Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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happee happee birthday to you...yeah you!!! make a wish cummon...dont let the candles spoil the cake :D blow the candle and there will be a fire work... :D

lets celebrate guys!!! *throw some cake at everybody*...not the birthday cake ok.. :D yahoo...
Hello everybody! Hmmm.. the thread is kind of empty today. :( Naz, buddy, I reread your fic, the new one and I wsh you could update it. :D I love it. Hope Sara won't die though. :)
i juz finish my fanfic....wait let me link it... :D hah!! wat a day...i just love looking at the sea and the sky....if i'm not mistaken...i just happen to see the word SANDLE at the cloud it my imagination or is it real...

woohoo!!! even the clouds love sandle... :D

The right man
Hooray!! I'll read it right now. :)

And lucky you Naz. I wish I could see Sandle in the sky but I can see one on my ankle. I wrote the word Sandle on my ankle like a tattoo. Tehee! :)

And where is everybody?
i wrote it on my arm...near the elbow...i wrote it big... :D yah..this thread need people... :D there must not be a spider web here... :( i really miss you guys... come home please... ;) sandle love wheres the sandle love?? :lol: :lol: juz kiddin :D
Haha! :lol: That's so cool Naz! :D Is it like in that Halle Berry movie that I forgot the title. There's this writing in her arm "Not Alone". :)

Hmmm... Because poeple aren't popping in here. Do you have a SPDOTD or SFDOTD idea?? Because I have nothing.. :lol:
hmm..i juz got back frm the so tired hmm..let me think of the SPDOTD and SFDOTD...*sits on the thinking bed*

today is fallen idols...i hope theres a sandle scene.. :D
Fallen Idols? I think there are.. in the SSCB! :D But aside from that.. I already forgot. :(

Good Luck Naz! And I finished your two looong chapters. :) Fast huh? Tehee! I left a review! It was good. :) And the proposal is just.. cuteyful!
yah..i follow the SPDOTD.... :D thank you my dearest Pau and im gonna read you fanfic....

well during the SSCB...i think i noe what happen...

Greg was wearing a cap and sara looked at him all the time. "Are you like checking me out?" "No no...well yeah...this is my first time seeing u with a cap" "you like it?" "No" Greg look down feeling sad and he took off his cap. Sara grab the cap and put it back."I love it.." Greg smile...and whisper to her ears."At the closet?" "I'll be right inside, Greg."
i hope it really happen :D
My fanfic? I only posted one. Sad, I know. :lol: Haha! I have like 10 ideas in my head but not in the right mood to write it. so, Im waiting for my mood. Tehee! And Im blogging right now. So, I guess that's why im not in the mood. :)

Love the SSCB! Very cuteyful... And it did happen Naz. In the SSCB! :)
Long weekend ahead!! Yeah!

Happy birthday Hestia! Hope you have a great day hun!

I'll have a look around later again, I'm still at work but I'm just about to leave.

See you! (And of course you'll get a new SQOTD or SPOTD or... whatever... ;))
Okay Kat. I'll be waiting for you right here. *waits patiently* :D

See you! (And of course you'll get a new SQOTD or SPOTD or... whatever...
Hahaha! :lol: There just so many. But I love them all. ALL of THEM! I'm glad we have this guys. I think we're the only ones who do.
Hello my dearest Sandle buddies! I'm so sorry for not being here for so long. I'm so busy with school right now; I'm not feeling well at all, I'm so stressed out. I desperately need holiday...

Anyway, I miss you guys too! When all of the school stress is over I promise I'll be posting SPOTDs again and I'll be appearing here way more often than now. But for now things are just too hectic... :(

BUT I won't forget Hestia's (Hes ;)) birthday! Woot! Happy birthday, sweetie. I hope you have a great (and Sandlish) day. How old did you become? :)

*gives you guys a big Sandle hug* Love you all!
It's okay Eva. I know how you feel. I'm only in high school but things are already really intense especially that Im in the Honors Class ;). There's competition plus peer pressure. :( And I'll be experiencing it again in about a week. Boo! :mad: We understand you Eva. And don't worry. We can survive if you can't post some SPOTD. :) Just concentrate on your school work. But pls. don't tire yourself out. Im not scaring anyone but my friend was too stressed that she suffered from Nervous Breakdown. I pray you won't go through that and we're always here. And here are some cookies. *shares positivity and strengthening cookies* :D :)

And thanks for the hug. *gives back another Sandle-hug* :)

EDIT: I just finished reading a Sandle-fic and it is the sweetest thing ever. :)
He Said, She Said

Kat, I think I can't wait any longer. Sorry! :( My mom's gonna kill me. Maybe I can stay for a few more minutes. Tehee! :D

Guys, can I make a fanfic challenge?? :D I don't know. I just thought about it. Well, can I? Not in the Fan Fic forum but here. A Sandle fic challenge? I have some ideas in my head but don't know how to write them so I'll let you guys write them for me. :D But not only me though. Some can post challenges as well. Tell me, if this can't be done and I'll just throw this idea away. Tehee! :D
Hey Pau, are you still there? I think a ff challenge would be great, sandle gets far too little attention in the ff thread imho, so I'd propose to post the stories there, just to show how important Sandle is!
Just for you hun:

Sandle Quote of the Day

Today I begin to understand what love must be, if it exists. When we are parted, we each feel the lack of the other half of ourselves. We are incomplete like a book in two volumes of which the first has been lost. That is what I imagine love to be: incompleteness in absence.

* Edmond de Goncourt (1822-96) and Jules de Goncourt (1830-70), French writers.

Eva, don't worry. We miss you just as much... but don't get yourself into stress, sometimes school sucks but it'll get better!
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