Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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Del, you're here! :D Hooray!! *huggles* I have a question.. Is there still a Sandle Award? With Liff's DTOTD, I'm kind of leaning for Catherine to win. :D

And I love the motto, Naz. And Congratulations! :) Hooray!! Tell us about the baby if it's born. :) And yeah.. I got the fireworks from SIMS.. hehehe! :D
yeah...since i came out with the idea....i think i should give it on behalf of my dearest Del but shut it!!! i dont have the cup :lol: Del....i think you should give it to...erm...ouh yah Natalie... :lol: juz kidding...

because of Natalie, greg will get Sara :D thats why i love her.... :D *dance around the funtain*
List of shippies:
SaraStar (Eva)
Dutchie (Nikki)
kissmesweet (Delia aka Del)
sandersidle (Katie)
GregsLabRat (Carrie)
luvincsi (Paula aka Pau)
SandleDL (Katja aka Kat)
greg_sara_love (Naz)
Nami (Lisa)
PintSizeGenius (Soph)
CathStokes (Lynn)
gregslabmouse (Loki)
messermonroe (Liff)

Sara + Greg realize that Grissom videotaped them doing some dirty things as they look through some photographs that Grissom printed.
Sara: I don't believe it... Grissom videotaped us! That pervert! I can't believe he did that!
Greg: (nods) Hey, we don't look half bad... What's the big deal?
Sara: Hmmm, (considers) True.
Greg: We kinda have nice bodies.
Sara: That we do.
Greg: You look pretty good there...
Sara: Haha, you don't look half bad.
Greg: Yep.
Sara: So... Looks like I'm not the only one who saw everything.... Grissom did too.
Greg: (gasps) That PERVERT!
Sara: What's the big deal...? We look good there.

What was really happening and we didn't get to see during the SECRET SANDLE COMMERCIAL:
Sara and Greg are still at the scene of Fannysmackin' when our poor Greg (our hero!) was beaten :(, Sara comforts him and holds his hand.
Sara: Oh my God, thank God you're stabilized.
Greg: Yeah, well. You're not getting rid of me that easily. *smirks*
Sara: I can't believe it. You--you could have died
Greg: But I didn't. I held on.
Sara: That's really brave.
Greg: You know what I did?
Sara: What?
Greg: I kept on thinking of all the things I have yet to tell you...
Sara: Like what?
Greg: Like I love you and I want to grow old with you and spend my life with you. I want to have children with you. I want to be with you forever.
Sara: What?
Greg: Oh, yeah and I want to marry you.
Sara: (flabbergasted) You--you do?!?!
Greg: Yeah, I do. I--I kind of love you.
Sara: Oh my God! *laughs, then bends down, slowly and carefully kisses him!*
Sara and Greg pull apart after an adorable kiss.
Sara: Does it really hurt?
Greg: This?
Sara: What else?
Greg: It kinda does...
Sara: So you can't... do stuff?
Greg: Nah, it doesn't hurt that badly!
Oh and guys, I'm so sorry for being so lame and so slow... SO BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND--HERE IS THE SANDLE AWARD!


Here's... the Sandle AWARD
*Lame drumming music plays, while everyone dances!*
And this week's Sandle award goes to...

1. The shippy Sandle lovers here are the most cuteyful people around!
2. We have the best OF-THE-DAY STUFF!
3. We do dances with Swami hats!
4. We like a dirty Sandle!

Previous Winners:
Week 1: Eric for supporting the Sandle ship.
Week 2: Sara Sidle for being so sweet to our Greggo in 'Fannysmackin'!
Week 3: Lady Heather for trying to break GSR up and spending the night with Grissom, meanwhile Sara could be doing Greg instead! :) However, things got so rough... Greg's bedsprings broke! So they had to do it on the floor instead. :eek:

EDIT: But Natalie is EVIL! :lol:
Love the quote, Naz... Where's theres Greg, there must be Sara!
Okay.. That's it. I changed my mind. I, Paula aka luvincsi would like to nominate, Natalie for the Sandle Award.


Because I agree with Naz and her intention is.. to hide Sara for Greg to SAVE her. :D

Wow! I feel like Im in an election. Hehehe! :D


I just spotted the REAL winners.

Yay! WE won the Award.. all of us!! Hooray. Congratulations to me, to you, all of us!! *throws confetti, cake, Blue Hawaiian, cookies and Swami hats*

This is so exciting.. And I agree with us having the BEST OF THE DAY STUFF.. And I think we're the only ones who do. :) :D Hooray!

