Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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I wish I had photoshop :( Would be much fun, I'm sure. Right now I have your "She will be loved" wallie on my desktop ;)

I'm listening to The Fray right now, oh the Sandle mood, I love it!

I'm spending way too much time here, I ought to be tidying up. But somehow Sandle always distracts me - and I enjoy it!^^ But now I really have to go, finish here and then go to my horse. This afternoon I'll be at the handball match and tonight we'll go to the disco again - omg I'll be so exhausted tomorrow!
Right now I have your "She will be loved" wallie on my desktop
Oh my gosh! Really? Wow! Thank you.. *gives Kat a cup of Blue Hawaiian* That might give you a boost if you're tired. :)

This thread is really so addictive. :) I have to be taking of my grandpa but Im here instead. :lol: No, Im taking good care of him. He's asleep right now. :D

Take care of your horse. Lucky gal. I also wish I have a horse. I'll trade my photoshop with your horse. Hehe! :lol: Joking.
Hi everybody! *Waits for the 'Hi Docter Nick' response*...Okay, never mind. :D

So first we have a Sandle wedding cake fight and now a Blue Hawaiian battle? The walls of this thread must be delicious :lol: !

*Cheers* I had a Sandle dream last night! It went something like this:
It's dark, and the stars are shining while the moon illuminates Lake Mead. The view pans down like a camera and I see Greg and Sara in a boat. They have their CSI vests on so I came to the conclusion that they were working. I see a close up of Sara's face and she kind of squints as if she's looking for something in the water. Suddenly, she leans down a little and says "Hey do you see that Greg?" Greg turns and looks for a second, saying it's probably a shopping cart since kids are always throwing them in - don't hurt me, Greg said it! - He watches as Sara leans closer to the water. Then suddenly she's falling forward. But luckily, you-know-who (no, not Voldermort! :lol: ) grabs her hand and pulls her towards him. They stare at each other for a while and suddenly Greg blurts out " I love you, Sara". Sara looks surprised, blushes and looks down. "There's a lot you don't know about me Greg. My past, who I am..." And THEN Greg says "I'm willing to find out." Sara looks up again, smiles and kisses him!

Then I woke up...

...and screamed with joy! I scared my sisters dog who was asleep on the bed :lol:

Oh, one more thing!

Look Everyone!

:D Pecan Sandies! :D
Hello Sabser! Love the pecan sandies. Looks good! *takes one and tries to throw it but decided to just eat it* Hehe! Mmmm.. Yum! Love your avie too. Spongebob rules! Woohoo! :) :D

Yay! I love your dream. :) Even though Sara didn't say I love you.. she kissed him first! :D :) Aww... Sandle-love! (I miss saying that. :))

Hi everybody! *Waits for the 'Hi Docter Nick' response*...Okay, never mind.
:lol: Is that from the Simpsons, Sabser? :D Sounds familiar.
Hey guys!

*Liff makes a move to swipe some caffeine that's flying around* Ahh...that's good stuff.

Y'all miss me? :lol: I'm utterly and completely exhausted. I have time to give you all some my contributions before my head hits the keyboard! :) *yawn*

Pau honey your fluffy thought made me smile :)

Fluffy Thought Of The Day:

Working a late shift, Sara yawned as the exhaustion finally hit her. Heading towards her office, she slowly massaged her temples in the attempt to relieve some of the day's stress. Entering the small office, she sat down, leaving the lights off. It was only the smell of freshly blended coffee hit her. And then a pair of arms rested on her shoulders, softly massaging the tense muscles. The sighed in relief. "Greg..." she whispered.

He chuckled, bending down to place a soft kiss on top of her head. "I brought fresh coffee, and there's some painkillers and water in the drawer if you need it."

Sighing contently, Sara smiled. "You have the night off, what're you doing here?" she asked.

"Somehow, staying home along didn't seem so appealing," he replied, moving slightly to place a kiss on her soft lips. "A night off means spending it with you, if you're in the be it," he said with a smile.

"Thank you..." whispered Sara.

"Anything for you..."

Hah, how's that? That's all my tired brain can handle right now!

But I cant forget the :devil: thoughts!

Dirty Thought Of The Day:

Stepping out of the SUV, Cath straightened out her clothes, nick had left mere moments before. Just about to head into the elevator, she turned around as someone called out her name.

