Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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ME!!!ME!! i wanna drink blue hawaiian....

whenever they both are together, my heart jumped around...and i can hear the beating... :eek: that means i love it and i am excited.... :D

esp when i watch fanny smackin....i really shouted and i run around my house.... well sandle really makes me crazy... :D
*Giving everyone a cup of coffee* Sandle is driving crazy every one of it's fans ! We live in a Sandle kingdom , we drink only blue hawaiian . That means we are crazy about Sandle ... and I simply adore that I became a Sandle shipper !
right on M.Danielle here you go *gives M.Danielle some sandle drugs* it gives us lots of creativity on sandle....

thats why we're so addicted to it.... :D during the epi 'Living Doll' sara n greg are not there in hte first half of the scene....hmm...i wonder what are they doing actually?? :lol: :devil: :lol:
*evil grin* they know better . *takes the drugs* oh , much better ... I am feeling sleepy , dizzy... I see Sara and Greg ... I hear a kid crying ... is their child ? No , is my brother , but I'm going to dream further , who knows ..
*comes in the thread from a dreadful battle at school*

And did you say you were going back to school, Pau? That's just awful!
Yes. Why, yes it is! :( I just arrived from the battle and this day totally sucks. I feel so awful. Schools suck the life out of me. But the only thing that made me happy is that, I get to see my friends again ;). O yeah! 2 of my friends are addicted to CSi. One is a Sandle Shipper. Wohoo! :D And one is snicker. *small wohoo* And another good news, I am in the BEST Class. Tehee! But forget about school, I want to talk about Sandle. ;)

Well, I love the quotes, E. Del, nice to see you can also do the SQOTD and the poems, C. Kat and B. Carrie ;) (You are a Baroness, right? Sorry. :( I keep forgeting. *puts blame on school*)

M. Danielle, love love your fic. HOW DARE YOU MAKE A LOVELY FIC! :mad: Joking! Hehehe! ams from the Purejoy thread really influenced me with sense of humor. Except for the fact that I'm not funny. :p Tehee! :D

And love the image, C. Kat. Love the pics.. Hehe! :D And CJ, you're writing a sequel. Yes!! She'll follow him in Miami. Can't wait!

And E. Hestia, love the SPOTD. :D i can't believe he didn't accept. :eek: *wanting to strangle Greg* but it's okay.. The hug made me feel better and he looks super cute in the pic. *drools* :D I just wanna hug him. :)

Hmmm... I think I'll stay here for a little while. :D
Hey , glad to have you back , C. Pau ! We missed you ... we were talking about Sandle drugs . I took some and made me dream very beautiful . I started to write one shots , can u believe that ? Anyway , I am glad you liked that , I rewatched Living Doll last night and I got the idea .
And how is your niece feeling ? hope she's better !
Hello M. Danielle. :) I missed you guys too. :) Oh, Sandle drugs... :D I'm always high on those but I can't right now because those thngs makes me loopy, Sandle-loopy (not that I'm complaining ;)). :) So if I take those, I may do some Sandle-stunts at school. :) Not that it's a bad thing but poor creatures my teachers are they have no clue what Sandle is. :( So sad. *sniff*

I haven't seen Living Doll yet. :( But I will, someday. Tehee! And my niece is doing great thanks for asking. :D We added another name so her name is now, Francella Qim Gray. 3 names! Hehehe! She's wonderful and hope your brother is enjoying the stuff you bought for him. Cute little Eric. :D
Well , Eric doesn't know yet who am I or such , he just knows mom . But I learned how to stop him from crying . Finally . I love Sandle drugs too , very good .
I am so glad the little girl is okay ! Since mom's pregnancy I love kids more than ever . I can't wait to hear him talking or see him walking .
Now I am going out with my bf , because today is hisa birthday and we wanna celebrate . But I'll talk to you guys later . Have a good day !
Well, Happy birthday to your bf, M. Dannielle. :D and good to know, baby Eric is doing okay. :D

Oh and M. Dannielle, pls. continue writing some fics. :D I love Sandle fics. :)

No way, when Greg passed his proficiency test and he hugged Sara first. It meant something! No way in hell did it mean nothing! It's not just a hug.
Definitely meant something. :) I mean, when I saw that scene, I think when they were hugging, Greg had his eyes closed. He was cherishing the moment. :) And it wasn;t just any hug, it was a Sandle-hug! The best hug ev-ah! :D Oh yeah!!

*gives everyone a Sandle-hug*
yah he had his eyes closed his mind "Woohoo! atlast..she hugged me...mmm very comfortable though. I dont wanna let go! I dont wanna let go!" :D

in Sara's thought..."mmm i love huggin this guy..He is one comfortable son of a bit** i dont wanna let go! but i need to let go...damn!"

haha C.Pau hunny!!! i love you!!!! hehe welcome back....hmm lets kill all the teachers so that we wont go back to sch.. :D :D jk jk
Hehehe! Maybe they weren't just thinking. Maybe they using their Sandle-telepathy. ;)

Greg: Only hug?
Sara: There's more later, I promise.
Greg: I like that. :devil:

:lol: And I love you too, K. Naz. Well, I love all my Sandle-buddies. Now, I have to got to bed. This is another reason why I hate school. :mad:

Nyt or morning guys! :)

And look *points to posistion* I am no longer a CSI Level One but a Pathologist. *celebrate* Wohoo! I go promoted. I now have over 1000 posts. Go me! :) Well, I'll go now. Hope I could have Sandle dreams tonight. :)
Pau, congratulations for the promotion! How the hell can you have 1000 posts within about 2 months? That's crazy! :lol:

Danielle, weird question but: do you like horses? Cause we've got 2 cute little mares in our stable, both 1 year old and still nameless. I told the owner that they need names and he said "You know one?" And I really like your name... *g* So maybe someday there'll be a little Dani running around in Germany!^^

*joins the "just a hug"discussion*
It wasn't just that, it was more. And honestly, even the anti-Sandles ought to know that this was a special moment for Sara, too, as she helped him through his training and all. It was a celebration for both of them - and surely they continued this celebration later... in the bedroom! :devil:

I remembered this song today which I know from the musical "Dance of the Vampires" (saw it in Hamburg a few years ago and was thrilled). The song's so cute and made me cry, and it fits Sandle more than perfectly, so I wanna share it with you here, but I also posted it in the songs thread. (There's also more info on the plot)

For Sarah

There are ghosts in the air
Evil eyes in the darkness
As I search…for Sarah
Demons lurk everywhere
But however much they scare me,
I will not be deterred
I’ll be tough
I’ll be strong
There is nothing I would not do or be…for Sarah
I will steal
I will lie
There's nothing I won't try to find and save her

There's a dream, one that’s cold
How I long to go back
but I must stay…for Sarah
Through these nightmares I roll
Desperate, shattered, lonely
But I must not give up
I will slash
I will burn
There is nothing I would not do or be
For Sarah
There’s no scar I won’t earn
I’ll do anything it takes
To find and hold her

I'll be bold
I'll be brave
There is nothing I would not be or do…for Sarah
I would go to the grave
Like a sacrificial angel
Who would not let you fall
I would fight all my fears
There is nothing I would not do for you …for Sarah
Take this blood, sweat, and tears
Take this sacrificial angel who will save you…Sarah

Can Greg's search for his love be described in a better way..?
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