dances* Yay yay yay. Finally. No more studying (well, except for the possible resit, but let's hope it doesn't get to that). If anyone's wondering; history didn't go that well, but Latin went great! And as we're talking about this now; I usually have good grades as well. People used to call me nerd/geek as well... but hey, I don't give a damn! Greg and Sara are geeks too! So it doesn't matter at all. Geeks are cool in this thread!

WOOT! That's a certified reason to dance on the tables with Swami Hats! *Grabs her swami hat and starts dancing* :rolleyes:

Kat, love the collage, though I don't know of any software to make wallies :confused:

Well, I'm off to see Fantastic Four. Superhero powers and all that I suppose. :lol:
YAY! Exams are over! Congratulations everyone!

Lucky girl! I want to see Fantastic soon! :) and YES, the quotes fit Sandle! I've also written a few poems, but I'm afraid to put them on the Internet in case someone else uses them for buisness/academic reasons without my permission.
Thanks , girls for the comments ! Kat , Carrie , those were amazing ! I almost finished writting the last part of the story ... but my computer broke ... and lost the document . And I have to write it again .
Sandle quote of the day :
When the night comes, look at the sky. If you see a falling star, don't wonder why, just make a wish. Trust me, it will come true, because I did it and I found you.
Good Afternoon everyone! :D I just got back from my niece's house. She's so cuteyful, our little Sara. :)

M. Dannielle, I love your story. So cuteyful. More! More! More! :D And the quote is so sweet. Greg should say that to Sara. :)

Wow! :eek: It's nice that a lot of you guys are like me. :) Hooray! So, now we know that Sandle Shippers are smart. ;) Well, of course.. choosing to ship this thread is already a smart choice. ;) :D Hooray for us!! *hugs all Sandle-buddies*

I'm the same, Pau, I get really high grades, without working too hard. I feel sorta guilty when my friends work really hard and i get the grades without trying. Do you?
Tehee! :D I don't feel guilty at all. :lol: Really. Some of my classmates are like me. We study in the last minute or not study at all. Some (especially those who are in the top ten ;)) study during break and we just talk.. Of course my topic is always CSI and Sandle. ;) And I always ended up having good grades. :D

And congratulations Eva. :D It's nice that you're exam s over. Mine is just starting. :( And C. Kat, I love the Sandle Geek Society.. where do I sign up? ;) And of couse I love the wuote you chose. :D And the collage. :)
Good luck on your exams , C.Pau . Hope you'll get big grades . Yeah , Sandle shippers are smart ... see you got big grades , well I have big grades too ! *throws confetti* hurray 4 us !
Good morning everybody!
Dani, the quote was so cute! Yes Greg should say this to Sara! She would fall in love with him immediately, because who could resist Greg when he smiles at you in his own Greg-ish way and say this?!

Pau, you're right, Sandle shippers are smart! I guess you're automatically a member of the Sandle Geek Society just by posting here *lol*

Today my sister will get her Abitur, but I decided not to join the ceremony, I'd only get sentimental. ;) Can't believe that it's actually 2 years that I've been out of school. I couldn't imagine then never seeing then again, and now - well, I admit that I hardly miss anyone. Life's weird, isn't it?

I've got a poem, an older one of mine, and it wasn't written for Sandle and is very sad, but maybe I can post it after all? Just imagine that after her rescue Sara confronts Greg and wants to tell him that she's in love with Grissom (which she hopefully never will!)... Greg's pov, then.

Facing my Fate

You point the gun at my head
Cool metal stroking my skin
The gentle touch
It makes me tremble
I fear the pain you will create
But I don’t struggle
Don’t start to fight
Because it wouldn’t make a difference
So don’t you hesitate
Shoot the bullet
Make my head explode
Do it fast, don’t let me suffer
I know what is about to come
Above the sun is shining
White clouds are rushing by
The light is blinding my eyes
But inside I’m all dark
I’m already there
At the place they call
The cruel, the cold eternity
Without warmth and without hope
You can’t bring me to this place
Cause I’m already there
You can only make me stay forever
Just by saying the words
That tear my heart
So blow it out
With your words that are like bullets
Killing me inside
Say what you have to say
Make me stay forever in the dark

(I like the metaphor of a gun pointed at the head and bullet-like words - it's got nothing to do with physical violence!)
It's beautiful, C. Kat. :D *wipes tear from eyes* You have talent, C. Kat. =) Bravo!! *clap clap*

And M. Dannielle, are you referring to Kat or me? Because I think she's not going to school anymore. :) And it's good to know you're grades are high too. yep. Hooray for us! :)
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