Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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^^ SANDLE HUGS PAU! Totally cute and sweet... I mean: HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE THEM? :lol:

Thanks, It's my first more-than-one-chapter-long Sandle fic... and my first since SANDLE BECAME MY OTP! :eek:

Oh and I'm writing a few, very saucy Sandle scenes... inspired by all the CUTENESS & dirtyness on the Sandle thread!
Hehe! :D Sandle Hugs.. hooray! *throws Sandle cookies and causes some to have bruises* Well, cookies are kind of hard. Tehee! :)

Can't wait to read it Del. I don't normally read long fics but because I know it's going to be good.. I will read this. :) I love the affair idea. :devil:

Well, Ive been writing a SPDOTD and ended up deciding to make into a mini fic. I'll write it soon and publish it. :) *sounds excited* :) I'll think of another SPDOTD.. hehe! Oh and Del, i hope you continue the Sandle-award. :)
*hugs all of you* So sorry for not being here for awhile! School sucks. Anyway, I finally handed in my math project today, which feels great, because now it's done and I don't have to worry about that anymore. :)

I totally agree that we are such a close group! That's because we all ship the sweetest and cutest and happiest ship in the world. :D *hugs everyone again* I love this thread.

Del, let me know when you have your fic up. I definitely want to read it (I hope I have the time! School's so busy I keep neglecting my own stories... :rolleyes:).
Yay! Eva.. :D Yippee.. Another hug! :) Aren't we just the cutest bunch?? Haha! ;)

*shares positivity and strengthening cookies* Hope this will help you in your school work, Eva. i know school life is tough. I'll be experiencing it all over again in less than two weeks. :eek: Oh man!

Okay.. here's my:

Sandle Proposal Dialogue of the Day

with a matching pic:

*Sara and Greg looks at a writing on the board*
Sara: You know I can't see well without my contacts.
Greg: Just try it.
Sara: Fine. Wi.. Will.. Welcome. No.. um.. Will you.. mmm.. mer.. mermaid.. no.. um.. mer.. merce.. nope.. um.. mar-ry.. mmm... me.. Will you marry me! Greg! I did it. Will you marry me!
Greg: Yes. Sara.
Sara: What?
Greg: I'll marry you.
Sara: Oh.. *blushes*
*Greg kneels and gave Sara a ring*
Greg: How about you Sara, will you marry me?
Sara: *cries* Yes Greg! I will!
*they kiss*

Well, I can't think of a SPDTOD right now and if I try to hard I might have those ehadaches again :( so I got this from my previous post a loooooong time ago. Hope that's okay. :)
I hope I have the time! School's so busy I keep neglecting my own stories

ohh..we'll wait for your beautiful fanfic...and my dearest Del i really want to read ur sure its gonna be the best ;)

*hugs everyone here* well i miss you all!! (eventhough im not online for how many hours) but i miss talking abt sandle...i dun have ppl to talk abt sandle rite now... :( i just watched iced...i love the 'me? him?' part.... my mom admit that, that was cute....hey even GSR shippers love sandle scenes :D that shows how powerful we are... :lol:
Ouh preety Pau that is the most lovely it much better than mine :D i hope that the writers will show that kind of proposal... :D
Aw Pau, I laughed so much about your Proposal Dialogue. :D Especially this part where Sara goes: "mermaid... no..." :lol: Brilliant! I love it!

And you guys definitely are the cutest bunch! *hugs*
Thanks you guys. :D I love my dialogue too. Hehe! :D

And me too Eva.. I'll wait for your fics. :D And Im still loving your avatar. Love that scarf on Sara. :) And we really are the cutest bunch Eva.. including yourself. :D

And your avatar too Naz. I heart Cap. Jack. :D And all SPDOTD are great. All of them includng yours, Naz. :D

I am hungry. *reaches for a jar of cookies*
i heart JD and OB...dun forget sandle :D well i have nothing to do...well i think i can daydream abt sandle in the shower...this time they r not on case :devil: :devil:
Haha! :D ;) Share us what you come up with. :) I heart Johnny Depp too. :) I hope he ships Sandle. :D

Hmmm... Why don't you make a fic Naz?? :)
hmm..Pau thats a good idea...but i have no idea to write a story...well i should continue my long lost fanfic but i need time to catch an idea...maybe later...i will listen to my metal song rite now...hehe i love metal :D :D
Hehe! Okay.. :D But if you do post one, let us know. I'd love to read Sandle fics from you guys. :)

I found this adorable pic:

A perfect gentleman. I think he's going to propose. I mean, he's in a suit. :) Maybe he did during the SSCB! :D
Hello my darlings! *Liff dances in bouncing to a sandle-y tune*

Care to dance anyone? :lol: Here's my daily sugar dosage for you all! *hands out slices of cake to everyone* Enjoy! :D

Pau darling said:
And I love your avatar. Really hot indeed! :D I like your ships.
Thanks Pau darling! It's about time I acknowledge my other ships, and of course they're all HAWT :devil:

Welcome Amy! I hope you enjoy the Sandle-y love we have to offer!

