Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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Oh god Carrie you've got me crying! That's so sad, but so beautiful!
Some day they will realize that his love wasn't in vain... and she will love him as he's loved her all the time...
Love ? What means love …? I know it’s not just a word , I know is more than that . And I don’t know what love is . Everybody says is a feeling , like thirst or hunger … my heart is telling me is more , much more than that . And I think I believe my heart . Because I see her every day . I watch her , I look at her and I don’t know how to say this to her . How you tell a girl you are in love with her ? I think he just loves me like a brother … but I don’t love her like that . I want her to understand me , but she’s too stubborn . Every time I try to tell her about what is here in my heart , she just … she just treats it like a joke . She really think that I see a sister every time I look at her ? That I was joking when she told mew she wants to kiss me ? She really thinks he loves him … but she doesn’t . I just know she doesn’t . It can’t be possible , I mean he’s a good guy but not the perfect person for here … that person is me .
Why can’t she see a lover in me ? I am too immature , too crazy ? Why ? Every second they look at each other breaks my heart … I think I am going to die if they do that thing more . I’m jealous . For the first time , I’m jealous on my boss . Because he has the only person that I wished , that I adored like this in my whole life . My sweet Sara . My angel . Ah , didn’t she realized that I loved her ? I really thought she loved me when she said she came there for me … when she defended me in front of Grissom . Am I cursed ? Am I ugly ? Am I a bad person ? Why can’t she feel for me what I feel for her ? Why can’s she be part of my love life ?
She likes him … or that’s what she tells us . That she found the person to spend all her life with . Grissom , he likes her , but … I just stay here , in my bed and cry , thinking how unlucky I am … everything was taken away from me because she is everything for me . I am looking on the window to see the park that’s in front of my house … so many couples of lovers , and my heart is breaking that I’m not one of them . I am not and I will probably never be .
I looked her today at work . She was smiling , she was happy with him … she was kissing him and my soul was bleeding … Nick , Warrick , Catherine congratulated them ,but I couldn’t stand the view anymore . I just couldn’t . Why ? Is he the only person who can make her happy ? He broke her heart several times before , and she’s still with him . Is like she’s looking for sufferance , for disaster . She really can’t understand that he’s only using her ? That he is using her to help himself not feeling old ? I think she doesn’t understand this . I look at the bottle in my hand and drank it all . Is better . I think I am falling asleep . I drank too much today , I think , because there are three empty bottles of whisky on the table . I shouldn’t have drink them all … but the pain was killing me . I feel that I’m tired , probably the side effect of the alcohol . I am going to sleep , maybe , later . A long and sad sleep , and I wish that tomorrow this would be just a dream . That I’ll wake up with her sleeping next to me . That I will feel her next to me , I will smell her beautiful scent . That she’ll never be with him …
I love her I whisper into my head before opening another bottle and taking a sip of whisky . I love her and I would do anything to make her feel good … even give up on her , if this would be enough to make her happy . I’d rather die than see her sad or crying . I’ll give my life only to know she’s okay .
Okay , i think I am out of my minds because i feel like writing all the time . Another lil' fic about Greg's love for Sara ... but she doesn't share his felings .
Oh Danielle, that was so cute and sad and I just wanted to give Greggo a big hug... He's in the most aweful situation. He should be happy for them like the others, his reason tells him so, but his heart... simply can't.

I've got smth for you, after those two poems I couldn't help it... so here's a new one written by me. You know I love putting images to poems but I'm afraid this time it's a bit too large, so you'll need to click it ;) You have to read it like left-right-left-right... which means Sara's part-Greg's part-... but I'm sure you'll figure that out!^^ Hope you like it, I'll go to bed now!

See you, have a nice Sandle day or a good Sandle night!
luvincsi said:
Oh, CJ. I love "Give Me One Reason". That was so sad. Really.. *tear* I wish Sara stopped him. I am kind of hoping you would write a sequel. Please... :D

Liked that one, did you? It's actually the one I'm writing the sequel for right now. :cool: Hopefully I'll have it done sometime soon, maybe this weekend or next week.
Kat those two poems are perfect companion pieces and I really like them. In fact I like all the poems (even Carrie’s sad one and ericloca’s poem/fanfic combo) I really don’t want to be sad about these two but it comes with the territory of being a sandle-shipper. These two are going through some tough times.
I didn’t know I can make pics talk! :lol: I just look at screencaps and imagine what the character might say. Thanks just as well, Pau, Naz, and ericloca (Danielle, right?)

Today’s SPOTD will commemorate the time Sara asked Greg out (and he didn’t accept!

Sandle Pic of the Day
(from Who Shot Sherlock)


“Feel like celebrating after shift? …I'm buying”

If only he said yes, they would've gone out, she would've realized how awesome he was and we wouldn't be in this current situation. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that she wouldn't be on the brink of death!
... Okay that's a stretch but think about it. That is all. ;)
^^ Cute picture! :) Poor Greggo. He should have said yes, damn it!
And I haveeee a [[crappy]] sandle poem. I like it...kinda. It's sad but...yeah I'm just gonna post it.
Carrie! That's a beautiful poem! I hope I get to see more of your work soon!
Right, E.Hestia , Danielle . C. Kat , that was ... Oh God , I love poems ... I just love them . But yours was original and sweet . Congrats !
Hestia, I so love this pic! You're right, maybe things would be different now if he just had said Yes... I like the way she looks at him, it's a cute scene!

I'll be around later, see you!^^
h...the scene...i really hate the scene (the only sandle scene i hated) well...when i first saw the eppi..the moment i heard n saw sara askin him out, i really squeal and shout.... but then when greg didnt say yes... i was like whats the matter with you??? then my mom n my brother tell me this....

"There's no hope....he dont love her anymore, so dont waste your time hoping that they will be together"

i was like angry but i know that they will be together so, i juz ignore them must think positive...must think positive..... :D

then when sara hugged him first i squeal n jumping brother said

"Its just a hug..." :mad: :mad: :mad: MUST THINK POSITIVE....
Calm down , Naz , your brother was just a meanie (like my cousin) because we know better what's going on between those two , don't we ? *evil grin* . I love that scene , because we see the first time she is asking him to go out , if I remember better there is an ep in season 2 where he asks her out and she refuses , right ? So , they never got the chance to go out , but they will , I'm sure of that (and I'm the ,most optimistic person ever ) .
So take a deep breath and think positive ! sure they will....thanks M.Danielle well i think he's tryin to say this to her....

"you once turned my down and now i wanna you to know how it feels" myabe they'll go out together sometime.....during season 8 maybe... :D bro is an idiot.... :D i will show him that their relationship will never end... :D WHO'S WITH ME??? :D

lets fight till the end!!!! *drew sword and kill our enemy*
*pulls out her pistol * I'm joining you in the fight ! For Sandle , let's fight till the end ! *shoots the first enemy*
let's die for Sandle !
No way, when Greg passed his proficiency test and he hugged Sara first. It meant something! No way in hell did it mean nothing! It's not just a hug.
YAH!!! lets fight with our enemy who wants to take sandle away frm us....btw this is sandle kingdom (theres no gun) :lol: :lol: but who cares....*slice the heads with my sword* :D

yah...and when sara rubbed his hair...the camera zoom in the meant something....we juz knew it... :D
Okay *throws the gun in the normal world* . They can't take Sandle away from us! *hits the nemy with her feet and fists* . We killed them all . Time to rest . A blue Hawaiian sounds good , who want some ?
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