"Grissom!" she called out in reply, in shock, she stuttered a little. "What are you doing here?"

"I didn't have anything to do, so I thought I'd finish off some paperwork," he replied.

'Shit,' thought Cath. "You on your way up?"


Nodding, Cath took out her phone. Dialling a number, she held it up to her ears..."Hey Sara?"

"Dammit Cath im busy!"

"Yeah, err I know, how's the results comin along? Err, Grissom's comin' in - thought you'd want to know,"

Cath chuckled at the response she heard. "Crap, GRissom!? Here?"

"Yup, we'll be up in a little while, Talk to you later!"

"Thanks Cath...err...very much," replied Sara.

Closing her phone, Sara nudged Greg off her. "GREG!! GET UP!!! Grissom's on the way up!"

"Wh...what?" replied Greg, suddenly alert.

"Get your clothes on, we gotta get outta here!"



"I can't find my boxers...."



How will they get out of it this time? Will Greg ever find his boxers? Will Cath and Nick ever be caught. Will GRissom ever get a clue?

Join me next time for.... DTOTD! :devil:

Right...I'm going to go drop dead now. Have a nice and sandly day everyone!

OMG!!! they are so busted!!! :lol: :lol: love ur FTOTD and DTOTD Liff i really love it!! so thats the king.. :D

Hey! Wait a minute... Where's the plastic couple? Greg and Sara... Naz, spit it out. I know it's nice to have Sara and Greg in your tummy but it's not nice to eat our royal couple. So, spit them out Naz.

*Ptwh! Ptwh!* I dont remember swallowing Greg and Sara... :D its all ur fault Pau :D *take a missile filled with sandle cake, Blue hawaiian and cookies(eat some of them) and fire at Pau* :devil: :devil: Pau!! i cant see your face!! :lol: :lol: jk...let me give you cookies to eat.. :D

this is what i call fun thread!! we have cake fight and blue hawaiian war...well the other thread doesnt have this :D...SANDLE make this thread crazy and fun!!! HORRAY SANDLE!!! *throw cake at everybody* :D
messermonroe i love your banner!! It's soooo true!!

I'm gonna have to think of a proposal... hmmm... oh well i'll think of one!

SandleDL I LOVE your proposal!! It's soooooooooo cute!!!! :D :D :D
good luck TheCoroner i'm sure that your SPDOTD will be the best ;) well...i guess lots of ppl came to this thread... :D cuzz its fun without sandle, there will be no fun :D
Sabser, that dream was so cute, I smiled while I was reading it! Love it!

Liff, good to have you back again! Hehe the DTOTD was great! I could really see Cath like "Oh oh" and Sara like "WTF" when her phone rings. I'm really curious about where Greg's boxers are so you better write on soon! *lol*

I'll be back with my SPDOTD soon!
*walks in, falls down exhausted*

I've been studying almost the entire day. Ahhh. I hate school. It keeps me away from this lovely thread! Anyway I'm here now and I felt much better having read all of your cute Sandlish posts. You guys have such beautiful Sandle dreams! I want them too!

Here's the SPOTD.

Sandle Pic Of The Day
(from Rashomama)


Aaah, lovely photo. Look at the way Sara is staring at Greggo... <3 :D

EDIT: I have no idea why it shows up so small. Something must be wrong with ImageShack... anyway, I hope you can still see it! :confused:
Eva, thanks for the pic. It is small but doesn't matter, it's Sandle, that's all that matters!

As promised:

My Sandle Proposal Dialogue of the Day
*inspired by PotC 3, quite long, dramatic and maybe a bit corny...*

