Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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I did enjoy it. :D *see post above* Good Job! *hugs*

And Naz, here's your request wallie. Again, I don't know if I really captured the theme you want. But here you go. Hope you like it. It's okay if you don't.. And sorry because I don't have enough brushes.. :D

Sandle as requested by Naz

Enjoy!! :)
I miss Sabser and Carrie. And hollie and Hestia and araSgerG and csimonkey and PintsizeGenius and CathStokes and CSI_Fray.

Huhuhuhu. Where is everybody?? We miss you guys. Come back!

I'm here, Pau! Sorry that I've been away for so long. I had an asthama attack in the middle of the night and had to go to hospital! They had little TV's in the hospital (one to every bed!) so I watched CSI! And guess what! I watched 3 episodes-and all were Sandly ones! Organ Grinder, Iced and a repeat of Fannysmackin. :D

I cried in the hospital when Greg was beat up and the nurse looked at me funny :lol:

I'm gonna try and do a SFDOTD because thinking of Greg and Sara with the whole house-with-white-picket-fence deal is just too cute! ;)

Lovely SPS, Pau! Grissom is a strange man who only deserves the love from his cockroaches and that awful straw hat :lol: Joke! Grissom is great...just leave Sara for Greg, huh, Griss? ;)

LIFF! Mighty King Liff, you have returned! Oh, you're writing a Sandle fic? It's gonna be great. And what a dirty dream! I will never think of chocolate the same way again...

Welcome to our humble aboad, CSIAleh! Wonderful to see you here and hope you have a great time discussing all things Sandle! And what a lovely SPDOTD! It was so cute the way they kept saying each others names!

I have a motto for our Sandle threads!

Dirty? Fluffy? You name it, we got it!


Edited to say how cute Pau's wallie is! What are you talking about, Pau!?! Your's are much better than mine!
luvincsi said:
Liff! *runs to Liff and hugs him causing to knock the tray out of his hands* We miss you so much!! And thanks Liff. Can't wait for your fic. :D And I love teaser. Tehee! And the DTOTD! :devil: Well... ;)

Oh CSIAleh! *hugs* I love your SPDOTD! Really cute!! I love it. HOW DARE YOU MAKE SOMETHING AS CUTE AS THAT!!! :mad: Joking! Hehehe! :D *hugs*

Glad you like it!! So it was pretty good for the first one?
aww...thats cute CSIAleh its funny too...king Liff my darling :lol: you're back!!!!! we miss ya...i love ur DTOTD n FTOTD... glad you bing the cakes here *eats the sandlelicious cake* :D :D can things get any delicious than sandle :D
Sabser! You're here too! :eek: *runs to Sabser and gives a warm hug* :D Poeple are popping in here. Cool! And did you know, I checked out the Who's Online and I saw that 5 people are visiting this thread. :D Well, that's a lot for me. :)
Sorry about your asthma, Sab and you have to go to the hospital. Hope you feel much better now. :) And I love the motto. So true!! :)

Lovely SPS, Pau! Grissom is a strange man who only deserves the love from his cockroaches and that awful straw hat Joke! Grissom is great...just leave Sara for Greg, huh, Griss?
Thanks! and I love that hat of Gris actually. :) Tehee!!

*hugs* Glad you like it!! So it was pretty good for the first one?
It wasn't good. It was awesome. Write more! :) I love it that all Sandle shippers are talented. :D
messermonroe said:
*Liff climbs into the thread with a tray of freshly baked chocolate cake*

Hi all! I've missed you all so much! Sorry for not being around for the past few days. The internship was sooo draining on my brain, and then yesterday I was just in a foul mood.

Huge welcome to CSIAleh!!! *hands over the first slice of cake and sprays whipped cream all over you* :D I hope you enjoy yourself here! We're a lovely bunch of lunkheads, numbnuts and a few bozos too. :D But most important of all is...


Righty, oh! I'm messermonroe but you can call me Liff. I 'think' I'm the only guy who's here. :) Some of them call me king liff - just ignore them. Hehe, I'm just as wacko as the rest! And yes, I write the DTOTD and the FTOTD too :)

Guys! I've missed all of you sooooooo much!

