Sandle RP (New)

Sara actually didn't mind the rock music that had been playing. Then, Greg began to flip through the stations until he came to...

"Baa... baa... black sheep... have you any wool?"

Sara didn't really know what to think. Then Greg started singing along. Her jaw dropped as her mouth slowly formed a smile. By the time Greg was done singing, Sara was trying to control herself. She was laughing so hard, she almost crashed the car.

"Greg, that was..." she began to say, looking over at him. But once she saw his expression, she began to laugh hysterically again.
[Sorry I haven't been on lately... Mid-term :( And thank you, araSgerG :) Sure, personally I always think that the merrier the better :D Who do you wish to play? You could PM me or hollie and we'll see if that role is still available]

She laughed, Greg thought to himself. She actually laugh to my lame attempt on Baa Baa Black Sheep original remix. He was grinning from ear to ear. "See? I was born to be a rock star..." he cocked his eyebrows playfully, then rolling his eyes, "Well Baa Baa Black Sheep isn't actually a rock song... but it's a great start, don't you think?"

And a great start to a conversation too, he thought, as silly as it may seem. Her laugh died a bit, and she turned to look at him, it was silence for one, two seconds. Until suddenly "Old McDonald Had A Farm Eee-a-ee-a-oo" decided to poured out of the speakers on that very moment... And he broke into a series of laughter again. No singing this time.

Her laugh rippled through the air and raised the familiar feeling inside him. Warm. He wished somebody transfered the crime lab to Florida just so he could hear that laugh and feel that warmth for the rest of the night.

Or if he could, for the rest of his lifetime.

But there's no such thing as a laugh fairy, cause by the next minute the crime lab building had come into view, silhouetted against the early dawn sky.

[*cough* Pardon Old McDonald and his farm... I've been drinking WAY too much coffee during my mid term :lol:]
[Thank you, Abyss :) (Wow, someone actually reading this? :eek: I can't believe...) Anyway, araSgerG's gonna play Nick, so I'm gonna post something again just to bump this up :) Hope you don't mind, hollie]

They finally reached the crime lab. After parking the car, they walked to the building, hands full with their kits, cameras, and evidence bags.

When they walked pass the front desk, Lucy, the recepsionist, called out to Greg. He turned to see her waving a red letter. Yet another red letter. His eyes widened, realizing Sara was right behind him.

Greg turned to her and quickly said, "You go first." And had stormed to the front desk before Sara could say another word. It wasn't after he reached the desk that he realized how weird it might look to her. He hoped she hadn't see the red letter (though, how could she not? It was BRIGHT red!) and got suspicious with his sudden panic attack.

On his way into the hallway now, his left hand now carried the kit AND evidence bags, camera hanging around his neck, while his right hand only inhabited by a single piece of paper... The one he had peeled from inside the red envelope (now tucked in his pocket), and which he was reading now, forcing him to fight back the smile that's been so persistently tugging on his cheeks' muscles.

When he finished reading, the evidence room was already right in front of him and he had to tuck the letter back into his pocket before entering the room.
"So, what we've got here?" he said, upon seeing crime scene photos, evidence bags, and papers spread all over the lit table top. He glanced briefly at Sara and suddenly he realized he must've sounded a bit too cheerful. He coughed to erase the stupid grin that had been followed him from the hallway, but he couldn't fight the warmth that soon creeping onto his cheeks instead. Shit, am I blushing? I can't believe I'm blushing. He put the evidence bags on the table, now avoiding eye contact with Sara. I can't believe I'm blushing because of some stupid anonymous letter AND Sara sees it...
He cleared his throat and started, "I found a shoe print..."

[*cough* Really has to stop making long posts :rolleyes: But there you go :D]
When she entered the evidence room, Sara began right away with laying the evidence she collected out on the table. Though she tried to concentrate, she couldn't help but think about how weird Greg was just acting. And did Lucy have a letter for him? Using her CSI skills, Sara soon came to a conclusion that Greg was trying to hide these secret letters he was receiving. But, she wouldn't let him hide them much longer.

Soon Greg joined her in the evidence room. She decided she better speak now, before she lost her nerve again.
"Hey Greg, whatcha got?" Sara said smirking. "And don't say a shoeprint. I'm talking about the letters." she said, prying even more.

[Wow. That post was really short. Writers block...]
[hollie!!! You're here!!! *hugs* :D]

"Hey Greg, whatcha got?"
His blood run cold. What does she mean with 'whatcha got'??? Greg lifted his eyes to her briefly. She doesn't mean the letter, does she? He rummaged through the evidence bags to keep himself busy.
Looking for an excuse. Maybe like... Shoe print. Could he use that?

