Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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Well, there's a movie called "Carrie" and it's about this outcast telikinetic girl who goes to her prom and these girls trick her into winning the title of prom queen, so she goes on stage and they dump pig's blood on her, then she uses her mind powers to kill them all. =/
This is why the kids at my school don't want me to go to prom lol
OMG! :eek: There's a Filipino movie just like that. Tsk tsk! But instead of the prom, it was a beauty contest. :rolleyes:

*back on topicness*
Oh Carrie, I've thought of that when I was taking a bath once. :lol: Well, I know one thing. Having Greg and Sara as parents, that's gonna be one attractive kid. :p ;) Go search go! :D Hmmm... can anyone make a manip?? :D
hmm....well let me see some family issues on sandle... :D

This is the day when Sara n Greg's son went to first day of sch occasion

Greg: There you go look fantastic *he mess up his hair to make it spikey*

Sara: *enters the room* What the hell are you doing Greg? this is his first day of school! You should make him look neater *she combed his hair in to a flat style*

Greg: No no no...honey, this is what i call style..*mess up his hair again*

Sara: Darling! Neat is the best..not some crazy hairstyle...

While they were arguing about their son's hair, he combed his hair into Nick's style in season 1

Darlyn: Mom,Dad, I think this hair is suitable....

*Sara and Greg look at each other.... :lol: :lol: sorry for the horrible naming.. :D

thank you to the people who says that my name is father named me... :D
Haha! :lol: That's really funny and cute! :D So, do we have that now? SFDOTD, Sandle Family Dialouge of the Day. :) I like how they fight over how their kid will look but fights sweetly. ;)

Hooray for your dad, Naz. :) And Del, I hope the Sandle Awards continues.. with all the DTOTD im kind of leaning toward Catherine to win . :D
no no...dont hooray at my father....he gave me this name cuzz he's a sailor once and he board a boat called 'Shafinas' thats why he name me Shafenaz...its a boat name :(

well haha thats a good idea bout you start the dialouge......and yeah juz imagine they argue abt their son's hair.. :lol: :lol:
Haha! :lol: I can't belive that you don't want a cheer for your dad. :D Oh well.. A boat name or not, I still like your name. :)

Okay! My:

Sandle Family Dialogue Of The Day:

Sara's little girl came running toward her with a flower in her hand

Jerah (i just love that name): Mommy! Mommy!
Sara: Yeah, baby.
Jerah: For you!

Sara accepts the flower and smiles at her daughter

Sara: Oh sweetie, I love it. Thank you.
Jerah: You're beautiful.
Sara: Oh! Thank you dear.
Jerah: You have the sweetest smile, Mommy.
Sara: Cupcake, thank you.
Jerah: I will always love you.
Sara: I love you too, sweetheart.

Sara leans close to give a Jerah a sweet kiss but Jerah moved back and smiled at Sara.

Jerah: You shouldn't kiss me, Mommy.
Sara: Why not? A sweet and adorable little girl deserves a kiss.
Jerah: But you should kiss Daddy. He gave me 5 bucks to tell you those things and give you the flower. He's the sweet and adorable one. You should give him a kiss. Oh.. Bye mom! I have to go back to my lemonade stand.

A surprised Sara watched as her daughter go and saw Greg laughing outside staring st her through the window. Sara walked toward him.

Sara: What kind of a father gives 5 dollars to a little girl?
Greg: A sweet and adorable one. Oh and you owe me a kiss.

They kissed.

Sara: And Greg, you really are sweet and adorable.

:D Ohhh.. I love what I came up with. :D :) It's fluffy too. :) yours Pau haha :lol: 5 bucks...hehe but its a family loving... :D its a sandle family loving...hehe...hey what happen to the war?? *blast cake and blue hawaiian at everybode with my bazooka* :devil:
Thanks Naz. :D And I really love that, Sandle Family Loving. Very sweet and familish.. Tehee! :D

*put lots of cookies into a canon and continuously fires it at Naz's open mouth* Hahahahahah! :devil: :D
oh no...the sweetness of the cake make me sandly fat!!! :lol: haha....lets make a plan...LETS THROW SOME AT SARA AND GREG!!!! :devil: juz kiddin... tomorrow will be 'fallen idols' i hate the scene where sara shave grissom :mad:

but i love greg wearing a cap... :lol:
Haha! Sandly fat. :lol: Cute!!

Hmmm... Fallen Idols?? Forgot the epi.. Oh wait! Now, I do. I think during SSCB something happened.

A tale beings (Hehe!):

This is a SSCB Production. A mini story from A Tale of Princess Grissom and Ballerina Hank: Losing Lady Sara to Greggo the Brave.

Sara was about to shave Grissom when her phone went off. This surprised her so she did a mistake with the shave and that ended up with Grissom having a small cut. It started to bleed. Sara told Grissom that she'll go get a band aid. But naughty girl Sara was he went straight to the janitor's closet where Greg was waiting. :devil:

Grissom waited and heard noises coming from the outside. He watched as the knob turned and -- Hank came in. Shaving cream all over his face. Grissom sighed.

Grissom shaved Hank. Hank shaved Grissom. Greg and Sara grooved.


Hehe!! How's that? :D Not good enough but I laughed while writing this. :lol:
:lol: :lol: haha juz imagine Hank shave grissom and grissom shave hank...that will be priceless...grissom will say...

"Oh well...i guess its just both of us..lets shave each other.." :lol: and Greg and Sara havin hell of a game in the closet :devil:
Haha! :lol: And maybe Grissom and Hank are kind of giggling while shaving each other. Hahaha! :lol:

And of course other noises can be heard in the closet. :devil: HOT noises!
hmm...some hot game i guess :devil: :lol: hmm..i wonder wheres the others?? :D lets make a blue hawaiian funtain shall we?? *point the hose upwards and splash blue hawaiian* :D :D *dance around the funtain....

PS: Funtain is how greg spell the word fountain
HOT game indeed! Smokes and fireworks are comng out of the door. :D :devil:

The others must ne watcing in AV. Heheh! :D

Yay! A Blue Hawaiian Funtain. (<-- Greg's cute. He's spells in a cute way too. :) *dances with Naz*
OH MY GOD! HEY GUYS! Sorry for being away for :eek: ONE WHOLE PAGE!

SandleDL: Your ficcy was amazing! And so was your little picture story! I loved it! Oh and I left a review over at the TalkCSI thread for your ficcy! :) Really broke my heart though; but still was fantastic.

Pau Haha, you're so cute! Bringing out your posters! I'm going to do that too...

*Shows off Greggo/Sara pictures on the wall!*

*Dances with Naz + Pau!*
glad that lots of people join me to the dance... :D dont forget to bring extra clothes... :lol: well...hehe fireworks?? is it like the sims2? well in the game i've make a sandle couple :D and guess what..Sara's pregnant :D

i juz love greg and sara together....hey i have a motto...

When there's Greg,There must be Sara haha its like 'when theres smoke,there must be fire' :lol:

sandle is a creative ship...if u noe what i mean...

oh..beautiful Eva glad that you're here :D
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