Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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Hello all you beatiful people! Happy SANDLE DAY!
*throws around confetti due to strange and unusual abundance of the stuff* - they has been WAY too many celebrations of late, I LUV it!

Anyways, sorry my darlings but I don't have a DTOTD at the moment cos I have to run off and do a little grocery shopping. But don't worry - you're my first stop once I get back.

DEL!!! ff working for you yet??? I'm waiting....*taps foot impatiently* :D - I'm just kidding hun.

Oooh :devil: I have a dirty thought....but it's too long to post up right now - so that'll have to wait when I get back!

C u all in a little while! In the mean time, enjoy the love that is SANDLE and the self rocking SUV's down in the carpark!

Ooh, I spy Rad here! :devil:
Come over to the dark side....we have cookies :devil:

FYI - dark is good. Dark = dirty thoughts. mmmmm.....doughnuts :D (yeah - i've lost it)
C u all in a little while! In the mean time, enjoy the love that is SANDLE and the self rocking SUV's down in the carpark!
Haha! :lol: Liff. Love the last part best. ;) No, DTOTD?? :eek: :( Well, are there any FTOTD?? (Fluffy Thought of the Day.. :D) While you're grocery shopping bring us more of that yummy chocolate cake. :)

That reminds me... How is your fic doing Del??
Whoa. *stares* I missed a a lot... it's getting crazy in here. Now we're talking about Sandle bathroom breaks? :lol: If we'd have that as thread title people would go: uhm? What happened to the Sandle shippers? :lol: I laughed so much reading all of your dirty thoughts. :D

Welcome Radical! Nice to see the Sandle love has drawn you here, despite the fact that you are GSR. :) You see, once again promise that even other shippers think Sandle is cute. ;)
*takes a break from making a wp* I so agree with you Eva that even other shippers think Sandle is adorable. I see a lot of comment lke that in Sandle-vids! :D And they really are adorable. :) Am I right or am I right? Tehee! :D

That's cute: Sara/Greg #--: Sandle Bathroom Breaks. :D It's much better than what I was thinking: We pee for Sandle! :lol: Sorry, Im just high on the Sandle drug. Okay, I'll stop.
^^ Just to say, the bathroom is a hard place to do it in... :eek: Did I just say that? Please don't ask me how I know. :lol:

I don't think it's possible to not multi-ship with LV. This ship has grown on to me a lot since I've started watching LV, and I'm tired of lurking in here. These two are so awesome together, and they play off of each other so well.
Perfect reponse, Mo! I seriously heart you. :eek: You're a GSR shipper as well as Sandle... Hmm, that's rare! I love that we have a variety of shippers here!

DEL!!! ff working for you yet??? I'm waiting....*taps foot impatiently* - I'm just kidding hun.
:rolleyes: The whole site is pretty icky... for me. I can only access my own profile. LOL. Totally rando...
Perfect reponse, Mo! I seriously heart you. You're a GSR shipper as well as Sandle... Hmm, that's rare! I love that we have a variety of shippers here!

Though I take it as a compliment to be called Mo (whom is my Fluffy Auntie) It's me Rad who stated that. :lol: No worries though. And is it rare to find a GSR and Sandle shipper? Well, if it is, I'm glad I'm rare.
Hey Rad, cool to have you here!
Pau, can't wait for your wallpaper!

Oh my god you guys are so fast, but today I didn't have much time at work to take a look around *lol*

Sandle Quote of the Day

All our young lives we search for someone to love. Someone who makes us complete. We choose partners and change partners. We dance to a song of heartbreak and hope. All the while wondering if somewhere, somehow, there's someone perfect who might be searching for us.

Kevin Arnold (Daniel Stern) narrating in The Wonder Years (1988)

I like it as a Sandle quote, not only because it's just so true but also because of this metaphor "searching", thinking of the search for Sara and all. It could be spoken by Sara, couldn't it? She had several relationships, but still she's waiting for her true love coming to her - who will be Greg, of course! ;)
Hey Kat!! :D

I finished my wallpaper but photobucket is driving me insane. I can't log in. It says Im typing the wrong passwrod but Im not. :( :eek: Why do I always have logging in problems? Why? :( I guess I'll try and try..

