Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

Not open for further replies. it so damn cute.. welcome to this thread CSIAleh you can call me Naz before that...*throw cake at CSIAleh* :lol: you're lucky...we're in the middle of a cake war.. :lol: haha i really love it...Lucy is adoreable...funtain eh?? :lol: hmm...i guess you like to hear rock too rite Kat?? :D Greg will be proud :cool:
ofcourse...dont be my guest...i really love to read your sandle proposal dialouge of the day...sandle family dialouge of the day, dirty thought of the day and fluffy thoughts of the day....yep.. :D
*throws some old cake at Naz and everyone else*

Hestia said we shouldn't throw cake at each other because it's for eating. So, this cake that Im throwing away is spoiled cake. And not edible. :p

Yup CSIAleh we write little dialogues namely:

SPDTOD- Sandle Proposal Dialougue of the Day. The perfect Sandle proposal. :D Anyone can write one. :)

SDFOTD- Sandle Family Dialogue of the Day. Just like the one Kat just wrote or SandleDL. :) Anyone can write one too.

DTOTD (Thanks Kat ;))- Dirty Thought of the Day. I think this is exclusive for messermonroe or Liff or King Liff. Tehee! :D He's also the one who writes the FTOTD or Fluffy Thought of the Day. :)

And did I mention we are the only ship who have this lttle stories. Are we? :) I hope I didn't miss one and we write some caps too if a pic is posted. Oh yeah. That reminds me. I posted a pic in the previous page. Any cap?? :D
Good luck! I just realzed it's midnight here. And my mom is asleep. :p I wish she wouldn't wake up and tell me to go to bed again. :( Classes starts next week and I won't be able to post here that often anymore so I hope she gives me a break. :)

And I'll post my SPS or Sandle Photo Story too. A little later. And Naz, Im done with your wallie. Fast huh? I'll post it tom. :D I hope you like it. I don't know if I really captured the theme you want me to make. But I hope you'll lke it if you don't then that's okay. :D
Pau isn't it DTOTD for the dirty thoughts?
Well we could add the SPS = Sandle Photo story!
And the SPOTD = Sandle Pic of the Day! :D

And Naz, yes you're right, I love rock/ punk rock/ alternative/ metal - and I work in a lab! So if Greg doesn't get Sara - here I am Greggo! *lol*

You want one, you'll get one!^^
hey!!!!! its rotten....ptwh...ptwh... ok then its revenge time :devil: :devil: *throw rotten cake with maggots (eww!!) at Pau haha take that!! *wipe it off with sandle love cloth and ask grissom to pull out the maggots* hehe

i hope that season 8 will be the sandliest season ever!!! :D
Pau isn't it DTOTD for the dirty thoughts?
Sorry! *embarassed* I'll edit it. :) It's night time here and Im very tired but not for Sandle. :) I have no idea what Im typing. :D

*takes some maggots and throws it at Naz* :devil: *mimics voice of nelson in the Simpsons* Haha!

Well we could add the SPS = Sandle Photo story!
And the SPOTD = Sandle Pic of the Day!
Oh! The SPS too. :) But I think for the SPOTD, we make caps! :D
sorry hunny...grissom already took all the maggots and named them.. :lol: :lol: we all have energy for sandle rite..cuzz it the core :D
*Liff climbs into the thread with a tray of freshly baked chocolate cake*

Hi all! I've missed you all so much! Sorry for not being around for the past few days. The internship was sooo draining on my brain, and then yesterday I was just in a foul mood.

Huge welcome to CSIAleh!!! *hands over the first slice of cake and sprays whipped cream all over you* :D I hope you enjoy yourself here! We're a lovely bunch of lunkheads, numbnuts and a few bozos too. :D But most important of all is...


Righty, oh! I'm messermonroe but you can call me Liff. I 'think' I'm the only guy who's here. :) Some of them call me king liff - just ignore them. Hehe, I'm just as wacko as the rest! And yes, I write the DTOTD and the FTOTD too :)

Guys! I've missed all of you sooooooo much!

Now now ladies *ducks to avoid the flying maggots* - I think we'll leave the disgusting stuff to Grissom shall we? It seems like that's all he's interested in. :lol:

Anyways, I guess back to my daily contributions!

