Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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A beautiful life

We told them all about us . Everything . I explained them Grissom’s behavior , how he yelled because of me , he even hit Nick in his anger . When hew saw me with Greg … well he started crying and looking dazed … he asked me how was possible to love Greg … awful question , but the answer was simple , it is so easy to love Greg , he’s the most adorable person on Earth . He is my soul mate , that’s why I love him , because he loves me too and I really tried to explain again to Gil that me and him just weren’t made to be a couple … I know that hurt , but I told him the truth .
I am in the break room and I sit on the couch , Greg is sleeping , his head in my lap . I caress his soft hair and whisper to him how much I love him . This is one of those intimate moments , when we are just we , together . He was so tired … a rough case , is got to him . He was so tired … he just feel asleep on the couch . My sweet lover … he’s amazing .
After some weeks from the break up , Gil showed at my house . He came to see me , to tell me he’s sorry and that he still loves me . “Gil ! What the hell are you doing here ?” I asked him , dazed “I came here Sara , to tell you I love you , I still love you … please , Sara , tell me what I did wrong” he grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me closer to him “Leave me alone !” I yelled, because he was hurting me . I could see in his eyes he was drunk . “Answer to my question !” he demanded . I was so scared , I couldn’t even move “He’s better than me ? He looks better than me ? Tell me Sara !” I couldn’t stand him “He’s a loser , he’s not even here for you , but I am , Sara , I’ll love you always !” . He was pathetic , but I slapped him so hard across the face . He fell and I was able to enter my house . “He’s much better than you , bastard ! Can’t you just understand that I love him , him Greg and not you ?” I leaned on the wall and cried … it wasn’t possible for him to hurt me … this wasn’t the Gil I knew . Probably he was too drunk , in the morning when he’ll wake up he’ll apologize , I knew him too well .
When Greg returned , he sad I was disturbed , but he knew I was going to tell him what happened when I’ll feel better . He wasn’t asking questions .
Newt day , I told him . His reaction was first violent , threatening he’ll kill Gil , but I calmed him down easily telling him that he was just in love … that he didn’t want to hurt me . He asked me if trusted him enough to let him go to Gil and tell him once and for all about me .
I agreed and since that moment Gil didn’t tell me anything . He started to change .
I moved with Greg in his house and I love it … we have a big pool , a large yard only for us . We play tennis , we sleep , we have such a normal life , the normal life I always wanted to have . One day I feel and broke my leg , I remember Greg was more scared than ever , he was asking the doctor every second how I was , he carried me in his arms all the time . I felt like a princess . His princess .
I was blessed to find this wonderful man that makes everything seem so easy … I love him .
The 4th part ... Sorry for the mistake , C.Pau , I was refering to you , I confussed the names , you'll forgive me , right ? *shows the puppy dof eyes*
I won't forgive you, M. Dannielle because you didn't do anything wrong. :D Tehee! :) Me too. I confuse the names and the titles so I put the titles to some and not to the others because I keep forgetting. ;)

And I love that, M. Dannielle. You're really good. :) And I know that Sara really is Greg's princess. His queen. :D

Where is E. Del and K. Naz?? Why aren't i bumping into them anymore?? *cries*
Kat, you're so talented at writing poems. This one was amazing! You should make it into a song. Shall I try and find a melody for it with my guitar? :lol: We can make a record with all of the Sandle poems. :p

I love the Sandle Geek Society! Great idea. I'm gonna make a banner for it. Shall I add everyone in this thread's name to it? :lol: And Greg and Sara of course. Our two Super Geeks! :D
Yay! A Sandle Geek Society Banner. :D Can't wait to see it. :) You play the quitar, Eva? :) I do too but I'm not that very good. All I know is to plot the keys and strum a little. :lol:

Ummm... No, M. Dannielle, I haven't watched it yet. I will after I'm done doing some other things so it'll download faster. But I will. :D
Eva, go ahead, I love the idea! A Sandle Geeks Society banner^^ as for the music, do it if you like, I'm not at all talented with music, I always sing out of tune and don't know how to play an instrument (although I'd love to play guitar, but I'm too lazy to learn *lol*).
This is thread full of talented people , if you read the poems or the Sandle photo stories ... those are wonderful . ... we have to be so proud of this thread , I think we are the only one that has so many poems like the ones C.Kat wrote, really !
Yes, I play the guitar. Not well, unfortunately. I'm learning it myself since December. But I love just messing around with it. Right now I'm practising 'How To Save a Life' all the time. Singing and playing guitar is my favorite thing to do (of course while thinking of Sandle. :))

And I love the fact Jorja sings and plays the guitar too! Maybe Eric does too? I don't know. They could form a band together. *lol*
I think Eric plays the drums. And when I saw a pic of Jorja playing the guitar, I loved her more. :D Yeah, they could be in a band together like a Sandle Band. :D ;)

And I really agree that this thread is full of talented, creative, smart, nice, loving and sweet shippers. :D Hooray for Sandle-buddies! :)
Pau, that sums it up perfectly, I guess. Hooray for the best ship with the best shippers!!!

Why's it raining now? I need sunshine! And I don't want to clean up my room... I hate it!

Glad you all liked my poem, btw, your comments mean a lot to me because sometimes I'm a bit insecure about my writing. But Sandle love made me want to write again, that's great! :)
I rember Eric played drums ... in high school , I think . Don't feel insecure with your work , C.Kat because you're an amazing writter , you are one of the best poets I've ever met !
Thank you, Pau and Dani! :)
Yeah finally the sun is back! So maybe I'll have a Sunny Sandle Saturday after all! ;)
"Milk and toast and honey make it sunny on a rainy Saturday... hey hey hey..." *hums* sometimes Sandle is enough to make a sunny day!^^
You're welcome sweetheart ! Sandle makes evertthing hotter only with a smile ... and they smile so often that I am asking myself if Sandle isn't somehow responsable for the global warming .
LOL that's something I've never thought of, but sounds absolutely possible to me! On the other hand: global warming is bad and Sandle is good, and I need Sandle but not global warming... omg it's getting complicated! :eek:
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