I love the quote of the day! It is so.. nearly perfect. No. It is perfect! :D

All the while wondering if somewhere, somehow, there's someone perfect who might be searching for us.
Sara is definitely the one saying this. Somewhere.. where ever she might be.. She's waiting for her rescuer. A rescuer named GREG SANDERS! :D ;)

Rad, I heart your avatar.. :)
TheCoroner said:
guys i think i'm gonna cry!! I completely missed thread 10!!! Bad shipper bad ::smacks herself in the head:: I'm sorry congradulations though!! :D
It's okay, I've missed the first few pages of this thread. Thanks for the congrats. *sigh* I gotta make this quick because I'm also in a hurry (I'm always in a hurry these days)
Radical618 said:
Just out of curiosity, my friend told me that Greg says that he likes Sara, and I was just wondering if anyone knew the name of that episode?
Welcome Radical! Looks like I come in here to answer questions. :) I can't say he's actually said outloud, on the show that he liked Sara, but Eric Szmanda has certainly talked about it (maybe some of the other sandle shippers here can dig up the article/interview where he says Greg's crush was suggested by Eric, and it parallels his crush on Jorja. :D)
Greg has asked Sara out in Organ Grinder and he's flirted with her on many, many occasions.
Will elaborate if you want, but it will have to be later tonight when I have more time. :)

P.S: I like your icon! :lol:
Hestia.. you're here. :D Yay! Ive been wondering where you've been. :) A lot have not visited the thread yet. :( I also want to read that article where it said that Eric suggested Sandle. :) And I love your siggy! :)

Okay.. Ive found out what Ive done wrong in photobucket. Im typing in the wrong Username. :rolleyes: *smacks head* Stupid me! :lol:

Here's my wallpaper guys:
Sunny Sandle
I remembered this from the previous thread. And I just love Naz's idea of a Sunny Sandle. So cute! :) So, I made this.. :) Hope you like it. I used the "hugging pics" because those scenes makes me feel warm. :) It's kind of messy and crowded but that's just how I want it to go.. :) Spread Sandle-love. Consider this as a late gift for the new thread. A very late gift. :lol:
I hope no one minds. I'll just post my other wallpapers here. :D I just like them to be in one page. :)
She Will Be Loved
Sandle Magic (Note: My FIRST ever wallpaper. And it's Sandle. :D)

MY wallpapers are all still very simple. I only uses brushes. If i'll get better and learn more. I'll make lots and lots of Sandle wallpaper. :) Weeee!!
My darlings! I'm back! Haha - sorry about that! Had to take care of some errands. But happily, I was bouncing around in the supermarket have dirty sandle thoughts! I think one of the old couples thought I'd lost it... :D

Shall I say it? YAY!

Dirty Thought Of The Day: Down and Dirty at the supermarket...

Greg: Sara...can't we just go home?

Sara: Keep your pants on honey, I just want to get a few things

Greg: But I dont WANT to keep my pants on...*grins*...and besides, I already have everything. So can we go?

Sara: Just...ah! Okay, come on. Let's go.

Greg: thank gawd...

Back at Home

Greg: So what did you buy anyway?

Sara: Oh, some chocolate sauce, a few scented oils, don't have any of those here.

Greg: What do I need scented oils for?

Sara:'ll see. Later....tonight

Greg: and the chocolate sauce?

Sara: That goes with my lollipop.

Greg: What lolli....oh!

Sara: Oh?

Greg: *grins evilly* Oh.

Sara: *whispers* Greg? I want my lollipop now....

:devil: heeheehee :evil
Oh Liff why don't I get such dirrty thoughts at the supermarket? Hehe Greg's lollipop - I understand Sara for wanting it! :devil:

I've got a question for all of you: You know I haven't been watching CSI for so long, so I missed a lot. Are there any episodes which are extra Sandlish? (Besides Fannysmackin) I'd really love to see some Sandle episodes, so please! help me!

Oh and Pau I love your walli, it's so cute and joyful, made me smile! :)
Awesome wallpapers Pau! I love them all. And I love your dirty thoughts Liff!

Well, we've had the SQOTD and the DTOTD, it's time for the SPOTD. :)

Sandle Pic Of The Day
(from Committed)


I love this scene! Especially Grissom's look; he's like: Greg, act your age. But Sara laughs. :D
Oh that's cute Eva! What's the context of this scene?
Well of course Greg's only practising for what he and Sara will do later in the bedroom! :devil:
Oh geez, guys, slow down with the posting! Some of us have lives...not me, but some of us, Sandle...
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