Fluffy Thought Of The Day:

Suppressing another yawn Greg moved to lie on his side, nudging the beauty on his arm slightly to wake her up. "Sara...," he whispered whilst running his hands languidly over her bare arms. "Wake up honey," he continued, grinning cheekily as Sara stirred.

Short? Yeah... but that's just a little taste of my new fic. Yep, I'm finally writing a Sandle fic! I wrote it during lunch today at work, so I'll post it and give you all the link once I finish it alright? :)

OMG...I have to tell you, I had a sandle dream a few nights back. a DIRTY sandle dream! involved cookies and chocolate. :lol:


Dirty Thought Of The Day:

Sara shivered as she felt Greg's fingers run over her bare skin. The feel of him over her was more intoxicating as he ran his arms arm and down over hers. Bending down, Greg began to slowly lick off the pools of melted chocolate he had poured on her. She squirmed as she felt him move along her body....

:devil: My that was extra dirty, I think I'll have to leave the rest up to your imagination since I can't post any M-Rated content here! :lol:

Anyways, I sure hope the FTOTD and DTOTD weren't dissappointing! I'm getting back into the groove! :lol: And my fic should be finished soon. I'll finish writing it tonight, and if not - tomorrow. :)

Pau dear I loved your SPS! It rocked :) Screw Grissom!

Have a happy Sandle-y day everyone! I'll be hanging around tonight! (hopefully if nothing comes up).

Cheers my darlings!
My first Sandle proposal story! Enjoy!!

Setting: Locker room after shift.

Greg leaned against his locker fiddling with the small deep blue velvet box. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He turned to his left and saw Sara walking towards the locker room. Startled he quickly shoved the box in to his coat pocket and placed his hat on his head.

Sara: Hi, Greg!
Greg: Oh, hey Sara
Sara: Hey, how was your shift?
Greg: It was alright, messed up a DNA analysis. Almost ruined some crucial evidence. Grissom was pretty ticked.
Sara: Almost...but you didn't.
Greg: yeah but I hate making Grissom mad.
Sara: He'll get over it.

She noticed Greg face turn to a smile but he looked like he was shaking.

Sara: Greg, are you ok? You're shaking.
Greg: Oh really? Oh Guess I'm just a little cold. Brrrrr.
Sara: Greg it's 105 degrees outside.
Greg: Well we're inside, genius. It's cold in here.

Sara walked over the thermostat and peered at it for a moment. 85 degrees. Man, she thought to herself, someone needs to turn this down. It's hot in here. Oh, well, leverage on Greg,

Greg: Well I mean I could just be getting a cold or something.
Sara: It's 85 in here and you looked very healthy to me.
Greg: Oh. Well...
Sara: (interrupting) Greg...
Greg: Sara...
Sara: Greg...

Greg chuckled and stuck his hand in the pocket he had placed the ring. He bent down onto one knee. Sara gasped.

Greg: Chill out, I just dropped something. I know what you're thinking.
Sara: You do?
Greg: Sure, you're thinking What if he's going to ask me to marry him? What will I say?
Sara: Nawww...I just thought I saw what you were looking for. Uh...right there. (She leaned down)
Greg: Oh, is that all?
Sara: Yeah. Yep, that's it!
Greg: That's too bad. I was going to ask you to marry me.

Sara jumped to her feet and held Greg in a long embrace.

Greg: I didn't ask you yet.
Sara: Right.

Greg got back down on his knee and pulled out the ring.

Greg: Sara Sidle, will you marry me??
Sara: No.
Greg: WHAT?! I thought you just said you would?
Sara: You hadn't asked me yet.
Greg: But...
Sara: (Interrupting) Of course I'll marry you, silly.

Greg sighed in relief and stood up as he placed the ring on her finger. She hugged him deeply again and Greg picked her up and swung her around.

Greg: I love you, Sara
Sara: I love you too, Greg.


EDIT: *Sprays whipped cream at everyone. Takes the cake* :lol:
Liff! *runs to Liff and hugs him causing to knock the tray out of his hands* We miss you so much!! And thanks Liff. Can't wait for your fic. :D And I love teaser. Tehee! And the DTOTD! :devil: Well... ;)

Oh CSIAleh! *hugs* I love your SPDOTD! Really cute!! I love it. HOW DARE YOU MAKE SOMETHING AS CUTE AS THAT!!! :mad: Joking! Hehehe! :D *hugs*
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