Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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Yay! Welcome back Carrie; we missed you! *hugs you and takes up cake too* Woot, the Carrie has returned cake fight. :lol:
Yeah! Cake fight! Hey Carrie, good to have you back! *throws cake at Carrie and Eva*

Sandle Quote of the Day

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
(Lao Tzu)

During Greg's angsty moments (like Fannysmackin, Big Shots) it was Sara who gave him the strength he needed; now he'll bring up the courage to do whatever it takes to save her.
Hello Everybody!! :D This is such a tiring day for me. I now realized that Earth must be the hottest planet. I went to the mall and I felt like I was being baked or something. What happened to their air-conditioner?? Well, when I entered here, things got a more hot.. more hotter.. (<-- heheh! :lol:) Love that the thread is alive and having so much fun. :D And on fire!! :)

Pau honey your fluffy thought made me smile
Thanks Liff. :) And yay! You're back! I love the FTOTD. :D That's so sweet of Greg. :) I love the "Anythng for You." part. :)
How will they get out of it this time? Will Greg ever find his boxers? Will Cath and Nick ever be caught. Will GRissom ever get a clue?
Love the DTOTD too. :) *excited* This is gonna be good I can feel it. :)

*Ptwh! Ptwh!* I dont remember swallowing Greg and Sara... its all ur fault Pau *take a missile filled with sandle cake, Blue hawaiian and cookies(eat some of them) and fire at Pau* Pau!! i cant see your face!! jk...let me give you cookies to eat..
My fault?? :eek: How can this be my fault. You ate them Naz. *takes a slice of cake and shoves it down Naz's throat* :devil: Hehe! *gives Naz a cup of Blue Hawaiian* Here you go girl. :D Hehe! Taste good doesn't it? And Carrie's back! Wohoo! *grabs a slice of cake and throws it at her*

And goodluck at your SPDOTD TheCoroner. :D Speaking of SPDOTD, I love yours Kat, so adorable... really sweet. I love that Sara is still kind of calling Greg names. Like idiot. :lol: That's really cute. :D Too bad I haven't seen POTC yet. It's a curse. :( :lol:

That's a really cute SPOTD, Eva. It's small but I really like it. :D :) Very... cuteyful. Hehe! But thanks for the bigger one Hestia. :D

And nice quote Kat.. very nice. Perfect for Sandle. And I like the way you explained it. :D

*wonders where Delia is*
^^ OOOOH, I'm here Pau! *Waves and hands Sandle P-O-S-I-T-I-V-I-T-Y cookies to everyone!*

Kat honey, I love the quote! :heart:

yeah... and they went all the way.. well not surprising though cuzz they always did it..
Aiya, Sandle's always goofing off, doing it... No wonder poor Cath can never find them when she needs her evidence and files!

I watched Bodies In Motion this evening, have it on DVR
I have to say I love love love the ..."technically that makes you a canibal" scene where Sara smirks at Greg.
**OH so cute**
Hhunter! I love that scene. Their smirks are so cute and then Greg says something like: "Grissom would have done it on purpose". :lol: ROFL.

Pau! Cute dream honey! :)

"There's a lot you don't know about me Greg. My past, who I am..." And THEN Greg says "I'm willing to find out." Sara looks up again, smiles and kisses him!
Sab! That's so perfect! Greg is always so adorable and sweet when it comes to his girl, SARA!

My Sandle Proposal Dialogue of the Day
*inspired by PotC 3, quite long, dramatic and maybe a bit corny...*
KAT!!: that's perfect! I'm getting a bit teary today... and after reading this--you've had me IN TEARS!

Whew Georgia was boooring
GregsLabRat! I loooooooooooooooove Georgia! :lol: It's a beautiful state. :)

Oh God, guys. I just hope that Greg can save her.
Damn it, TPTB--DON'T SINK OUR SHIP! We'll still be with them no matter what :p, so you might as well LET THEM HAPPEN!
Oh, wait... they already did!
wee hee im back...looks the bazooka girl is back :lol: :lol: before that i would like to *fire bazooka that filled with cake and blue hawaiian at everybody* :devil:
Well, when I entered here, things got a more hot.. more hotter.. (<-- heheh! ) Love that the thread is alive and having so much fun. And on fire!!

ywah...this thread is on fire...i can see the smoke :D sandle is burning love :D :D

love the SPDOTD Kat i cried to that scene really... :D

sandle love is burning hot!! :lol:
All i have to tell about was when we went down to the beach and my sister was making fun of my flip flops and she said "Carrie's rocking the sandley colors" and I laughed, exactly what would the color of sandle be? o.0
Haha! :lol: That's so cute, Carrie. :) You're sis is cute. :) My sis doesn't even have a clue what ships are! :rolleyes: Pity! :lol: And this is so weird.. I made a Sandle wallie that is kind of related to color. I wasn't really in the mood when I made this but hey -- It's Sandle! :) Sandle-color Hope you like! :) And because we're all about color now, Id like to share this fic that I really love by FanFicAddiction. What Color is Love?. :) I love this fic. :D

