Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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ok then...many SANDlE commin up! :lol: :lol: i need to be quick...or else my mom will yell at me.... :D well she dun like sandle... :mad: oooh....why oh why?? hehe...yah..i hope their proposal will be the cutest one.... :D :D
^^ My dad likes Sandle a bit, I think. :lol: He doesn't like GSR, but supports Grillows (like me!)!

GS_Love: Cute avatar! Orlando is so yummy...
aww I can't see their avi.. :(

Proposal?? What'd I miss??

Cordy -- Wow, so your dad's just as crazy as you? :lol:
^^ :lol: Isn't that true? I'm glad!

GS_Love's avvie? It's of Orlando Bloom with a cute animation from POTC and there's text saying: Nice Hat, referring to Wil's dorky hat. :lol:
WOW!! i miss alot i really love sandle because of their cuteness and lovingness..dont forget their cheekiness towards each other.... :D :D well...for the ppl who dont know me...u can call me Amy :D hey i really love them both together....really...screw GSR...i hate you.. :D
Whoa, I missed a lot! I'm sorry I haven't been here for awhile. School's being very unSandlish... they keep dragging me from the forum towards my studying and my working. Aargh! :rolleyes:

Anyway, I have some great news! I'm gonna see The Fray live! :D I'm so happy. I'm gonna think of Sandle all the time when they play How To Save a Life. ;) It's still a loooooong time left, but I'm still excited. :D

Hestia, I totally love your new siggy! Did you make it yourself? :)
congrats hunny!! make sure you'll think of sandle.. :D :lol: :lol: jk...well, yeah my work kept me away frm this forum...but i am a sneaky devil..whenever my boss are not around, i will sneak in here :devil: well..this June is my i dont need to sneak..

Sandle really make me into a sneaky devil... :lol: :lol: welcome back Amy well...i can agree with really miss alot... :p jk...well i hope u'll keep going and active in this thread ;)
Hey Amy welcome to Sandle Island! Have fun!
Eva, oh god I envy you... I'd love to see them live, but I didn't know them when they were here some time ago. :( However, today we lstened to the radio at work all day and when we were nearly finished after a long and exhausting day, they played "How to save a Life"! My bf/co-worker just called "Katja!" and I smiled and volunteered to do the washing up b/c the sink is closest to the radio! *lol* A Sandle moment at work!^^

Sandle Quote of the Day

When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving much advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a gentle and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing, and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.
(Henri Nouwen, Out of Solitude)
sandle_rocks (Amy), come post here more often! I need to add this name to our list...

I read a page or so back that GSR shippers who like sandle are rare - not true. I started as a GSR shipper and I'm now a sandle shipper (I still tolerate GSR. I can even remember some of the older moments that made me smile.) Anyway, I have it on good authority that a significant amount of GSR people also like sandle. Which gives support to one of reasons listed on the top 100 list (now over 100).
Pretty much everyone likes sandle, whether as an alternate ship, multi-ship, or friendship. :cool: I will strive to get non-sandle people to admit the cuteness of this ship (not total conversions, but it's something).

luvincsi said:
Thanks for that hug smiley. :) :D Of course I noticed your siggy.. it's Sandle. :D I have this Super Sandle Sight-er. (That is so wrong.. :lol:) Thanks Hestia. I make the backgrounds. :) (Hmm.. I didn't get the question properly I think. :)) Well, thanks to all who liked my wallpapers and spending their time clicking the link and looking at it. :) :D I appreciate it. *gives everyone a big warm Sandle-hug*
Heh. Super sandle sighter. You're such a sweetie who's always giving out hugs (even in the above quote), so of course you get a hug smilie. ;)
And you definitely got the question. So, you made the pretty floral patterns, and swirls, and stars in all the wallpapers? They look so cute, and I've been trying to figure out how to do that without it becoming a mess. (I've been trying to do a wallpaper with little success). Oh well.

