Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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aww..take your time i wont mind...i can wait for sara...and btw i wanna write to eric szmanda :D :D well... i hope that there will be sandle all the way...i voted for sandle...they are the best snickers are the second...and GSR...nevermind :lol: jk...

haha dont make eye contact... :lol: thats funny...and leapin lizard..during he got bitten...i hope sara was there...she will pushed the woman whowas biting Greg...

"How dare you bite my Greggo...and how dare you bite my Greggo before i bite him first" :devil: :devil: now thats just weak... :rolleyes:
Yup, it was Del who was making the Sandle website, and I helped by sending her ideas. I'm wondering too how it's going. :)

You're right Pau! I planned on writing the awesome story about Hank the Ballerina. It'll just have to wait til after my examinations. Those are next week. So in two weeks I'll have all the time to write (also on 'Faded Away' which really needs to be continued... :rolleyes: )

The Sandle love is once again aliiiiive! We're already on page nine. :eek: I swear, we're gonna catch up GSR. :lol: Anyway, I have to go again; but keep the Sandle love alive!

in leapin lizard..during he got bitten...i hope sara was there...she will pushed the woman whowas biting Greg...

"How dare you bite my Greggo...and how dare you bite my Greggo before i bite him first" now thats just weak...
Hahaha! :lol: I was thinking of Sara saying that too. Or..

"If Greg wants to be bitten, the hand is not the part where you do it." Hahaha! :devil: :lol:

Hello Eva! Nice to see you here. *hugs* And I can't wait for the fics. :) Don't oressure yourself. We can wait. :D

And oh yes! We're on page nine. Hooray! *dances around funtain* And umm.. Im writing a fic. Im on chapter 2! :D
good luck with the exam have some cake b4 u go...*squash cake at Eva's face* :devil: im evil...hehe but sandle thread need to be fun....and here the fun...*dance around the blue hawaiian funtain*

cummon...people! join the dance...*invite sara and greg to the dance*
lol!!!!! that would be painfull...but greg likes it :devil: :devil: good luck with the fic...have some blue hawaiian to keep you awake....hmm i wonder how does it taste like... it will taste sandly.. :D :D bout in big shots?? during the defend...sara would say this..

"Mam...if you wanna're at the wrong timing..."
"Cuzz me and greg are discussing where do we wanna play games rite now.." :devil: :devil:

well this game is viloent...rated M-18... :p :lol: the rest...i'd just keep it to myself... :D
Hahaha, Naz. Lots of dirty thoughts today, huh? Hope King Liff would be proud. :D And thanks for the Blue Hawaiian. :D Im already writing my chapter 2. Tehee! :)
well yeah...but king Liff the best of the best :D i wanna read it!! i wanna read it!! I wanna read your chap 2 :D :D :D well...i have no idea why i have lots of DT today.... maybe it was sandle....sandle made me do it!! :D

they are bad and cute couple...thats why we have so many ideas on them :D :D
I haven't publish my fic yet. :) My beta, my fish will have to edit it first. Hahaha! :lol:

Yep. Sandle gives us lots and lots of ideas. :D I miss Sabser and Carrie. And hollie and Hestia and araSgerG and csimonkey and PintsizeGenius and CathStokes and CSI_Fray.

Huhuhuhu. :( Where is everybody?? We miss you guys. Come back!
Hehe I love dirty thoughts! :D Bet Greg loves to be bitten as long as it's not his hand :devil:

Sandle Proposal Dialogue of the Day incl. some DTs

Greg: Sara, wait! I need to talk to you!
Sara: About what? (grins) Listen Greg, if this is meant to be a slight hint for me to join you to Grissom's office, then I have to disappoint you, he hasn't left yet. But what about meeting in the garage in an hour?
Greg: No, honestly...
Sara: Well I know you prefer doing it spontaneously, and I really would love to have you right here and now, but...
Greg: Sara, honey, it's not about that - although I wouldn't mind coming back to that later. For now... (pulls Sara into the lab)
Sara: Damn Greg, I'm busy!
Greg: There are more important things than work. Sara, I... I can't do this anymore.
Sara: Can't do... oh. (looks sad) Greg, I... I understand that it isn't easy. It isn't easy for me either, but please... I told you I'd leave Gil, but you know that it's hard - he damn loves me, Greg! Please, give me some time, I need you, so please don't go away and leave me now!
Greg: (smiles) I never thought of leaving you. But you have to make a decision. I love you and you love me, but we can never show it. I don't want to have secrets anymore, I want to show my love for you anytime and anywhere I want, not only during SSCBs and hidden in the lab, in the closet...
Sara: Gil's office...
Greg: Exactly. So Sara, there's only one way. (takes her hand) Do you want to marry me?
Sara (smiles at him in surprise and happiness): You'll bet on that!
Hahah! They have an affair! So hot. :devil: Tehee! :D I loe this part.

