Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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Liff, normally nothing compares to your dirty thoughts, but this time the fluffy thought was just sooooo cute *squees* nothing can compare to that! So sweet! But I still really liked the dt as always ;)

Naz, that's a typically Greg way to propose, I guess. Would love to see Sara's face! And the idea of a SPDOTD is great!!

Today's episode here is "No humans involved", never seen it and just noticed that Greg is so cute in the beginning when he's so shocked and afraid during the shooting. *huggles Greg*
Oh Sara's there!... She's asked him if he's alright! So cute the way she looks at him!
(sry just had to let this out, never seen that scene! Sandly mood right now ;) see ya!^^)

2nd edit: (where is evrybody??) Happy Sandle day!! Two episodes tonight, and now it's... - "Who shot Sherlock"! Greg's so cute in this one (well he always is :rolleyes:) and the end - I love it when Sara hands him the glass! *is happy*

*squee* the end scene - she smiles at him - he's happy - and later they'll have a private celebration, I'm sure! :D Good night!!
greg_sara_love said:
Hestia glad u're here!!!
Pretty much everyone likes sandle, whether as an alternate ship, multi-ship, or friendship.

i definitely agree with ya...all the ppl love sandle...they just dont know yet...hehe...well i really love ur banner...its priceless and i can see the tension in Greg's face when he knew that Sara is in danger...i will post the pic of his tension face....
Glad you're here too, snazzy Naz. :lol: Thanks for complimenting my banner. I wasn't sure if the parallel was clear: Sara was worried over Greg, and now he's worried over her. Awww...
And I'm feeling great today. Got to hang out with an old friend (she watches CSI and I got her to admit she likes the sandle friendship. However, she is a GSR shipper... for now. :cool:)
I also spoke to a super sweet fanfiction writer (I reviewed her story and then she responded and called me fabulous!

And that proposal is too cute! I actually laughed when I first read it. That crazy Greg... the body may be fake but Greg's love is real... :)

messermonroe said:
Hestia said:
I'm against typing on drugs. :p
:lol: Hahaha, good one my dear! I am also firmly against typing on drugs ;) *moves to hide sugar IV drip* :D

Yeah, with my sense of humor it's hit or miss. And now I know why you bring us so much chocolate cake! Sugar fanatics rejoice.

It's a slow night tonight, but I don't mind. Just hanging around taking in the sandle love. "Hello, sandle love"!
Hmmm... I'll have to rethink my typing on drugs statement; does sandle count as a drug? ;)
yah...i love it when Sara handed him the champagne glass...and i love the part when she hugged this quote...

Sara was staring at him

Greg: Are you checking up on me??
Sara: *look away* No no then bla bla bla(i forgot what she says :lol:)

hmm..i think i may have SPDOTD...

Sandle Proposal Dialouge Of The Day

After Shift...

Greg: Hey Sara, are you free tonight?

Sara: Yeah Greg, why?

Greg: Well, i just wanna have dinner with you.

Sara: Ok...

At the Carpark

Sara: I'll drive

Greg: No no! We'll take the bus. Let the baby rest..

Sara: *Make a confuse face* Ok then, lets walk to the bus stop...

At the bus stop

*Greg's phone rang*

Greg: Yeah....ok *hung up*

Sara: Who was that?

Greg: My friend...Oh look the bus is here!

Sara: Finally..

The bus has this kind of wallpaper around it...(i dunno what its called ;)) It says...

My dearest Sara Sidle, will you marry me?

Sara: OMG Greg!!!

Greg: *Knelt down* Sara, will you marry me?

People in the bus including the driver cheer for sara...

Sara: You jerk! ofcourse yes!

Greg put the ring on her finger and kissed her lightly... the people in the bus clap and shout...

haha...Greg always have this craziest idea of proposal... :lol:
Naz, that's a cute idea for SPDOTD!

