Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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Yes it is my birthday today, and thank you all so much for the wonderful wishes! (Pau, Naz, Kat, Eva)

Your cheer is awesome, Pau! And that cake is lovely. Really decorative. :) And I did manage to spend time with my friend (she made time because it was my birthday) so I'm happy today! :D
Since Eva wanted to know, I have hit the big 2-0. I am not a teenager anymore, and must face my responsibilities as an adult....
I don't wanna grow up!

*sigh* Now to go back to the topic at hand: I'm surprised our phrase got into the urban dictionary but pleased. And of course the sandley quotes of the day are pure love. I'll be back later with ice cream cake! I got a big day ahead with the family and I know what I'll wish for when I blow out those candles.
Hey Hestia, don't worry, it's great not being a teenager anymore! *lol*
Sorry guys, I have to go, but I'll be back tomorrow and I promise there'll be more SQOTD and SPOTD and maybe even some dialogue! ;)
First, I'd like to wish Hestia a happy birthday! EEE! Hope all goes well, I'm still 16, and I'm appreciating the lack of responsibility. :lol:

We have a Blue Haiwaiian Funtain?:eek: Gee, this place gets new stuff when I leave! *Grabs a cup and grabs some from the funtain* And a SFDOTD!? I love it! Gee, where HAS King Liff been lately? He's suppose to be dirtying this place! *Tsks at the clean Sandle lounge*:lol: I loved the entry from the "Tales of ballerina Hank and Grissom" *Pulls out 10 bucks* Now where do I buy this book?:lol:

Loved the SQOTD, Kat. I love those quotes, who knew so many quotes applied to Sandle? :D Us of course!
Hey guys! Sorry for not being around for much of this week. It's just been really hectic, and busy....and today was really really awesome...until...the end which just...ruined everything.

So now im in such a crappy mood, i cant give you guys a FTOTD or a DTOTD, cos im just...dead really :( I could use some sandle love guys. Sandle and D/L always manage to cheer me up one way or another!

I promise you something special tomorrow kay?
hey guys....i just watched 'lab rats' and 'big shots' wellin the lab rat, after greg said 'kiss my ass' he said this...."what r u guys doing? 4get it i dun even care.. i need a shower" i think in his mind he's saying this..." I need to shower..Sara's waiting for me there..." :devil:

and in the 'big shots' i really cried when greg went up to the lady...and tell her the facts....and i hate the under sherif....he is an asshole...and i love sara when she protect greg... :D :D :D

Hello Everybody! Good news! The doctor said that my grandpa is improving! Hooray! :D ;) Thanks for being there guys when I need yah.. :)

Hey Pau, are you still there?
Sorry I wasn't able to stay any longer Kat. My mom was shouting so loud that I just head to bed. Hehe! :D And love the SQOTD. It's fits Sandle so well. :)

Your cheer is awesome, Pau! And that cake is lovely. Really decorative.
Thanks Hestia! :D And of course everything should be great because it's your birthday. :D And I really wanted to place your name in the cake but got some problems. :( Glad, you liked it. :) What did you wish for? :)

I loved the entry from the "Tales of ballerina Hank and Grissom" *Pulls out 10 bucks* Now where do I buy this book?
Hi Car! Hahaha! :D I have no idea actually. :lol: Hahaha! :lol: Because Eva is still busy in her school work, I'll just wait for the fic when she's free from the clutches of the evil school work. :lol: She's the one who's gonna write it right?

So now im in such a crappy mood, i cant give you guys a FTOTD or a DTOTD, cos im just...dead really I could use some sandle love guys. Sandle and D/L always manage to cheer me up one way or another!
Oh Liff. :( *gives liff a Sandle-hug* Don't worry we'll wait till you feel much better. :) Kay? Hope you feel better soon. We will be here for you... always! :D

Oh Naz, I haven't seen Lab Rats yet. But that's good for the SSCB. :D I'll keep that in mind if I watch it. :) Oh and I miss you saying. CUTE ALERT!! CUTE ALERT!! :D
I was logging onto today to see how the polls are doing.

Guys, log onto if you have an account and VOTE FOR US! CLICK ME!

Pau: I hope he's doing better! :( And I hope you are too, honey! WE LOVE YOU HERE!
Thanks Del. Im fine but I think I won't be anymore when school starts. *bangs head on keyboeard* Hope your doing okay too. I don't bump into you here much anymore. :( WE LOVE YOU HERE too. :) :D

OMG! :eek: A poll. But I don't have an account. :( I'll make one and vote! It's nice that most of the people think Sara and Greg are a perfect match. Well, they are. :D And I love the pics. :)
Liff, what's up? Hope you're feeling better, have some Sandle love! *hugs*

Pau, it's okay, I know how annoying parents can get *lol*

Naz, I loved this scene in Big Shots, too. And it was so cute that Sara tried to defend Greg! :)

Well I have a new SQOTD, very short but it fits. It's by a German author, I haven't read much of his works and the one we read at school I didn't like, but anyway, I like the quote.

Sandle Quote of the Day

It is love, not reason, that is stronger than death.
(Thomas Mann)

SPOTD is in progress *lol* you'll get it later!
:eek: *eyes widen* Oooohhhh! :) I like the SQOTD. Very Sandly. I like the way you pick the quotes. :D And I know my mom was kind of annoying last night but she let me have an earlier start today with the computer. :) A sort of apology, maybe. ;)

Can't wait for your SPDOTD, Kat.. I think that's what you mean because SPOTD is Sandle Pic of the Day. Hehe! But no biggy. There are just so many that's it's very confusing. :D
hehe actually I meant Sandle Poem of the Day! :D Gosh it's confusing! But a Proposal Dialogue would be good, too... *lol* Later, okay?
:eek: Oh a poem.. :D Hehe! Sorry! :) Now, Im confuse and a little embarassed *turns pink* Okay, Kat. :) Can't wait for SPOTD that's the Sandle Poem of the Day ;). I don't even know we have a Sandle Poem of the Day. :confused: Tehee! :D
:) *tear* I really like it Kat. What an excellent job! :D And the pic is oh so perfect. :D So is it just SP, Sandle Poem?? Maybe we can have 2 SPOTD but kind of confusing.. :D But having two is fine with me. :)
Kat sweetie... I'm a Literature Major right now and I've read great poems, but your poem is just AMAZING. I can't write anything like that!
You are my HERO! :heart: I LOVE YOU!

Yay, Pau: You VOTED! :) YAY! GO US!
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