Dang it I need a cookie! :D

Amy dear said:
screw GSR...i hate you.. :D
Now, now my dear. We don't do bashing around here. It's not nice :) Instead we just stay happy that our ship pwns GSR! :D Heeheehee. We so pwn them. CatNip pwns them too! (right Lynny?) :lol:

Pau dear:
Ive joined a lot of forum and this is the only forum that is really like a family. Yay! *hugs all Sandle-buddies*
Aww honey, *hugs* :D I love hugs! Love giving them too :D Sandle become my family now! Yay! You all rock!

Rockin' Amy said:
where's Liff the DTOTD king??
I AM HERE! Hahaha, DTOTD king? Aww I feel so honoured now! :devil:

[/i]Pau said:[/i]
I think Liff might be somewhere grocery shopping again. :lol: And yeah he's the king of DTOTD. :D
Aww thanks hun! *snuggles Pau* :D And FYI I wasn't grocery shopping! We have an official function at the residence tomorrow so I'm helping my mom :) I'm the family's designated baker. The oven is MINE! :devil: I got dips on baking Sandle's wedding cake!! Please? :)

Lovely Del said:
Sara has an a STEAMY, SEXY affair with Greg!
:eek: Del huni!!!! *snuggles* Hurry up and write it!! I'm dying to read it now!! And I miss your reviews hun :( *tear*

Kat said:
Maybe we should send our SPDOTDs to CBS
We so should! :lol: But first we need to petition to CBS to get Grissom out of the way! He needs a woman who has a fetish for bugs - just like him! weirdo.... :lol:

Naz honey! Love your avvie - it's hilariously funny! :lol: I agree with Pau :) You should write a fic! In fact, I need to take stab at it too... but hey, I'm already bringing Sandle over to New York in my fic! I'll post the link once we get there! (my fic's a multichap to compensate for the CSI hiatus :) )

Pheew!! Guys! I'm off for one night and I have 2 pages to go through?? We're definately all speed typist! :lol: Or rather Sandle-tyists! :devil: It's highly addictive!

Right, and it's time for my contributions of the day!

Fluffy Thought Of The Day:

Stirring in the morning light, Greg moved his hand to his eyes, rubbing the sleep out of them. Glancing at the calendar, he smiled. It was his day off. Turning to his side, his smile widened at the sight of Sara sleeping. 'She's so beautiful' he thought as he moved to run his fingers through her soft hair.

Sara smiled as she felt Greg's fingers. Opening her eyes, her smile involuntarily widened, taking in the sight of Greg's mussed hair and charming grin. "Mornin'," she said.

"Mornin'," replied Greg, bending down to place a chaste kiss on Sara's lips. "You're beautiful."

Sara blushed, not knowing what to say. Instead, she simply moved closer, allowing Greg to wrap his arms around her. They stayed that way for most of the morning, content in being in each other's presence without a word spoken.

Okay, wow - that was fluffy! :)

And now for my :devil: side to come out and play! MWahahahahaha!

Dirty Thought Of The Day:

Cath: Hey Sidle!

Sara: Hey Catch, what's up.

Cath: Here *hands over a lollipop* that's yours. The local candy store gave them to us for solving that last case. I swiped the last strawberry for you, I know it's your favourite.

Sara: Oh, umm...thanks Cath.

Cath: Whats the matter? Did i get the wrong flavour? I thought you loved strawberries.

Sara: Well, I do...its just, i've got a new favourite lollipop flavour *blushes*

Cath: Wha....*sees Greg approaching* oh...OH! Woman get your head out of the gutter! *playfully slaps Sara* I'm going to go find Nick...I wan't my lollipop too!

:devil: Heeheehee.

Happy Sandle day to all! And to all! A good...err...morning/afternoon/night (and all times in between!) :lol:
Liff! You're here! Hooray.. *takes a slice* Pau darling?? Hehe! :) I like it. Thanks.. And love the hugs! *huggles* And here's a cookie.. a jar full of cookies. *shares a cookie jar full of positivity cookies* :D Their freshly baked. :)

Aww thanks hun! *snuggles Pau* And FYI I wasn't grocery shopping! We have an official function at the residence tomorrow so I'm helping my mom I'm the family's designated baker. The oven is MINE! I got dips on baking Sandle's wedding cake!! Please?
Sure. Go bake that Sandle cake! I mean, your chocolate cake is rocking. No wonder. You're a baker. :D And I can't wait to read that fic of yours. After that, make another one. A Sandly one. :) But I do ship Danny-Lindsay, I just don't visit the thread. I should sometimes. :D

I love your FTOTD. Made me make a screaming, muffling sound. (I was covering my mouth because my mom is slepping next to me.) I love it. Very sweet.. Aww... Sandle! You have talent man. Well all of you guys do. :D Tehee!

I love the DTOTD. Greg flavored lollipop?? Hehe! Love the CatNip there too. :) :lol: Where do you get this ideas?? I love this. :D
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