Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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hehe i recommend you our dearest beloved C.Pau :lol: :lol: jk jk....i always want to make a wallie...but dang it....i dun have photoshop....but with sandlenesss in my heart :rolleyes: i will do it someday....
A doll? I'll try your highnesses. *bows* Tehee! :) And thanks for the recommendation, K. Naz. :D If I will make one, I'll mail it to you guys. :) But I think that's expensive. But heck, anything for my Sandle-buddies! I love you guys so much.. *blushes* :D

And I know you will do well with your wallie, K. Naz. You're creative.. Well all Sandle shippers are. :D
It must be because I'm tired but... what is SFDOTD again? Thanks for the smilie comment, I've got a ton of them.

Good morning ericloca (technically morning for me too I suppose! :lol:) I believe it's Pau that's making the dolls and if she does, I'll have to dedicate a ficlet to her. (It's a kick to rear I need to start writing. That and I should read those fanfics I keep saying I'll read but then I keep forgetting or putting them off!)
And did you say you were going back to school, Pau? That's just awful!
(P.S: I don't think I've said it before, but I'm glad your grandpa is better.)
Here is a fic I wrote last year , but never posted it . After I watched Fannysmackin , I dreamed that Greg was dead when Sara came ... and this is something that happens later , where she tells her feelings for Greg ... please read it and tell me your honest opinion !
I think this is my first fanfic .


She was looking at his white bloody face . His eyes were still opened , but there was no spark . No smile on his lips . Nothing . There was only blood , on his chest ., on his shirt . On hers as well . The life drained from his body .
She was still kneeling in front of him , holding firmly his hand in her own . It was the last time she could do that . He loved her , and she loved him too .But she didn’t tell him . He died for her and still she didn’t tell him what she really felt . And now he’ll never know . He died without hearing those two words that would have made him happy at least at the end of his life . She turned her head from the horrible view in front of her . She couldn’t stand it anymore , those dark brown eyes that were telling her over and over she was guilty . She looked at his eyes a last time . She just put her hand on his face and slowly closed his eyes .
And that was it ; everything was gone , her happiness , her whole life had been ruined . Because she was too coward to tell him those words … he told her at least a million times about the love in his heart , and she was too coward to tell him those words once … once before she’d lose him .
He gave his life to protect her , he had the possibility to save himself and he didn’t . And she knew he’d do it again . And not because he loved her , he’d do it because he was … he is a hero .
And she was just standing there , near him and finally had the guts to whisper to him the words , but it was too late … the angel of death already came to take his soul , to take him away from her . She hated that ; she hated she couldn’t look at him anymore , she hated he wasn’t with her anymore … she felt like passing out .
She regained her strength . She lifted her weight on her feet . She brought her hands to her face and started crying . She felt guilty , because she just should have pushed him aside . But she didn’t , he just watched him giving up on his life just to give her the chance to live .
His heart stopped beating , but his words “I love you” were still echoing in her troubled mind . She was tired . Tired of life . She looked at the gun that was at her feet … maybe she should just put that to her head and pull the trigger . It would not hurt anymore . She just stared at the weapon … no , she threw it away … this is not the solution … her suicide would make his sacrifice worth nothing .
There , in front of him , in front of his dead body , she let her tears fall on the ground , on his face . She closed her eyes to think . To think about how life would have been if he would have been alive and there , with her … if that dead body wouldn’t have been his .
His last words were for her … he did everything for her and she didn’t do anything for him . She kneeled near him again and reached to touch his hair with her hand … his hair , his crazy hair … she rubbed his forehead , his eyes , his lips … she felt the vibration , the echo of his words … like his lips knew she was the one touching them . She rubbed slightly his cheek , cleaning the blood that was staining it . She then violently took his head in her hands , yelling :”Why was I so dumb ? Why was I so coward , tell me ! Why didn’t I tell you I love you ? Why ? Why do I am so cursed ?” . But he didn’t gave her answers . He couldn’t , but the expression on his face , he looked like he was sleeping , his eyes closed peacefully , just penetrated her mind , like a needle .
The clouds were gathering on the sky ; suddenly it became black and the warm summer rain started falling … every drop that was touching her made her body shiver . But she didn’t care . She was holding the only person she ever truly loved tightly in her arms and she never wanted to let him go . She didn’t want to risk loosing him again . The water was washing him , it was like even the rain wanted to help her , to comfort her .
Soon the police was going to come there , their colleagues ; and they were going to see them . They were just going to tell that he died in the line of duty and he’ll be another forgotten person , like many other dead people . They’ll make an autopsy on his body … no , she won’t let them . They were allowed to touch him . Only she could , only she .
She lowered her head and touched his lips wet with blood and rain with hers . It was their first and last kiss . A kiss he’ll never know about .
The sirens of the police car were approaching … they will ask her questions . How did he die ? He was shot in the chest … saving her . The bullet probably punctured his lung , because he coughed up blood before he died .
The guys were going to miss him … Warrick , Nick … maybe even Grissom . But they will never feel what she felt . They will never knew how much he suffered before he died . This was a secret , no one had to know , only her .
She’ll have to live all her life knowing that he died because of her … he died in her arms , telling her he loved her , waiting for the answer he never received ….
When they will come there they will find two bodies , his and his killer’s … but there were three deaths … because he took her soul with him in the second he took the last breath .
Now she wasn’t Sara anymore , she was just an ordinary woman . Sara was up there ,m in heaven , with the person she truly loved . Only the conscience was in that body , only the memories of a lost love , the one and only love of her life ….Greg Sanders who was now lying lifeless at her feet .

