Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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greg_sara_love said:
i will dream of sandle and i will not surprise if they did something creative in my dream :devil:

Creative, huh? Well that's a nice way to describe it, I'll keep that in mind! :lol:

I need positivity and lots of Sandle cake! I won't be able to ride for at least 2 weeks! :( It sucks, really.

One good thing for today so far: I got the new Linkin Park album! Love it! I wish I could be at "Rock am Ring", one of the biggest (maybe even the biggest in Europe?) rock festivals, the line-up is just awesome: Linkin Park, Billy Talent, My Chemical Romance, The Hives, Razorlight, Beatsteaks (German band), Mando Diao, 30 Seconds to Mars, Good Charlotte... and where am I? At home! Because the festival is from today till Sunday, and I'll have examination on Monday, wouldn't begood doing them with lack of sleep and still trace amounts of alcohol...
*takes more cookies and joins the cake fight*
That sucks Katja! Fortunately we can have fun here too. *joins the cake fight too*

*quits cake fight for a second* Whoa. Time for the SPOTD. ;)

Sandle Pic Of The Day
(from Revenge Is Best Served Cold)


Fliiiiirting! <3

*throws cake again* ;)
Oh Eva I love this scene! It's so sandlish and cuteyful! "What has he got that I don't got?" This smile she gives to him... like "Stop fooling around idiot, you know just as much as I do that there's nothing that he's got that you don't got. (smiles to herself) Actually I find much 'more' in you than in him - and I love every bit of it! :devil:"

*has dirty thoughts about what Greg has 'more' than anyone else*
Hello my dears! I'm afraid this will be my last post until Sunday :( *tear*

I've got an official function to host tomorrow and after that we're having an LoTR marathon. Haha - It's been so long since I've seen either of those movies!

Ahh well. There seems to be a cake fight going through here :devil:

*Liff moves to hide behind Greg and Sara and starts throwing more cake at everyone!* :lol: :lol: Oh my, I don't remember the last time I was in a food fight!

Eva hun that's such a cute pic!

Anyways, I must be off guys! Don't have too much fun without me! (and dont worry I may not be here but I'll have time to pop in with tomorrows DTOTD and FTOTD!) :D

Cheers all! Keep the Sandle love comin'!
The king of dirty sandle thoughts is leaving? Awww, hope to see you soon and have fun at your function!
So apparently we have so much cake, that we're starting a cake fight? :lol: Things are so crazy around here. Crazy but sweet.

Looking forward to Del's story (thanks for the compliments on my banner :D), and I'm loving all the captions, proposals, and Liff's thoughts of the day(Very creative, you all should consider writing fanfics!)

Cake is good and all, but I'm sticking with my sandle positivity cookies. Pecan sandies make me smile.

And I can't forget the Blue Hawaiian. Some for Kat to cheer her up. :) I'd offer you all some but you're all so hyper! :p
Looking forward to Del's story (thanks for the compliments on my banner ),
:) Thanks Hestia & you're welcome; your siggy is lovely. :)
I love the affair idea.
Pau THANK YOU, I always love infedelity when it comes to... fiction! :devil: Heheheh...
Del, let me know when you have your fic up. I definitely want to read it (I hope I have the time! School's so busy I keep neglecting my own stories... ).
Eva: Thanks sweetie! Will do! Your icon's adorable by the way!
ohh..we'll wait for your beautiful fanfic...and my dearest Del i really want to read ur sure its gonna be the best
Naz Awwww, thanks sweetie! You're too sweet! *Hugs you and gives you cake*
Me too! *g* Love them just as much as Sandle, but somehow I've hardly been on the DL thread, I'm always here! *lol* So let's conclude: we've got the cutest ships of all. Full stop.
SandleDL: Oh--I agree. I like DL, but lately--not that much anymore. :( It's getting so Out Of Character for me... and Sandle is my OTP of ALL THREE SHOWS! (Along with Grillows!)
Greg rushes over to where the car is overturned. He lifts it up and pushes it off Sara, who is lying unconsious in the mud.

Greg: Oh God... He rushes to her side and tries to wake her. Sara, please wake up. I need you. I need you to make me laugh and cheer me up when i'm down. I love you, Sara, please don't leave me.

Slowly, Sara regains consiousness.

Sara: I love you too, Greg. They kiss. The others come running and see them kissing. Grissom just turns around and walks away. The others just laugh.

Others: It's about time!

What do you think?

PSG xxx
What a sweet scene, PintSize(Sorry, sweetie--but do you have a nickname or something??)! I wish that would happen! I want GREG to rescue Sara from everything!
Sara: So I heard you lost your virginity.
Greg looks confused.
Sara: Your first autopsy.
:lol: So cute! I bet he looked confused because--he thought that someone was listening... because they TOTALLY DID IT! :devil:

:lol: yeah... and they went all the way.. :devil: well not surprising though cuzz they always did it.. :devil:

Liff our king!! we'll miss ya....and we'll miss your DTOTD.. :D

hey!! CAKE FIGHT!!!! *grab a handful of cake stuff it in the bazooka and fire at Del,Kat,Hestia,Pau* aww....your faces are all chacolate and yummy... :devil: im so evil....
**Pops In**

Hey it's been a while. You girls post so fast I can't keep up :eek:

I watched Bodies In Motion this evening, have it on DVR
I have to say I love love love the ..."technically that makes you a canibal" scene where Sara smirks at Greg.
**OH so cute**
and where she says later "I always like the middle"

Maybe she was telling him [in code] that she likes cinamin rolls for breakfast after they spend a romantic evening together...