My Speech: (Hope no one minds)
First of all, WOW! Hehehe! :D Well, I really think we deserve this. We're the greatest bunch ever. And thanks for being the greatest bunch ever. Thanks for being a good family to me. Yeah.. I consider you guys my family not just buddies. :D

*opens a champagne bottle and takes a sip from her glass and forces a fake smile for the weird taste of alcohol* Hehe! (I don't drink! But this is a celebration.. :D)

*lifts glass* To us!
YAY!!!we won...ehem ehem...I would like to thank my mother, my father and my friends here. And i would like to thank Sara and Greg..without you this wouldnt be possible..and i would like to thank to all my fans :lol: :lol: juz kidding...

im glad that we all win... :D

hmm...let me guess, Natalie didnt tell where sara was to grissom but during the SSCB, she told everything to greg... Go get her Greg! be a knight in a shiny armor...go save princess sara :D
But Natalie is EVIL!
Okay, let's just leave Nat so I am going back to Catherine for the next one. :D ;) Hehe! :D

And Naz, I am a fan of yours so.. you're welcome! Haha! :lol: But Im really a fan! :D

And those captions are superb! :D Really sweet. The first one was funny and the second one is just sweet. :D
thank you Pau im also your fan...i am everybody's fan here.... :D well....hmm..yeah she's pure evil :lol: i really want greg to save sara...if someone else does *cough* Grissom *cough* i will smash the television :lol: :lol:
Thank you. *takes a bow* And yeah.. Im a fan of everyone here. :) Haha! :lol: Naz, i think you're not the only one who'll do that. :D

Well, Im out of here. See you tomorrow! God Bless! :D
ooh...then, lets smash the television together :D sandle love has brighten my day guys...and i hope that it did the same to you too :D hooray for sandle!!! kies out too...thank you and goodnight!! :D
Wow I've been away for far too long!
So what is this? A Sandle award? :eek: Wow that's... awesome! We really deserve it!
My speech:
"Oh my god, that's... I don't know what to say, this came so unexpectedly. Well first of all I want to thank my friends at the Sandle thread, it wouldn't have been possible without you. You're always there when I need you and together we make it through he good times and the bad *sniffs* Furthermore I want to thank TPTB for giving us Greg and Sara, you're great! And last but not least I wanna *wipes away tears* I wanna *takes out handkerchief* oh my god, this is too much for me *cries* Dammit however, what shall I say but that we're the best damn shippers in the world! Spread Sandle love!!!"
(you should probably not take this too seriously :p)

I love the idea of a SFDOTD, wow we're so creative, it's amazing!
I've been gone a day and come to a Sandle Family Dialogue of the Day? Wow. And an award! Neat. :D
I need some cheering up... it's been a long day for me. :( A fuse shorted out in my room (only my room), and I might not get to see my friend again for a while. I really wanted to see her tomorrow of all days.

But enough about that, I want in on that Blue Hawaiian funtain! It looks like fun. And no more throwing around cake, okay gals? Cake is for eating not fighting. ;)

Sandle love is going strong.
When shipping sandle, you can't go wrong!
Positivity, peeps.
(that's my mini cheer for today)
Yeah finally someone's here, hi Hestia! Love that cheer, we can all learn it and then go to TPTB - just to make sure we get enough Sandle in season 8! :D
Anyway, I have to go to bed now. (Sometimes I have this indistinct notion that I live in the wrong time zone... :() I wanted to go earlier but was caught again by a wonderful ff filled with Sandle angst! ;)
See you tomorrow! *huggles everyone*

EDIT: my first attempt at making an icon - result can be seen on the left^^ (I really need to practise... which programs do you use for your banners, icons, wallies?)
Hey guys, look what I got here! I wrote a definition for "cuteyful" and booked it up to urban dictionary: click here to see!

Yay! Congrats to us on the award!
Oh God, where's Liff and everyone else? Where's my SaraStar?
Haha! :lol: Love the speech Kat.. and you did a good job with your icon. (I have no idea how to make one. Sad, i know. :()
Sandle love is going strong.
When shipping sandle, you can't go wrong!
Positivity, peeps.
(that's my mini cheer for today)
Love the cheer Hestia.. Hope you'll feel much better. *shares cookies* And I won't throw some more cake. *keeps some slices of cake in pocket for snack later ;)*

And that's is so cool Del! Really!!
Especially used for talking about secret glances, Secret Sandle Commercial Breaks and shower scenes.
Hehe! :D Really cute! :D

And yeah.. where's King Liff and Bestie Eva?? I miss the FTOTD and DTOTD and SPOTD.. And I miss csimonkey, CSI_Fray, araSgerG and hollie.. Guys, where are you?? :(


Oh.. Hestia, Happee Sandly Birthday! Today is your birthday right? June 6? I can see that cake beside your name. Well.. Happee Sandly Birthday to you. :D :)

*sings with the Sandle Buddies*
[The tune of the song is Happy Unbirthday from "Alice in Wonderland"]
Sandle-buddies: A happee Sandly Birthday
Hestia: For me?
Sandle-buddies: For you.
Sandle-buddies: A happee Sandly Birthday
Hestia: For me?
Sandle-buddies: For you! Now blow the candle out, my dear and make your wish come true! A Happe Sandly Birthday to you!!

*throws confetti and gives Hestia the cake*
Make a wish!


(Sorry that the cake doesn't look that good. :))
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