Desperate and waiting, frozen to the core
Numb to this feeling, needing something more
All I keep thinking is where I need to be
All I can hope for is someone to take me away

Before you go you promise me something,
I need to know, will you leave me lifeless?
Leaving me lifeless

Will I bow down to this life that I live?
Will I find freedom or lose it all again?
All I keep thinking is where I need to be
All I can hope for is someone to take me away

Before you go you promise me something,
I need to know, will you leave me lifeless?
Time moves so slow, I'm waiting for something,
Waiting for something again

Will I fall away from you,
Feelings that I never knew
And I hope that I never fall away

Will I fall away from you,
Feelings that I never knew
And I hope that I never fall away

Before you go you promise me something,
I need to know, will you leave me lifeless?
Time moves so slow, I'm waiting for something,
Waiting for something

Leave me lifeless
Leave me lifeless
Leave me lifeless

To E. Hestia: Hahaha! :lol: There are just many I keep on forgetting too. :D SFDOTD, Sandle Family Dialogue of the Day. :D And the fic Im reading is getting better and better, :D

Yay! A ficlet dedicated to me! :D Well, could be dedicated to me. Hehehe! Yep. :D Scholl will be starting and it's just awful, E. Hestia. *tear* And I love that purple smilie too. Hehe! :D

(P.S: I don't think I've said it before, but I'm glad your grandpa is better.)
Awww... *hugs E. Hestia and everybody I am so happy. :D That's just the sweetest. My family. Yep. My mom, grandpa (who's doing oh so well) and my grandma is behind me and I told them what you just said. They said, "Thanks!". :D
Ah yes, well tell your family that they are most welcome, Pau! :) As for Sandle Family Dialogue, if I may, I'll combine it with the sandle picture story (I think it's called) of the day. Then I'm off to bed.

"I think I've found out why you've been feeling nauseous in the morning Mrs. Sanders." (Sara's facial expression says it all)
"Are you sure?" "Positive." Now Sara must decide when to break the news to Greg...

(How about at a crime scene? :p)
Sara says, "So I finally saw my doctor and he told me what's been going with me lately. It's not the flu." Greg is intrigued. Sara continues, "You're going to be a daddy."
"Say what?" Greg stares in amazement.

~~~~~At the lab~~~~~
"...Then he fainted in the middle of the crime scene!" Sara concludes. This tidbit catches Catherine's attention.
"Wow! Really?" "Yeah," Sara smiles wistfully, "But when he came to, he said he was the luckiest guy in the world. I love that guy."

I don't know if that would fit the family dialogue but it would be awesome if Sara announced she was pregnant and Greg just fainted (mostly out of shock but when he'd come around he'd be one proud papa.
Oh M. Dannielle. HOW COULD YOU MAKE ME CRY!! :mad: I'm just joking. *hugs* Your fic was incredible. This day really is Fanfic Mania Day for me. I set aside the fic I was reading to read yours. :D I love it. Go post in if you haven't yet. :D So sad. *tear* :D Good job for your first. i can't even write somethng like this. :) And now, Im gonna read another fic that I've been tuning into. :D

Awww... sweet, E. Hestia. I'll tell them. :D And love love the SFDOTD + SPS (a lot of abbreviations :eek:) So cute! And good job in fitting all of them. :)I love the pic when Sara broke the news to Greg. Gosh, they both look really good in sunglasses and Greg is so cute... *drools and faints* and I love Sara's necklace at the last two pics. :D

I'd love to see a scene when they all find out that Sara's pregnant with Greg's baby. Grissom must say while looking at his roach, "I guess all hope is lost." Oh yeah. It is. ;)
WOW!!! love your dilouge + picture E.Hestia its so family lovin and sandly lovin....haha juz imagine Greg fainted....*daydreamin abt greg faint* :lol: :lol: so funny....
Thank you , C.Pau , you dunno how glad I am that you liked it ! And E.Hestia , it was so sweet , your dialogue and your photos ... you really know how to make pics to 'talk' !
You're welcome, M. Dannielle. Keep writing! you're very good. :D *tear*

you really know how to make pics to 'talk' !
And I like that. Maybe we can use it as a line or something. Sandle Photo Stories, making Photos to talk and move... Bringing Photos to Life.

Tehee! Like in a commercial or something. Hehe! :D
Yeah , I'd love that ! I dunno if I'm that good , but I've been writing for three years , but in mynative language . Sandle Photos Stories sounds cool 2 me ! BTW , how's your niece doing , C.Pau ?
I am an idiot. :( I just saw the link in your siggy. D'oh! Woohoo! I am on a roll.. This really is a Fanfic Mania Day for me. :D Im gonna read your fics and comment them. :D My niece is doing so well. :D Thanks for asking. :) She's so cueyful and she's the biggest baby in the nursery. How's your brother? Oh and my cousin, not the one I've been torturing, he knows how to say "Sandle." So cute!! Then he won't stop saying it. He's a shipper. :D
What cute ! I bet she's cute . Eric is doing well , but he;s so small ... we are taking him home today , in one hour or two . I can show him my photos , my room ! I can't wait to see him in here ... is such a wonderful feeling ! My fics ... are not Sandle centered ... well , I have written them last year and just posted them . But I will post very soon a Sandle story , I just began writting it .
:D How cute! Nice to know that, M. Dannielle. :D Too bad. Baby Sara (I call her Sara. ;)) will be brought home on Thursday because she has an infection. :( but she's fine! :D

I love the quote in your siggy. So Sandl-y! Oh my goodness if Greg will say that to Sara. I will really faint. :)
Me too ! She has an infection ?:( Poor baby ! But I hope she's going to be alright ! :) How funny , your Sara and my Eric ! Cool ! I liked the quote too , but I thought that would be something Sara will say to Greg hehe !
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