anywhere I want, not only during SSCBs and hidden in the lab, in the closet...
Sara: Gil's office...
Hahaha! :lol: I guess they also have a clue what SSCB is. Tehee! :D Maybe I'll also think of a dialogue. Hmmm..
Oh Kat, you're very good at writing. :D Kepp on doing your thing. :) And may I ask a request? A SFDOTD?? :)
Hello CSIAleh! That's so sweet. :) Isn't it great that your first post is in the Sandle thread? Well, my first post ever was here first. Not in the Welcome thread or any threads. :D

*shares cookies and blue hawaiian* Have fun here, hun. :D And I love your siggy. :) And you can just call me Pau short for Paula. :D

Because we have a new shipper in the house, I have a pic to share. :D

[i wonder what Greg is looking at] Tehee! :D Working on my SPS. Oh CSIAleh, that's Sandle Photo Story. :) We have some abbreviations here that you might be confuse about. But don't worry we'll make you understand everything. So, we do hope you post here a lot. :D
A SFDOTD? Oh I'm not good with kids... but I'll try.

So let's just assume Greg and Sara are happily married and have a wonderful daughter named... hm... Lucy. Lucy is 6 years old and in her first year at school.

Lucy: Mommy, I got me paper back!
Sara: What did you write about?
Lucy: We had to write about our last weekend. Remember when we were in that park, mommy?
Sara (smiling): Oh of course, sunshine!
Sara reads the paper, begins to grin.
Lucy: What's so funny, Mom? Don't you like it?
Sara: It's wonderful, sweetie, I love it!

--- Later ---

Sara: Greg, darling, how was your shift?
Greg: Exhausting, but okay. I'm glad Nick is back from his honeymoon! Anything happened?
Sara (laughs): Lucy just proved to be just like her daddy!
Greg: How's that? Listen, if she's found out how cool Nirvana are, then you won't forbid her to listen to it, okay?
Sara: I'm not talking about music, she still loves her children's cassettes. No, she wrote a paper at school about our day at the park, remember?
Greg (kisser her): How could I forget? Good she could play with the kids so we had some time just for us! (smiles)
Sara (giggles): Yeah we had a nice day, hadn't we?
Greg: Although Lucy got very wet when she fell into the fountain!
Sara (lol): She wrote about that - you taught her too much, I guess. She misspelled 'fountain' just like you!
Greg (shrugs): I don't see a problem there, spelling was never my best subject, there were others. At least I could spell 'desoxyribonucleid acid' and stuff.
Sara (sighs): You're not the only one! Her teacher told me how impressed she was when she had a headache and our little girl just told her to take some acetylsalicylic acid!
Greg (claps his hands): That's my girl! (kisses Sara) Sorry, dear, she may have your gorgeous looks, but the other half is mine!
The door opens and Lucy walks in, a CD in her hands.
Lucy: Daddy, I took one of your cd's. What band is that?
Greg: That's Black Sabbath, cutie, and...
Lucy: They rock! (turns around and leaves, seconds later loud music fills the house)
Sara (acting a desperate woman): I don't believe it...
Greg (pulls her close): Kids - never try to figure them out! (grins) And now that Lucy's busy and can't hear us - I want to celebrate something!
Sara: And what would that be?
Greg: Us! The best parents in the world with the most wonderful child!
Sara: And how are we gonna celebrate this properly?
Greg: Oh, I can think of a way... (picks her up and carries her to the sleeping room, locks the door) *censored*

That's okay? (Wow that became quite long! :eek:)

EDITed to welcome CSIAleh! Have fun!
I really like it. :D And Lucy is adorable! I made their little girl, Jerah. That's my favorite name. Hehehe! :D And this SFDOTD of yours, Kat is also qute fluffy. :D Really cute! :)

And CSIAleh, thanks. The thread is great because Sandle is great. :D
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