Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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^^ :lol: Graveyard Shift...hmm, nah I think I'm more of the Swing Shift now that I think about it :D It's 8pm right now. I'm in Namibia at the moment :) But I'm Malaysian. Where abouts are you?

Hm I know this is a fanfic question but well, it came into my head, so: do you like whump stories? Really angsty stories? Just wanna know^^
Well....I hate to admit it, but I love angst. I can't write much of it though, my profession lies in utter fluff and family moments. All my fics lie somewhere there. (But at the moment, they're all D/L) :) You should read them sometime and tell me what you think! :D

You know, I still cant believe I had a dirty Sandle dream...but it was like a drama type thing. Sara thought Greg was cheating on her or something i can't remember....all i know was it ended with a dirty thought, so it must have been a happy ending!

Besides, Greg would never cheat on Sara. Likewise with Sara. They would only cheat on other people with each other simply cos they're HAWT.
Oh Liff I wish I had dirty Sandle dreams! All I dreams is strange stuff I hardly remember the next day! And well, I love angst, too, and I love whump when it's well written. The problem is to show people who don't have a clue about ff's that this doesn't make me a sadist or something *lol*

Alexis, as you can see, I'm from lovely Germany where right now the G8 summit takes place. ;) It's 9.30 pm here. (Have I said that I hate time differences?!)

No, Greg would never cheat on Sara. Well, why should he? It's enough that Sara cheats on Grissom... in his office... :devil:
Im apparently the only... :lol: But I don't mind. Sandle rocks and that's what matters!

I also have dibs on baking the sandle wedding cake, plus I hand out the daily slices of my chocolate cake :) I love baking. THERE's an interesting scenario, Greg baking with Sara - tho somehow I don't think they'll get much baking done!

I'm King Liff! Haha, i feel so loved and special! Can we say 'Emperess Delia'? Cos that's just rockin' ;) We need more sandle awards!

I agree with you Kat, Greg would never cheat on Sara. It was her THINKING he did, which means alot of make-up secks after ;)
In all the time I've been gone (about half a day or so) we got a new member, so welcome CSIAleh! I trust you got the positivity cookies and Blue Hawaiian. :)

Many thanks for the birthday wishes, Carrie and Del! :D It's been 3 pages since I last posted (wow) but all that birthday partying and hangovers can do that to a person (kidding! I was not drinking! :lol: I hung out with my friend, watched movies, and had some delicious ice cream cake.)
Which reminds me, I brought everyone some ice cream cake - not for throwing, for eating *looks at Pau, Naz, and liff* :rolleyes: (newbies don't get warnings because we don't wanna scare them away.)

I just HAVE to ask, Del, did you make that chart? The one on FanPop? Because the one with the most votes has a familiar icon ("Yes they're perfect") - actually I believe it is one of my earlier icons! :eek:
Alexis, it took me a while to figure that one out, too... *lol* Blue Hawaiian is a sort of coffee - Greg's favorite, and as far as I know it's quite expensive, isn't it?

Liff, hehe yes Sara and Greg baking would be funny - both of them covered in flour, throwing dough at each other, and oh, soon there won't be much space left on the table for cookies. :devil:
OHHHH I know what that is!!! I remember that now!! LOl 40 bucks a pound! "That's my pot!" "Your pot?" "Yeah blue Hawaain blend. It's seasona 40 bucks a pound" "Well, you're using my water so I guess that makes it community coffee" or something like that.
Might be it, I've never watched this episode. Actually I've missed like thousands of episodes and I really need to catch up, I want to see the funny Greg, too (just watched a fun vid and it made me laugh so much^^). Like the scene when he's wearing this ape mask and rocks the lab! :D :lol:
Well I gotta go now, see you!
*heads away to have some dirty Sandle dreams* :devil:
Does Greg like not even like Sara anymore? Cos it seems like theyre losing their spark!! :(:(:(
Its reallly sadening to think about but still!
Alright y'all I wrote a Sandle Dialogue/Proposal Fan fic thing. It's all those meshed together. I hope you like it. I am going to post it in the fan fic section though, it's a little long. It's called Just a Little Bit Closer.
welcome to this delicious thread LabratLove :D :D it Ben and Jerry?? :D *eat the ice cream* well Greg still Love Liff darling u're frm guessing you're malay me too :D but im frm Singapore... :rolleyes:

we all love sandle no matter where are we or who are we...we are family here :D

*fire bazooka filed with spoiled cake at every body...*Whistle and make an innocent face* I didnt do it!!!! :devil: :devil: aww this thread is just sandly loving.... :lol: :D BIG HUG!!! *hug everybody*
yos Aleh you can call me Naz im gonna check it must be powerful..i can tell...well sandle is powerful, so powerful that breaks the table?? :devil: :lol: :lol:
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