"And don't say a shoeprint. I'm talking about the letters."
Apparently not. She saw right through him. He looked around and found Nick and Catherine staring at him too. Oh why Sara had to brought it up?? It was one thing that Sara knew. But another thing the WHOLE team knew.

He let out a nervous laugh. "Letters? What letters?" His cheeks were burning now. "I only found shoe prints at the scene. Both are size 12. I didn't find anything else... So do we have a suspect yet?" He glanced at Nick and Catherine, hoping they would answer, while didn't dare to meet Sara's eyes.
"Letters, Greg?" said Cath curious, "You know you can't use your work address for private mail" she said sternly, enforcing the rules.

She looked at Greg, not looking at Sara. She noticed that there was previuosly something up between them, and put two and two together, coming to the conclusion that they were sending letters to each other.

"Greg. Sara. Is there something you're not telling us?" she said looking at Nick, who she thought looked just as out of the loop as she was. "Well?" she said impatiently.
He was hoping Catherine would continue talking about the case and steer the topic away from him (and said letter)... but no such luck. She was joining Sara on interrogating him instead.

His eyes shifted from Catherine, to Sara, then the table top. "I know the rules... Ecklie's 10 Office Commandments." He chuckled, tried to keep his voice light and half teasing to Catherine's serious remark, even if the letter in his pocket now feel like a dead weight. "It was nothing, really." He shrugged, but didn't stretched it further, since he didn't like lying to his friends. They could see right through it anyway...

"Greg. Sara. Is there something you're not telling us?"
Greg frowned at Catherine. Amused that somehow this woman could think Sara and him were in it together. Was it something he said? Or was it just that his crush on Sara Sidle had bloomed into an office gossip, courtesy of Hodges?
He looked at Nick, silently sending his telepathy for him to get them back on the case. C'mon Nick, the case! The case! Save me from these evil two women!

Then he decided he might as well saved his own ass before Sara could say something more about the letter, "Hey don't we have a killer to catch? Let's get to work, shall we?"
"Oh!...Uhhh...Greg, looks like you've got something pertinant...toward the case that is. Wanna share?" Nick said, just as curious as the women, but had been in enough similar situations to know when it was time to bail a brother out.
[Sorry, I've been sick :( Sad to see it was slipping off the page :eek: Where's everyone? ...Hmm and what's 'pertinant'? I had to look it up :lol:]

Greg sighed a relief when Nick spoke. "Right. So, like I was saying... the shoe prints are size 12. The sole looks like it's coming from sport shoes... But I have to enter it on the sole database first..."

He got the crime scene photos but because it was so fresh he hasn't printed them yet. So he used the computer in the room to show it to everyone else.

"That's all I've got... Do we have a suspect yet?" He turned to look at the others. They got here before he did, maybe they had talked about the case and found out something. "Any luck with the severed hand?"

[Any idea how to speed this up to more Sandle-y again?]
[Oops. Is pertinant too Southern a word? I'm an Arkie, I let my slang slip from time to time, good thing Nick's Southern, too, huh?]
[Nah. English isn't my first languange. There's still a lot of words I don't know, don't worry. My vocabs kinda suck :lol: Anyway, feel like RPing? It's getting quiet again in here]
"Well funny you should mention that Greg, there actually was somethng different about the last hand. You remember the hand had a wedding ring on?" she looked around at everyone.

"Well it was idnetified as being a 10 carat, rainbow diamond from africa" she said hoping that someone would undersatnd, but know one seemed to.

"Any 10 carat diamond ring is rare and amazingly expensive and if you add the fact its a rainbow diamonf that increases the value ten-fold, making it so expensive that most jewellers cant make it cost effective. Therefore, only 3 stores in the US have ever sold these rings, and as they are so expensive th esellers keep a photo database" she pasused for a breath,evryone looking quizzical.

"So theres two stores in Vegas that sell them. So, Nick and I will take 'Marvin's' and Sara and Greg you're going to take 'Say it with a stone'. Here's a photo." she said handing Greg the photo. "Ok so whoever identifies the name of the buyer calls the other asap, because theres a killer on the lose and they never stop at two." she said seriously, "Everybody clear?"

(hope you feel better now Sil :) )
"All right then, let's roll up on outta here." Nick said, smiling. He had no clue what Catherine had said ment, but was itching to get moving again.
[Way to go CSIangel, getting Greg and Sara back alone...and in a jewlery store of all places...]