BTW: Thanks for the compliments on the banner, sandle people! (Pau, Liff, Sab, Eva :D) I actually did make it and I wanted to capture the angst (cause I was in the mood for it). I've been looking at tutorials for the past few weeks and I've gotten a bit better at making icons and banners. Wallpapers are still not my forte (as I mentioned above) which is why I love all your efforts on wallpapers here, everyone!

araSgerG said:
Geez, what are y'all speed typists or something?
I'm against typing on drugs. :p
Hestia glad u're here!!!
Pretty much everyone likes sandle, whether as an alternate ship, multi-ship, or friendship.

i definitely agree with ya...all the ppl love sandle...they just dont know yet...hehe...well i really love ur banner...its priceless and i can see the tension in Greg's face when he knew that Sara is in danger...i will post the pic of his tension face....

i love the SQOTD its so lovely and best....i really love all the quote especially the one on sandle.. :D :D i also love the DT...HEY ppl!! i got an idea...what if we have SPDOTD (Sandle Proposal Dialouge Of The Day)

that will be awsome..i just need all of your agreement... :D
Hello all my Sandle shippy buddies! *liff hands out slices of freshly baked chocolate cake* How are we all today? Happy and Sandle-y I hope! :lol:

Darling Del said:
^^ My dad likes Sandle a bit, I think. :lol: He doesn't like GSR, but supports Grillows (like me!)!
Del honey! That's uber cool! Haha, my parents watch CSI with me simply cos they think it's cool. Sadly enough they dont ship anyone. (I'm inclined to think that they're anti GSR though!) :lol:

SaraStar said:
Anyway, I have some great news! I'm gonna see The Fray live! :D I'm so happy. I'm gonna think of Sandle all the time when they play How To Save a Life. ;) It's still a loooooong time left, but I'm still excited. :D
As you should be my dear! And we'll be singing along to it here and thinking of Sandle! :lol: I just bought their CD just because of that song! It's rockin' ;)

Hestia said:
I'm against typing on drugs. :p
:lol: Hahaha, good one my dear! I am also firmly against typing on drugs ;) *moves to hide sugar IV drip* :D

Kat! Love that pic hunny! I feel a little tingly inside!

Fluffy Thought Of The Day: Cap from Kat's pic

Greg thinking...The love I feel for you is nothing like I've ever felt before, your eyes, your hair, but most of all, your smile. The genuine smile that only I can bring out. That's mine. If only you knew how much I love you... and maybe will.

:) I hope that lifts all your fluffy hearts as it did mine!

And how about a dirty thought? Let's see now...

Dirty Thought Of The Day:

Cath: Hey Nick! You wanna have some fun?

Nick: Gil's Office?

Cath: Nah, Greg booked it for tonight. I booked the SUV.

Nick: Sweet.


Greg: bored

Sara: SUV?

Greg: *shakes head* Catch booked it, I took big boss' office.

Sara: Again?

Greg: *nods* So are you just gonna sit there or rip my clothes off?

Sara: Keep your pants on! Oh, nevermind that - you can take them off.

Greg: I thought you'd never ask...

Haha, there's some CatNip for you Lynny!!! :devil:

SPDOTD sounds cool Naz! Of course, you have to be the first to start! Lol. I do the FTOTD and the DTOTD :) I think that's enough on my plate!
ok then i'll start... :D

Sandle Proposal Dialouge Of The Day

Sara and Greg went in the crime scene where a guy named Roy Carmon was shot.

Sara: Hey Greg! I found a suicide tape
Greg: Play it then...
she press play.
My name is Roy Carmon and i was requested to say this to a beautiful woman. Sara Sidle, will you marry Greg Sanders?
Sara: What the heck?
Greg: Please...*He knelt down and showed the ring to her*
the dead body woke up and all the police outside the crime scene went in...
Everybody: Please accept the proposal *making a pleading face*
Sara chuckled.
Sara: YES!
Everybody: *clap and cheering*
Greg then put the ring on her finger and they kissed.
Sara: So, this is not a crime scene then.

well i was having a headache while thinking of this proposal....its not the best but hey! its SANDLE :D
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