Oh God, guys. I just hope that Greg can save her.
Damn it, TPTB--DON'T SINK OUR SHIP! We'll still be with them no matter what , so you might as well LET THEM HAPPEN!
Oh, wait... they already did!
Del, you're here! *gives more cookies* :D Wohoo! Before, I had no idea what CANON is but now I do. :lol: ;) And I so agree with you. We deserve to be canon. :)

I feel kind of sad last night. The idea of Sara being all alone out there somewhere, waiting, (maybe) crying, shouting -- his name. :( And somewhere, Greg is sitting all alone thinking, crying and shouting -- her name! :D Just another thought. Could be a fluffy thought. :D
Gee, thanks Naz. *blushes and hUgz her* I can't believe people are actually making my wallies as their desktop wallpaper. :eek: That's so sweet. :) And I really appreciate it. :) *huggles*

sandle love is burning hot!!
I love that! :D I think I'll make that as the theme of my next wallie. Thanks Naz. :) I love your ideas. :)
^^ I totally agree! Sandle is BURNING HOT! :) Sandle is ALWAYS HOT and totally amazing! :)
Naz! I love your adorable avatar! It's made me laugh! I love to be one of those adorable fangirls!
Del, you're here! *gives more cookies*
Thanks Pau sweetie! Your wallies are so cute! It gets me so happy! :) I'm having the worst day ever.
The idea of Sara being all alone out there somewhere, waiting, (maybe) crying, shouting -- his name.
It breaks my heart to think of her out there, possibly dying... but GREG WILL SAVE HER and then she'll still be shouting his name!:
in bed. :devil:
Hey Pau, that's a cute wallie! Sandle is so colourful, it brightens up the darkest days and makes us happy! :) And that fluffy thought was very sweet, I can really see Greg all desperate alone in his lab, remembering all the moments he shared there with Sara during the SSCBs, and then he suddenly gets up and starts searching for her on his own.

I dreamed I was missing
You were so scared
But no one would listen
Cause no one else cared

Just had to write this down, it's from Linkin Park's "Leave out all the rest" and I love this song and I always think of Sandle when I listen to it. Some lines could be Greg's thoughts, others (like those above) Sara's. Maybe I should post it at the Sandle soundtrack.

Del you're having dirty thought! Hehe she doesn't only shout his name in bed... :devil:

My SPDOTD made you cry? Noooo, I didn't want that... *whistles innocently*

My short Sandle photo story

"I need to be strong for Sara. She's always been there for me, now it's my turn."

"Grissom, I don't care about what you do, but I will find Sara, no matter how long it takes. Because I love her! And there's nothing you can do against it!"

"Sara, I'll come for you, just hold on..."
^^ I totally agree! Sandle is BURNING HOT! Sandle is ALWAYS HOT and totally amazing!
Oh yes! They are burning.. steaming HOT! :) And Naz, there'll be fire! *lights the torches* Hehe! Not that kind of fire.. :lol:

Naz! I love your adorable avatar! It's made me laugh! I love to be one of those adorable fangirls!
Me too. :D *brings out her posters* I love Johnny Depp and I love Legolas more than Will actually (Don't hate me!) :lol:

Thanks you guys. Thanks for complimenting my wallies and the fluffy thought. :) I really really appreciate it. ;) *huggles*

Oh Kat that lyric fits so well. :) Pity I haven't heard that song before. I'll download it and listen to it ASAP. :) And I really wish for Greg to look for Sara on his own. His on way to look for His girl. ;) Go Greggo.. Go!

And I love that photo story. :) Love the first one. That reflection effect is so cool. :D So, do we have that too. SPS?? Sandle Photo Story?? Just asking.. :)
luvincsi said:
And I love that photo story. :) Love the first one. That reflection effect is so cool. :D So, do we have that too. SPS?? Sandle Photo Story?? Just asking.. :)

Sound good for me! There's so much you can see in a photo, I like the idea!

No I don't hate you for prefering Legolas to Will - as long as I may loooovvveee Will with this sexy hat and outfit... *drools* And I love the lovestory of Will and Liz, it's just as cute and romantic as Sandle.
Then there'll a SPS! Hooray! You should do the official opening Kat. You started it. :)

And I love W/L love story too. :) Right from the beginning. Since they were kids. Tehee! :D

*wonders where csimonkey might be*

I think this is my last post for today. Not sure though. :confused:
I'll do an opening later, well actually I've already made one, haven't I? However, right now I have to keep on writing. ;)

You're going to leave us, Pau? No, you won't do that, you can't resist Sandle! :D

Finally I'm done with my 2nd oneshot, so here it is: Stranded (Sandle oneshot) It's a sequel to "Midnight Talk", so maybe you'll read it?
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