One question about the SPDOTD: May everyone write one or is it Naz's honor to do it (which would be totally ok with me as it was her idea)? It's just that I have this idea in my head... so if I'm allowed I'll post it later, now I've got to have breakfast. Weekend's coming!!! Can't wait!
Anyway, I have some great news! I'm gonna see The Fray live!
:) Wow! SaraStar sweetie! YOU'RE SO LUCKY! I want to see them too! They're one of my favorite bands & I bet they totally support Sandle too. :lol:

Greg_Sara_Love! :) Your avatar is so cute. I'm staring at at. :lol:

i feel so sad abt him...lets cry together...*hugs people and cry at the same time*
*Joins Greggo, greg_sara_love and everybody as they cry! Grabs a tissue and blows!*

(I'm inclined to think that they're anti GSR though!)
God, I've even tried to join the hype :rolleyes: (DON'T KILL ME, GUYS!) by watching a few more GSR moments and its only made me hate the pairing even more! :lol:

Hestia sweetie! Your siggy makes me cry... It's so beautiful and haunting, yet hopeful! :) I LOVE IT! *Joins everyone in Sandle dance! WHERE'S my bestie PAU???

Pretty much everyone likes sandle, whether as an alternate ship, multi-ship, or friendship.
Agreed! :) They're soooo cute!
But for me, SANDLE IS MY OTP!
I have a lot of catching up to do. :eek: But I see not only me. Hehe! :) I have this heaaches and the doctor said it's from me gazing at the computer all day. He said I need rest. :( That means i cant post here that much anymore. So, maybe one day im in.. one day im out. Haha! :lol: I feel so Heidi Klum right now. :lol: But I'll try to be here evryday. :)

I'm loving all you're wallpapers, Pau! They're amazing and so Sandly!
Thanks Sabser. :) Im still loving your banner. ;)

And I love the FTOTD and DTOTD from the previous page Liff. :) The FTOTD made me kind of sad.. :( but so sweet. :) And the DTOTD made me laugh. :lol: And I love your avatar. Really hot indeed! :D I like your ships.

Lucky you Eva. Maybe you could bring a poster in the concert that says "Sing it for Sandle". Hehe! :)

And hello Amy!! Welcome to the Sandle family. :) Hope you'll be active here. :) Just call me Pau. :D And Naz, I love your avatar. Eric is really cute. *faints*

All I have to do is to read the rest of your posts that i missed. :)
*Joins everyone in Sandle dance! WHERE'S my bestie PAU???

yeah...where's Pau me and Del miss you

Awww... Del and Naz.. Im here!! :D *huggles* I think you missed my earlier post. Aww.. you guys miss me. *tear* I am only gone for one day. :) Thanks you guys. All of you are my best friends too. Ive joined a lot of forum and this is the only forum that is really like a family. Yay! *hugs all Sandle-buddies*

Oh and Naz, did you bring a slice from the wedding cake?? Hehe! :)
thanks for the welcome guys.. ;) yeah..i love the DTOTD,FTOTD,SPDOTD and lots.... :D :D Naz ur SPDOTD is/are cute....that proposal is rare..maybe Greg can have that kind of idea of proposing to Sara :D :D

where's Liff the DTOTD king?? :lol: :lol: jk...
aww...thanks Amy *hugs Amy* glad u like it..i really cant wait for Kat's version... :p eventhough greg is much more his heart he is still crazy.. :lol: :lol: thats what Sara always wanted...
hehe of course pau....i rewrite the cake frm my cuzzin's name to Greg and Sara hehe....let me share the wedding cake with all of you...*shares the cake*

hmm...i really love to imagine this..GSSS(Greg Sanders,Sara Sanders) that name bout this, Sara Grissom..eww does not suit.... :D
Heh. Super sandle sighter. You're such a sweetie who's always giving out hugs (even in the above quote), so of course you get a hug smilie.
And you definitely got the question. So, you made the pretty floral patterns, and swirls, and stars in all the wallpapers? They look so cute, and I've been trying to figure out how to do that without it becoming a mess. (I've been trying to do a wallpaper with little success). Oh well.

BTW: Thanks for the compliments on the banner, sandle people! (Pau, Liff, Sab, Eva ) I actually did make it
Thanks Hestia. :D How sweet of you for saying that Im sweet. Hehe! :) Yeah. I made those with some brushes my friends are giving me. :) But you did a beautiful job in your siggy. *clap clap* And I do love giving out hugs. :)

And I love the SPDOTD Naz. :) :D I hope they put them on the show. Yay! Cake! Thanks girL. *eats cake maniacly*

There are just so many posts and I want to read all of them. But there are just so many. :D

And Amy, I think Liff might be somewhere grocery shopping again. :lol: And yeah he's the king of DTOTD. :D
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