Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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oooh...i just love your SQOTD and SPOTD Kat the poem is so sure that the pic is taken frm big shots rite.... :D ooh...SP is great...if theres 2 SPOTD i will faint...its so confusing...

and im SO gonna VOTE for them no matter what :D glad that everybody loves sandle... :D like we said...they are so lovely together no matter what...even the blind ppl can see that....

juz imagine if a person walk to us and say..."Last time i was blind, with lots of sandle love, i can see again...sandle is miracle" i will shout and jump around.... :lol:

I am going to watch Leapin Lizard tomorrow of tonite i hope theres sandle moments there....and i hate the scene where Sara was with Grissom on bed with his old dog... :lol: :lol:
You're here Del. :D And I voted. Hope that makes a difference in the poll. :)

juz imagine if a person walk to us and say..."Last time i was blind, with lots of sandle love, i can see again...sandle is miracle" i will shout and jump around....
Awww.. that's so sweet. Really. :) Sandle is a miracle. So cute!! :D

Where do you watch it Naz? :)
Glad you like my poem! It's always so much fun writing about Sandle! (Well it is a sad poem but I love writing those ;)) And Naz of course you're right, it's from Big Shots. When Greg's so sad and all I would really love to give him a big hug and tell him that Sara's there for him... :(
Me too, Kat. If Greggo's sad, I want to give him a hug too. But I guess, I'll melt in the process. :)

I kept thinking about Sara being somewhere. Save her, Greg. Save her! :D
WOOHOO!!!!! i just watched 'The good,the bad and the dominatrix' and it was good!!! no sandle moment though....i love it when sara was jealous....i'd say goodbye GSR and hello SANDLE.. :D all i say is Lady Heather ROX!! but i hate the ending...i cannot say or else it will spoil the others...

hmm i think during the SSCB...sara will say...'Nevermind Grissom...i will defintely leave him for good.. Opps! Greg's waiting for me in the closet' :devil: :devil:

when I looked at Greg's reaction in the episode 'empty eyes'...i feel something's wrong in that if that he knew that grissom liked sara....i dunno what to say...but im sure that, that glance is wrong... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Naz, you're on a roll.. now your in TGTBTD?? Wohoo! :D Too bad I haven't seen the epis after Big Shots. :( Where do you watch this, Naz?

And Ive reread that fic of yours and Im still loving it. Got some good review, Naz. Congratulations! :)
well i'll tell you later...i'll PM you...and what is TGTBTD?? aww thanks Pau *hug Pau* i really love your fanfic...well i'll finish my first fanfic... :D
oh yeah. I forgot to say that, pls. update your first fanfic. Tehee! And TGTBTD, The Good, The Bad and The Dominatrix. :D

aww thanks Pau *hug Pau* i really love your fanfic
Thanks! :D *gives some Sandle huggin'* Hope I could continue writing. But Im not in the right mood. :( And Blogging sort of my thing now and wallies. :) But I hope to write more. :D
aww...i noe that you're good with the wallie...could you please do this theme...Sandle in the moonlight...and the background will be like purple and black(a romantic colour) it represent the night...hehe i would like to put that as my background in friendster if you dont mind... :D :D
Sure. :D But I'll try my best. :) Im not that good in making wallies. I think Sabser's better. :D

Oh and I saw you in friendster, Lady in Black. :D I'm a friend in the Sandle account. :)
ouh ya...but damn!!! i nvr logged in to that account...well i think im slacking... :lol: i hope that Del is finishing with the sandle website...i think its Del or Eva :lol: :lol:

haha i love the colour black... :D :D
Love black too. :) That's why I love Lady H so much. :D You know guys, I think black is the Sandle color. I don't know. I have observed this a long time ago that in most of their pics, the color black is dominant. Hmmmm...

I almost forgot the website. *slaps self* I think it was Del. I could be wrong. ;)
yey!! to me black represent noe its like looking at the sky and talk sandle...again :D hmm...maybe the glance that greg gave sara in 'empty eyes' is because of this... :devil:

"Whew! luckily we've put on our clothes before Grissom went in...thats a close one" :lol: :lol: :devil: :devil:
Hahaha! :lol: I love that so much Naz. :D Thumbs up! Hehehe!

And Sara was saying "Don't make eye contact Greg, they will notice." :devil: Tehee! We have got to love the SSCB! :D

And Naz, I'll just give you the wallie a few days from now. Is that okay? Or if time will permit me, I'll make it right now and maybe give it to you tomorrow. Depends on what time it's my turn too look after gramps. Tehee! :D
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