Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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I like that better. Sara saying it to Greg. :D I will really really faint. Really. And I'll roll on the floor shouting. Gosh! :D
I ... just noticed your comment on my story *blushes* and I wanna thank you . Thank you so much ! And if you have time , A sick man's game is not such a bad story ... people who read it told me so !
Tehee! Okay.. I'll read it! :D I love to read fics.. I love to read it more than to write it. But I've written loads of fics and their not all CSI's but only published one because most of them aren't finish. Tehee! :D

You're welcome, M. Dannielle. :D Anything for my Sandle-buddies! :) And I adore your avatar. Because your good at writing can you write a SPDOTD? That's Sandle Proposal Dialogue of the Day. Tehee! Just craving for one. :)
Okay.. M. Dannielle. :D Can't wait for it. :) I just need to say this.

Sandle. Sandle. Sandle. Sandle.

I just want to say it over and over again. It makes me happier. And hopeful about Sara's situation. *nervous* Save her, Greggo!! :D
SPD of the day
Greg: What do you want us to do today ?
Sara : Dunno , stay in bed with you all day ? *she asked turning off the TV*
Greg: Use you imagination . Something else .
Sara: What ?
Greg: Watch a movie , maybe ? But I dunno what movie
Sara: Your choice … what do you want ?*he rose his eyebrows*
Greg: Easy , there , Sara , We will watch a movie , okay ?
Sara: Perfect ! *she turns on the TV and they watch Casablanca*
Sara : What a wonderful ending … I wish this kind of thing will happen in my life too *she whispers and hopes that Greg didn’t hear that*
Greg : I have something that I want to tell you *he searches for something in his pocket*.
Sara : Something to tell me ? *she asks kissing him* you made me curious . what is it ?
Greg : Don’ look at me like that , cuz you’re driving me crazy !
Sara : Okay , this is better ? *she gives him the puppy dog eyes*
Greg : Better … what I wanted to ask you is … Sara , I love you since the day we met , I love you know even more … , I adore you . You are the person who makes the hell look heaven , who makes even the sun to be ashamed that he’s not as shinny as you are … because you are the light of my life , the queen of my heart . I love you with all my heart . My life will belong to you , if you …*he swallowed * if you would like to became my wife !
Sara : Me ? Your wife ? This would be … would be so amazing … I love you too , Greg , for the person that you are , you are the love of my life ! I’ll be more than happy to be yours forever !
He openes the box and pulls out a ring . He puts the ring on her finger ans kiss
I know it's not the best , but ... hope you'll like it ! BTW , Eric is at home !
Yeah , and I prepared his room and bought him a little
teddy bear and clothes ... you can imagine how small the clothes are !
woohoo!!! lovely conversation u got there hunnies... :D and i love the SPDOTD M.Dannielle lovely...and there will be sandle proposal....if not we will make it possible *get ready positivity cookies, sandle cake, blue hawaiian n my bazooka* :devil: :devil:
Kat sweeetie: you're a STAR! Thank you!

Sandle Quotes Of The Day, Delia Style:
Sometimes you can be lost for a while, just so someone will find you.--
from the drama script I wrote for the exams.

I wrote it last year during my drama script for a performance that I eventually got an A* for. ;) teehee. I get inspiration from romance movies! Anyway, its really perfect because Sara and Greg are often lost in times of their lives (especially poor Sara now, in the desert)... but its good because it'll give them a chance to find each other.

To be a star, you must shine your own light, follow your own path, and don't worry about the darkness, for that is when the stars shine brightest.

Sort of a weird quote to choose, I know but I think that their own paths are filled with turns, obstacles and challenges... but it takes them to a brighter place and finally to each other.

:) Okay that's it! Thanks everyone, especially Kat!
Oh Del it's my pleasure! I love them, especially the first one! Of course Greg will find Sara, and he'll save her in more than one way!

I've found a cute poem, and I'd like to take this as

Sandle Poem of the Day

Never Have I Fallen

Your lips speak soft sweetness
Your touch a cool caress
I am lost in your magic
My heart beats within your chest

I think of you each morning
And dream of you each night
I think of your arms being around me
And cannot express my delight

Never have I fallen
But I am quickly on my way
You hold a heart in your hands
That has never before been given away

- Rex A. Williams -
Oh , God , this poem was so ... so beautiful . let me speechless . I haven't been on today , my brother was crying all the time and I was helping mom taking care of him ... you're right , Greg will save sara nonetheless , he has to .
I like it, too, think I'll save it on my pc.
Hmmm... may I advertise again for my video...? I'd be so glad if you watch it! >youtube > search "littledarky when you say" :cool:
I've got to make a difficult decision... I want to write smth - but I also want to watch House... argh...^^
Aww M. Dannielle and C.Pau! I wish I had a baby brother or cousin! I have a 9 year old brother that throws nerf balls at me, and a 7 year old cousin that thinks I have new sandals. :rolleyes:

You know you're a Sandle fan when you mouth the words: "I came for you, Greg." when Sara says it in 'Fannysmackin'.
You know you're a Sandle fan when you giggle and chuckle as soon as someone says "Sandle", just because you know the secret meaning behind it!
I know this is kinda old but I want to add something! :D
You know you're a Sandle fan when one of your family members asks what happened in the show and you run off a list of all the times Sara and Greg had a moment. But when asked about the plot, you shrug and say "I don't remember." :lol:

M. Dannielle I loved your fic! It was so sad though *cries* :( and C. Kat I love the poem! I keep thinking I've missed something now. I tried to catch up and I read everything and now my brains on overload. :p

And I haveeee a [[crappy]] sandle poem. I like it...kinda. It's sad but...yeah I'm just gonna post it. :lol:

"I love her." He grins and his friend just laughs,
"It's just puppy love, man, you'll get over it."
2 years pass and HE comes along.
"I love her." He repeats,
And she rolls her eyes.
"You're just overprotective of her, you'll move on."
3 years more and she's talking to him.
"I used to love gold stars."
He smirks at her,
"As opposed to now?"
"I love her," he says later,
And his friend shakes his head.
"Man, your hopeless." He says.
1 year later,
And she's flirting with him.
Isn't she?
She came for him.
Didn't she?
And now he's standing there,
Watching him go.
He said he loved her.
And no one told him,
It was puppy love,
He was overprotective,
He was hopeless,
He watches them run after him.
And he whispers
"I love her."
The poem ... it's pretty , it'a Sandle poem , so it's pretty ! I'm crying , I think ... it impresses me so much ... may I copy it in my computer , please ?
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