**pops out after ducking flying chocolate cake**
YUMMY tastes good :D ;)
Hello Everybody! I was just reading a story to my grandpa. Tehee! :)

Sabser, I love your avatar. Spongebob rules!! :D I love the SPOTD, Eva. Good choice. I love Sara's hair and shirt. :D They looks so cute when they flirt. They just do. :D And they still do it.. during the SSCB! I love the SSCB.. :D

Liff, we'll miss yah! We'll wait for you... Come back with many DTOTD and FTOTD! :D

Hello hhunter! Come by here more often! :D We have positivity cookies, Blue Hawaiian and flying cake! Hehe! ;)

Del, I hope you continue the Sandle Award.. Im kind of wishing for Natalie to win. That girl kept Sara away for Greg to find. Stop. Save her. :D

Okay guys.. grab an umbrella or a raincoat. This is going to be hot. *takes a hose and fills it with Blue Hawaiian* :devil: A little something to get that cake down are throat or-- hair.. Haha!

*continue on blasting Blue Hawaiian* Bwahahahaha! :devil:
Okay guys.. grab an umbrella or a raincoat. This is going to be hot. *takes a hose and fills it with Blue Hawaiian*

OUCH!!! my face is burning hot with blue hawaiian... :D and also burning hot with sandle was worth it thanks Pau *stuff cake in Pau's mouth..* :devil:
*takes the hose and blasts it at Naz's open mouth* Haha! :D *mimics Homer's voice* Mmmm.. Sandle-cake. :D Yum!

Hey! Wait a minute... Where's the plastic couple? Greg and Sara... Naz, spit it out. I know it's nice to have Sara and Greg in your tummy but it's not nice to eat our royal couple. So, spit them out Naz. I'll give you a cookie. :)

Well, I dreamt about Sandle last night. :D It was the greatest and the sweetest. It was so weird and a bit out of character for Greg.

Well, they were riding in a car. Sara is between Gris and Greg. And I think the car was going to fast and this made Sara nervous. Are you guys following? Good. :) So, she held Greg's hand. *screams* But Greg shook her hand off. So, Sara reached for Gris' hand instead. :( [I could just slap Greg when he did that :mad: That's the Greg, out of character part.. so not him.] Then it cut off to a scene in the lab where Sara and Gris were sweet. And Sara was looking over her shoulder where Greg was. She's making him jealous. :devil: I think it worked because it then cut to a scene where Greg came into Grissom's office. He wanted to tell Gris something but he didn't listen so he kind of messed up his workplace. Then:

Grissom: *standing up, mad* What do you want Greg?
Greg: I made up my mind, Gil. (Note: He called him "Gil.")
Grissom: What?
Greg: Im gonna steal Sara away from you.

Greg left the room, leaving a shocked Gwissom. (Gwissom.. Hehe! Isn't that cute?)

Well, I can totally see that dream of mine right now. :D Could be a fic. :) :D
Oh Pau you've got cool dreams! :lol: That's really funny, although I don't like the part about Griss holding Sara's hand... But however, at least you dreamt of Sandle!

I came home at 4.15 am this morning *g* After the disco I had to bring my friend home, that was a ong ride. But my way back (finally back to me!) was great (although I was very tired). I love this time of the day, the sun hasn't risen yet, but you can see the dawn, the world seems so... peaceful then. And somehow this made me feel all sandlish and I will include the beauty of dawn into my ff, I decided - I just don't know how yet! *lol*

Wow the Blue Hawaiian was exactly what I needed. Today will be a hard day and I could do with some coffeine.^^

We're posting really fast, that's awesome! I'll be back later but now I have to eat somehing. Hehe, I have to clean up the bathroom today, all the time I'll be thinking about what Greg and Sara would do there! :devil:
Thanks Kat. I wish I could dream of Sandle more. and I also want to dream crazy ones like when Naz dreamt about Sandle Ninjas. (Yeah, I still remember that. :))

Haha! Happy cleaning Kat. :lol: ;) And I know that feeling. When we went on a trip once, it was so early and I love the color of the sky. I came up with this fluffy thought. hope Liff wouldn't mind so let's not consider this as FTOTD. :D It wouldn't be as good as his though.

Maybe in that time of the day, Sara and Greg must be standing in front of a window. Greg's arms are wrapped around Sara's waist both of them waiting for the sun to rise. Both of them enjoying the peaceful feeling. "This is beautiful." Sara says. "Like you." Greg answers as he leans closer to Sara and gives her a sweet kiss.

Just a thought. :D A fluffy thought. Tehee! :) This means I miss Liff's FTOTD. Liff, come back soon. :D
Pau I love this fluffy thought! That's exactly what Greg would say! So sweet!
I agree with you: Liff come back, miss ya!

I've got another idea for SPDOTD, maybe I'll post it later, but it isn't finished yet (will be a long dialogue, I guess)! Sandle makes me so creative, that's great! :)
Thanks Kat. Can't wait for your SPDOTD. Hehe! :D

Yup. Sandle makes us so creative. When I had my photoshop, the first wallie I made is a Sandle one. Tehee! :) And I have no idea what fics are until I joined here. And I attempted to write one. Just one. Im not in a fic mood yet. Hehe! :)

Maybe I'll attempt on making a SPDOTD too. :D Hmmm... and another wallie. Hmmm...
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