Sara and Greg are processing a scene, when suddenly Greg notices a man nearby who carries a gun.
Greg: Hey!
The man looks at him, draws his weapon, aims at Sara who is a few metres away. Greg reacts immediately and without thinking, her rushes to Sara and pushes her onto the ground, landing on top of her. In the same instant, a gunshot pierces the silence, only miliseconds later a second one. The man falls to the ground, Greg looks at Sara who is pale in shock. In her hand she has her gun which is still smoking a little.
Sara: (shaky voice) What the hell… God, that was close…
She looks up at Greg.
Sara: (trying to smile) You may have saved my life, Greg, but could you please get off me?
Greg: (looks down at Sara, seriously) I love you, Sara.
Sara: (surprised) Wow, I… I’m gonna take that as a compliment.
Greg: (kind of desperately) Would you want to share the rest of our lives with me?
Sara: This isn’t exactly the right time, Greg, don’t you think?
Greg: It is. Because I’m not really sure how long ‘the rest of our lives’ will be. (closes his eyes)
Sara looks at him appalled, heaves him off her, turns him onto his back. He’s bleeding.
Sara: Oh god Greg, wait, I’ll call 911! Hey, look at me!
He opens his eyes. Sara dials and presses her hand onto his wound to stop the bleeding. She calls the paramedics, then puts the phone away and takes Greg’s hand.
Sara: Don’t worry, it’ll be alright, okay? Do you understand me Greg?
He doesn’t respond, she squeezes his hand and strokes his pale face.
Greg: Got you, hun.
Sara: (tries not to cry when she hears his weak voice) Just stay awake, did you get that? Just stay awake, look at me, Greg!
He moves his lips, but can’t speak. She can see the fear in his eyes, and she begins to tremble.
Sara: Everything will be fine, it’ll be alright, just hold on, will you? I don’t want to lose you, please, stay with me! (wipes away her tears, whispers) Damn Greg, I need you… please…
The ambulance approaches, Greg is laid onto a stretcher and stabilized. He opens his eyes, looks at Sara.
Greg: (hoarsely) I never got my answer… (is carried into the ambulance van)
Sara: (laughs with tears in her eyes, shouts) I do, you idiot! I want to! (runs towards the doc) Wait, let me come with you!
Doc: You’re his co-worker?
Sara: (smiles) No. I’m his fiancée. (climbs into van, sits down next to Greg and takes his hand) I’ll be right here, Greg. Forever.
Awww so sweet, Kat! I love it! Why can't this happen on the show (minus Greg getting hurt, tho!)

Love the SPOTD, Eva! Even tho it's small! I love that episode, it has a scene for all my favourite ships in (Sandle, SNickers, and CatNip!)

PSG xxx
With all the lovely scenarios and proposals there must be someone who's getting ideas. Plot bunnies, if you will. Is Del the only one writing a steamy fanfic? :cool:

Sabser's pecan sandies look like my cookie! (do they really look like that?
) Thanks loads, Sab! :D

Poor Eva, first tough schoolwork and now the image problems. Have some coffee, dear. I'm sure it will keep you awake. Or maybe I should let you nap so you don't notice me re-posting your SPOTD. :)

Sandle Pic Of The Day
(from Rashomama)


So sorry, Eva! Hope you don't mind this one time thing. I really wanted to see the pic a bit bigger. ;) *offers sandletastic flower of forgiveness*
*wakes up from nap*

Aww Hes (Yes, I have a nickname for you ;)), thanks a lot for re-posting. *hugs you* ImageShack didn't like me today, I guess. But of course I don't mind you posting it hun! Thanks so much. Isn't the pic lovely? :D I love how Sara stares at him like that...

*goes to bed and dreams from Sandle* :)
I'm BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!:devil: Whew Georgia was boooring:lol: All i have to tell about was when we went down to the beach and my sister was making fun of my flip flops and she said "Carrie's rocking the sandley colors" and I laughed, exactly what would the color of sandle be?:confused: o.0

How will they get out of it this time? Will Greg ever find his boxers? Will Cath and Nick ever be caught. Will GRissom ever get a clue?
hahaha I'm tuned in, tell me the rest!! :D

Naz, I LOVE your avvie, Orlando and Johnny are hotttttt *fangirl squeal*:lol:

Kat, I love the scene! Poor greg, but I love that scene in PotC3 *tear*:(

I loved all the SQOTD, SPOTD, DSTOTD, FSTOTD, and SMPOTD [[I think I got all them]] and I see Liff is royalty now? :lol:

Wow, it took me a while to catch up on that reading, 6 days away can really put you into sandle withdrawals! *Sighs dramatically*

HEY! I missed a cake fight?!?! *Throws cake up in the air* I have returned so there shall be a 'Carrie has returned' cake fight! :D
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