Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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SandleDL said:
Wow I've missed a lot!

Sabser, good you're back! Must have been bad, huh? *hugs* I have asthma, too, but never that bad!

Liff, and a hug for you, too! I've missed those thoughts!

Pau, cute wallie! Very sandlish!

And last but definitely not least I LOVE the SPDOTD CSIAleh! It's awesome and sooo cute! Write more, please! Btw do you have a nickname or better: real name, too?

Thanks!! Uh Your can call me Alexis or Aleh...sure what do you want me to write?
ok then...i quit the maggots..there you go grissom...i've collected your friends.. :D and now for the real war!!!!!!!

*take the bazooka and misile, filled them with cake n blue hawaiian and fire them at everybody* :devil: :devil:

this sandle thread is fun...thats why i love sandle..its so fun and loving :D
Alexis? I like that name. My friend's name is Alexis but she ships GSR. :( Why?? Lex?? Why?? And I call her Lex. Like a dog. Hehe! :D I request for a fic, Aleh! :) Please.. :)

And Naz, how much I love to join the war. I can't atm. Im kind of keeping an eye on my mom. If she catches me, Im dead! Or worst... not allowed to use the pc which means, no Sandle luvin! NOOOOOOOooooooooooooo!!! :(
Aww, thanks for your concern and your hugs, Pau, Naz and Kat! I feel much better now, thanks to all this Sandle love! :D

*Liff takes out large hose and spews Custard all over the thread before prancing around leaving cherries on everyone's head*

*Takes the cherry off her head and bites it* You're one in a million aren't you, Oh Mighty Liff! :lol:

I wrote a SFDOTD! Go me, go me *dances and pours sprinkles on everyones head to top off Liff's creation*

Caitlyn: *Points* That one!
Greg: Sweetie, it’s too small, you’d step on it!
Caitlyn: I guess…*Points* Oh, how bout that one, daddy!
Greg: Too big, hon. It’ll destroy the house in ten minutes flat.
Caitlyn: Oh, oh! Daddy, can we have that one? Please! Please!
Greg: *Laughs* I don’t think I have a choice.

At Home…

*Sara unlocks the door and steps into the house, only to see her husband and daughter sat on the floor with a…*
Caitlyn: Mommy! We got a doggy!
Sara: I see that, Katey…What’s his name?
Caitlyn: Sandy!


Sara: Well, when we discussed getting Katey a pet, I didn’t think we’d be sitting here with a Golden Retriever.
Greg: Yeah well, I wanted a bear, but I don’t think that would’ve gone down too well with the neighbours.
Sara: *Laughs* You’re barking mad, you know that?
*Greg just kisses her as Sandy barks in agreement*

:lol: Sandy, the Sanders Dog!

Sabser, I just found out that your names is Jessica so I'll just call you Jesie. Is that okay??

Absolutely fine by me, Pau! :D

hey Sabby see i create a nickname 4 u..

:lol:, thanks Naz! I call my cat Sabby sometimes since her name is Sabrina! You're like a mind reader, Naz! :D

SOunds yummmy.

That it does, Alexis :p
Love that, Jesie! :D I like calling you that. Reminds me of a korean show I watch. Which is also a very romantic show. Like Sandle.. :D

This is the fastest converstion I ever experienced in the thread. I mean, after posting, I'll just be suprise there's another post. :D Sandle would be proud. *tear* Too bad I would miss the rest of the fun. I really need to go to bed. I can hear my mom about to check up on me. *shakes* See you tom guys. Good nyt or morning!!
Alexis, of course you can write a long ff, but I for my part would also be satisfied with more dialogues like this one!

Sabby, that was a funny SFDOTD! Could exactly imagine Greg giving Sara the "I-know-you-want-to-hate-me-right-now-but-look-at-me-you-know-you-love-me" kind of look! (omg what a word! :eek:)

Pau, hope you don't get into trouble! See you tomorrow!

We're really really fast, we're on p. 10, that's just awesome! I don't know what you think but imho we're the best shippers around!!! :D
You can call me Kat if you want to, it's short for my real name Katja! ;)
Well, if you have more ideas for Proposal Dialogues - I can't get enough of them! Maybe you also like to write Fluffy or Dirty Thoughts? Would be just as great! :D
Hmm, it seems this place has emptied!

Alexis dear, just a little tip, you shouldn't double post. It's seen as spamming (was it spamming? I forget...) But anyways, yeah, you shouldn't double post. Plus, there's supposed to be a 3 line minimum per post....sadly enough.


I'm night shift since everyone's gone to sleep! :lol:

la la la - yay for Sandle!

Del honey? Where are you? :( Where is Del???? I mish you dear!
Hey Liff hun, ur still here? Sorry I'm watching TV, but I thought I might just have a look again *lol*
Hm I know this is a fanfic question but well, it came into my head, so: do you like whump stories? Really angsty stories? Just wanna know^^

Oh I watched a vid today, no music, just a collection of Sandle moments from "A real man wouldn't mind" to "I came here for you", aw that was so sweet! :)
Oh I see!! THank you!! Well you are here... graveyard shift huh?? Well it's afternoon here but to y'all I suppose it's night time..where do you live? Oh I guess I need to keep typing so I get my three line minimum I don't want to be a spammer or whatever.
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