Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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haha....he's at the grocery shop..hmm i wonder what is he buying there?? :lol: :lol: i love the way Greg signaling Sara to call him..thats cute...Naz Sara thats a perfect name....Sara Grissom....does not suit at all.... :D :D

i wonder how will he propose to Sara in the show(hopefully) :D :D
haha...king of DTOTD... :lol: :lol: well, enjoy the cake people...and i cant believe that my mom like GSR :eek: im shocked....well its ok as long as my father loves Sandle than its ok... :D :D

there seemed to be more sandle scene than GSR lets sing!

Sandle will win the war, Sandle will win the war,Sandle will win the war!!![/b] :D
... - "Who shot Sherlock"! Greg's so cute in this one (well he always is ) and the end - I love it when Sara hands him the glass! *is happy*
I totally love Greg in this epi. *faints* And of course there are just so many Sandle scenes. *faints again* I need to stop that. :) Tehee!

Yup! Sara Sanders is very.. PERFECT! Very! :D Ill think of a proposal too. Hmmm... *sits on thinking of chair*
Thanks Naz! :D I am still loving your avatar. How can a guy like Eric Szmanda can be so cute?? *faints*

Did you watch Monster in a Box? Got some good Sandle scenes. Like when Greg carried the box for Sara. :) Cute!! And when they were talking.. and walking.. so close together. I think that was too close. :) Sweet!! :D

Edit: I spotted CSI_Fray up there. Hurray!! :D Umm.. Im really waiting for that fic of yours where they went to a trip or something and Nick told the new girl to flirt on Greg for him to get Sara. I really love that. Hope you update it soon. :)
yeah...nobody in this world is cuter than greg...(appart from Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp :D) and Sara knew that...she just too shy to tell him thats all...

Pau yeah i watched Monster in a has cute sandle moments and hes a gentlement...hehe :D :D
so close together. I think that was too close

well they can be closer :devil:
Hahaha!! :lol: Yup. They can be closer. Too close that.. :devil: Hehe!

That's another thing Sara loves about Greg: He's a gentleman. A really cute gentleman. :) :D
Good morning everybody! ;)
Pau, hope your headache gets better! Your head can't ache with all those Sandle thoughts in it! But well, perhaps it's the DTs... :lol:

Okay so here's my SPDOTD:

Greg's in the lab, looking at something under the microscope.
Sara enters the lab.

Sara: Nick said you wanted to see me, Greg?
Greg: Yep.
Sara: So, what's up?
Greg: (looks up) Can you just have a look at this, Sara? I'm not sure if...
Sara: If what?
Greg: If this will be the solution of everything.
Sara: Everything? (laughs) Must be important, then!
Greg: (seriously) This is the most important case of my entire life. (steps aside)
Sara looks through the microscope. On the glass plate she reads, in tiny letters, the words: - Sara, do you want to marry me? - Sara looks up at Greg, he smiles shyly at her.
Greg: Sara, I've been loving you ever since the first day we met, and you know that. We've been together for so long, we've made it through the ups and downs. When we were caught in the explosion, my only concern was if you were okay. When I was beaten up, my greatest fear was that I might never see you again. And when you were missing, I felt like I was dying inside with every second I had to live without you. Sara, I don't ever want to lose you, because it's you who makes my life worth living, who makes me who I really am. So I ask you now: Do you want to share your life with me, forever and for always, Sara Sidle?
Sara: (smiling, taking his hands) I want to, Greg. Forever and for always.
They kiss and Greg puts a ring on her finger. In this moment Nick comes into the lab.
Nick: Greg, have you... oh! (grins) Isn't there more important stuff to do, Greg?
Greg: (looks at Nick, then at Sara, back at Nick) There's never been anything more important to me.

Hope you liked it!
WOW!!! now priceless... i love it..its the most romantic proposal i ever heared!! good job..i can see greg's doing that rite now... :D the best of the best!! :D
Thanks Naz! :) Oh I'm a bad girl - I ought to be working right now and do some calculations... but I'm in a Sandle mood b/c 30 min ago they played How to save a Life on the radio! But now I have to do something - but I'll be back!

Maybe we should send our SPDOTDs to CBS^^
^^ Thanks to you guys on the Sandle thread! I'M HOOKED ON THE FRAY!!
Awww... Del and Naz.. Im here!!
Yay! *Hugs Naz + Pau + Amy + EVERYBODY!
Ive joined a lot of forum and this is the only forum that is really like a family. Yay! *hugs all Sandle-buddies*
I think that for me: the Sandle thread has the CUTEST and most ADORABLE people because we ship the hottest/sexiest/cuteyful-est couple ever!

Okay so here's my SPDOTD:

Greg's in the lab, looking at something under the microscope.
Sara enters the lab.
SandleDL: That is so perfect! I love it! *Hands SandleDL and everbody Sandle positivity cookies*
Thanks Kat and oh.. that's such a sweet proposal. *tear* :D ;)

Maybe we should send it. :D That's what I love about you.. you're suppose to be working but here you are. :) Hehe!
luvincsi said:
That's what I love about you.. you're suppose to be working but here you are. :) Hehe!

Hehe, you know I can't resist Sandle - I'm addicted - and I love it! :D
It's lunch break right now, though, so I don't even have to feel bad about being here!
I still have this scene from "No humans involved" on my mind, that was so cute, I have to see it in English, I'm sure the original is even better! Really loved Greg in this episode, even though there weren't so many Sandle moments.
And "Who shot Sherlock" was great, she was so happy for him!
^^ Hello, sweetie! No one can resist Sandle!! It's A-D-D-I-C-T-I-V-E! :D

Oh and guys: I'm writing my Infedelity fic! :rolleyes: The title is pretty clear what its about. Sara has an a STEAMY, SEXY affair with Greg! :)
I think that for me: the Sandle thread has the CUTEST and most ADORABLE people because we ship the hottest/sexiest/cuteyful-est couple ever!
Hehe! :D So true!! :) And yay! A Sandle-hug!! :) :D I love the people in the Purejoy thread too. Very funny and crazy and also oh so sweet. :)

Can't wait to read it Del. I bet it would be really good and sweet. :) And this thread is really ADDICTIVE. That's why it drives me insane if I can't post at least once here. Tehee! :D
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