Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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Yay! araSgerG and Hollie, you're here. :D *shares positivity cookies*

You noticed my new sig! Thank you kindly Pau. Just been lurking around. I'm gearing up for the summer (summer job is looming...) I love your wallpapers! They're so decorative and cuteyful! Where do you get the backgrounds?
Thanks for that hug smiley. :) :D Of course I noticed your siggy.. it's Sandle. :D I have this Super Sandle Sight-er. (That is so wrong.. :lol:) Thanks Hestia. I make the backgrounds. :) (Hmm.. I didn't get the question properly I think. :)) Well, thanks to all who liked my wallpapers and spending their time clicking the link and looking at it. :) :D I appreciate it. *gives everyone a big warm Sandle-hug*

Love the DTOTD Liff.. And I think you should do the FTOTD too. :) And I love the SPOTD Eva, very adorable! :) Greg is kind of childish and Sara loves that about him. :)

I can't really remember, but I say theres probably one or two in there.
Thanks CathStokes. I will not miss Monster in a box for anything. :) :D

And welcome sidlewannabee. It's nice that even though you ship GSR you think Sara and Greg looks cute together. ;) See. Even other shipper think Sandle is adorable. :D Tehee!!

Guys, I won't be here tonight. (well, if its night here.) I will watch CSI and Im not allowed to use the tv and the pc at the same time. It's a curse! :(
Guys, I won't be here tonight. (well, if its night here.) I will watch CSI and Im not allowed to use the tv and the pc at the same time. too...i will talk abt 'Monster in a box' tomorrow... OH SNAP!!! i cant..i wont be here this week cuzz my cuzins is getting married...DAMN! why cant they wait??? :mad: :D i want to be with my best friends here and they wanna get married...i need justice :lol: :lol:

you ppl go without me *sniff...sniff..* juz go without me :lol: :lol: speaking like im gonna die..... well...i really hope that greg will be the one working 24hrs tryin so damn hard to find sara....cummon greg become a superman atleast... :lol:
Oh Naz. We can't go on without you. :( We can't. Hehe! :) It's like we are ina soap opera or something. :lol: Congratulations to your cousin. And I consider you guys as my best friends too. :)

Yeah.. Greg! Don't wait for instructions. Just go and look for your girl. Go Greggo. Go! :)
ooo thank you....Pau *hugsPau* not in a wedding mood rite now....i will never have a wedding mood before Greg ans Sara get married.. :lol: :lol:

hehe..i wish we sandle shipper will become the writers hehe then we can get what Eric wanted all along...SANDLE!!! :D :D

ahh..i love day dreaming...sandle make me crazy..cuz when theres sandle scene, i would jump around and roll back and foward... :lol: my family sometimes tie me to the sofa when we're watching CSI (juz in case there's sandle moment) its to prevent me frm jumping and roll over :lol: :lol:

eventhough they tied me to the sofa...i could still scream... :devil: BE PREPARED IM GONNA SCREAM... :lol:
Haha! :lol: Naz.. Whenever there are Sandle scenes, I just cover my mouth and shout. So, a muggling shouting sound can be heard. And they all will just look at me and do this--> :rolleyes:

Oh Naz! I love a Sandle wedding. But first a perfect Sandle proposal. Hmmm... how do you think Greg would propose?? Maybe he would when he finds Sara. :D ;) No. Stop. Erase Erase. Maybe he would when he SAVES Sara. That sounds much better. :D Spread Sandle-love!!
It's me Rad who stated that
Oh, Rad! Sorry honey! I was replying to the D/L thread at the same time and I got totally mixed up! :( Sorry hon, but I still LOVE YOU! :)

SaraStar: Love that Sandle pic! :) I keep on thinking "Pillow talk". :lol: Or "Hey, Sara! I stole your pillow from this morning..." :lol: Silly boy... but he's got her pillow because THEY'RE SECRETLY LIVING TOGETHER!


Pau + Naz! Go, Sandle wedding! I can see them totally getting married.
I think that when Greg SAVES Sara, he'll be like "I thought I've lost you forever." She cries and then kisses him, "Screw Grissom. You're the one I want!" :lol: Then Greg is like "I can't live my live anymore wondering what your answer to this question would be!" Sara says: "What question?"
And Greg says: "Will you marry me, Sara Sidle?"

It's raining and she nods 'yes', but is totally speechless. She hugs him and kisses him in the rain playing with his hair!

Ooh and Pau: CUTE WALLPAPERS! :)
*does a usual reaction when a Sandle scene too much for her to handle is read* OH MY GOODNESS! Del, I love you! :D I love that so much. *shouts and jumps on her seat* That was so romantic. And the raining effect. *tear* He is her hero + rescuer! And one true love! Love that so much..