Now now ladies *ducks to avoid the flying maggots* - I think we'll leave the disgusting stuff to Grissom shall we? It seems like that's all he's interested in. :lol:

Anyways, I guess back to my daily contributions!

Fluffy Thought Of The Day:

Suppressing another yawn Greg moved to lie on his side, nudging the beauty on his arm slightly to wake her up. "Sara...," he whispered whilst running his hands languidly over her bare arms. "Wake up honey," he continued, grinning cheekily as Sara stirred.

Short? Yeah... but that's just a little taste of my new fic. Yep, I'm finally writing a Sandle fic! I wrote it during lunch today at work, so I'll post it and give you all the link once I finish it alright? :)

OMG...I have to tell you, I had a sandle dream a few nights back. a DIRTY sandle dream! involved cookies and chocolate. :lol:


Dirty Thought Of The Day:

Sara shivered as she felt Greg's fingers run over her bare skin. The feel of him over her was more intoxicating as he ran his arms arm and down over hers. Bending down, Greg began to slowly lick off the pools of melted chocolate he had poured on her. She squirmed as she felt him move along her body....

:devil: My that was extra dirty, I think I'll have to leave the rest up to your imagination since I can't post any M-Rated content here! :lol:

Anyways, I sure hope the FTOTD and DTOTD weren't dissappointing! I'm getting back into the groove! :lol: And my fic should be finished soon. I'll finish writing it tonight, and if not - tomorrow. :)

Pau dear I loved your SPS! It rocked :) Screw Grissom!

Have a happy Sandle-y day everyone! I'll be hanging around tonight! (hopefully if nothing comes up).

Cheers my darlings!

Thanks Liff! *Shoves cake in Liff's face*
hey Sabby :D see i create a nickname 4 u.. :D im so sorry for the asthma i hope you'll be alright...hunny here *give a warm sandly hug* i hope this will make u feel better.... Pau we're not finish yet :devil: *snatch maggots from grissom and throw at Pau* hehe...this will be the last disgusting things.... :D
Sabser, I just found out that your names is Jessica so I'll just call you Jesie. Is that okay?? :D

*throws some more maggots at Naz* Okay Naz. This is just icky. I give up. :) Did you see your walle? It's up there somewhere.. :)
CSIAleh said:
Thanks Liff! *Shoves cake in Liff's face*
Oh it's on now...:devil:

*Liff takes out large hose and spews Custard all over the thread before prancing around leaving cherries on everyone's head*
Whoah! :eek: Okay, so people actually love throwing maggots. :rolleyes: You're a newbie, CSIAleh so I won't fight back. :p Joking! But I would fight back but... :D if there's a fight I'd like to join, that would be Spoiled Cake War and Blue Hawaiian Battle. Hahaha! :lol: Maggots are just icky and they just belong to Grissy. ;)

But no fighting for me atm. Im getting nervous. I can hear my mom move from her room. If she wakes up and see me using the pc at 1 am here, she'll kill me. *shakes*
Pau!!!!!!! thanks!!!!! i love it!!! tomorrow...i'll put it as my background!!! its sandle...people love it... hmm juz imagine a woman came up to us and said...

"My daughter is 2 yrs old...last time i teach her saying Mom...Dad... but she could not get it...but when she heard the word sandle once..she know how to say the word...then she know how to say mom and dad...sandle is miracle...we love it"

:D :D
Wow I've missed a lot!

Sabser, good you're back! Must have been bad, huh? *hugs* I have asthma, too, but never that bad!

Liff, and a hug for you, too! I've missed those thoughts!

Pau, cute wallie! Very sandlish!

And last but definitely not least I LOVE the SPDOTD CSIAleh! It's awesome and sooo cute! Write more, please! Btw do you have a nickname or better: real name, too?
Ahhh... I love that Naz! Sandle really is a miracle. :D And I'm glad that you liked my wallie. I was getting nervous you wouldn't. :) You just made my day, girl. *hugs*

EDIT: And also thanks, Kat. :)
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