And thanks Del! :D ;) *huggles*
Oh Del that was sooo cute! really made my day a bit better - and this day sucks right now... Need some positivity! How much I'd love to see this on the show! *squee*
Ok I gotta go back to work... see you^^
*gives Kat some positivity cookies* Hope you feel better! :)

:lol:I am actually having a blast right now. My friends and I are doing this Chatting-Massacre. :lol: I know it sounds very brutal and weird. It is so funny and I was laughing the whole time! :lol: We were killing each toher and stuff like that. Then one of my friend kidnapped me and placed me somewhere. Than BOOM! I remembered Sara. And I felt awful again.. :(

Greg.. SAVE her. And PROPOSE! Don't make me go there and hit you in the head. But no. I won't do that. :lol: ;) You're too cute for me to hurt you.
haha...speaking of proposal..i have the silliest one... :lol:

When Greg shout for Sara, he heared a faint moan.."Greg, help me" he run towards the car n found Sara...

Sara: Help me....Greg..
Greg: Oh Sara... *knelt down*
Sara: Lift up this car please...
Greg: *Look at her fingers* Before i lift up this car...i have a question...
Sara: Goddamn it Greg! what is it??
Greg: Will you marry me?
Sara: What the heck...such a bad timing u damn fool!!
Greg: Yes or no?
Sara: For my life's sake YES!!!
Greg put the ring on her finger and lift up the car...
Sara: What the hell is that for?
Greg: I did that cuzz that will be the easiest way for you to say YES...
Sara: You jerk... :lol: :lol: :lol:

thats the silliest proposal...
*Liff pops in pushing a trolley of cake!*
:D Here's happy sandle cake for everyone! :D

Guys, I can't stop listening to How To Save A Life!! And everytime I do I think of Sandle!

Oh, and I just had a thought...more like a scene :)

Fluffy Thought Of The Day:

Greg: *thinking* Sara...please be okay. I don't know what I'd do without you...*fingers ring in pocket* I can live without you...

Sara: (in the middle of no where) *whispers* Greg...please find me...I need you....*tear*

:( I love fluff.....

and now...for :devil:

Dirty Thought Of The Day:

Greg: *enters Grissom's office* Hey boss, err...what're you doing?

Grissom: Someone swiped everything off my desk, looks like they were in a hurry too. You see anyone?

Greg: Err, can't say I have - sorry.

Grissom: *noticing something* Greg? Why do you have my post-it notes on your pants?

Greg: What? Damnit..SARA!

Grissom: Sara?

Greg: Yeah...she's err...been...sticking things on to me since morning. Practical joke...sorta thing. You know?

Grissom: Oh okay then...thanks.

Greg: *nods and walks off to find Sara* Hey Sara!

Sara: Hmm?

Greg: Think he suspects anything?

Sara: Possibly, I told him Cath and Nick were in there a while ago. That should put him off for a while.

Greg: SUV?

Sara: Gimme ten minutes, I gotta get this report to Grissom.

Greg: What about his office?

Sara: Tomorrow.

.... :D Hehe, I crack myself up :p
haha...thats ur DTOTD Liff and also ur FTOTD...

i have one..its quite lame...

Greg: Lets do it at the lab
Sara: y the lab?
Greg: We can mix the chemical there.. :devil: :devil:

thats lame...but i love Liff's DTOTD.. :D thanks for the cake...*eat part of the cake*
Hey all! I have a lot of catching up to do, don't I? :rolleyes:

I'm loving all you're wallpapers, Pau! They're amazing and so Sandly! :D

I can't wait for Greg to save Sara. She'll probably be too weak to jump into his arms, but he'll hold her close and comfort her just like she did with him. Aww! :)

Welcome Rad and SidleWannabe! Wow, a GSR and Sandle multi-shipper! That is quite rare. But it's nice to know that we don't burn each others houses down :lol:

That probably wasn't nessacery... :lol:

I love your banner, Hestia! They are both so worried about one another. The fact that they care for each other so much is wonderful :)

I'm loving the SPOTD, DTOTD and SQOTD, so to add the FTOTD would be awesome! I think we are the most active shippers in the LV catogory :lol: !

Okay, so I know the quote thing is not my job, but can I just put forward something? Now, either I heard it somewhere or I read it, but I can't place the voice to a name, even though I can cleary hear it in my head :lol:

Sometimes, the person that can make us the happiest could be standing right in front of you. Most likely, it's your best friend. But, we don't see them like that, because we're so used to having them there as the best friend. And yet, once the one you think you need breaks your heart, you'll go running to your best friend for comfort. Maybe then, that's when you realise they are what you need.

I changed it a little, because I couldn't remember it exactly, but there you go. Don't you think that is so Sandle??? :D
Oh my god Sabser, that is SO Sandle, gosh it's so true not only for Sandle, it's so cute it nearly made me cry! ;) That is definitely worth a SQOTD!!

Liff, I loved both the FTOTD and the DTOTD, the first one was so cute and the second... :devil:

Oh I really like the idea of Greg proposing to Sara after he's saved her...

2nd Sandle Quote of the Day

Where there is love, distance doesn't matter.
(Mata Amritanandamayi)

Doesn't that fit to the current situation? Greg will go the distance and save Sara...
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