[Thank you,
Abyss (Wow, someone actually reading
I can't believe...) Anyway,
araSgerG's gonna play Nick, so I'm gonna post something again just to bump this up
Hope you don't mind, hollie]
They finally reached the crime lab. After parking the car, they walked to the building, hands full with their kits, cameras, and evidence bags.
When they walked pass the front desk, Lucy, the recepsionist, called out to Greg. He turned to see her waving a red letter. Yet
another red letter. His eyes widened, realizing Sara was right behind him.
Greg turned to her and quickly said, "You go first." And had stormed to the front desk before Sara could say another word. It wasn't after he reached the desk that he realized how weird it might look to her. He hoped she hadn't see the red letter (though, how could she not? It was BRIGHT red!) and got suspicious with his sudden panic attack.
On his way into the hallway now, his left hand now carried the kit AND evidence bags, camera hanging around his neck, while his right hand only inhabited by a single piece of paper... The one he had peeled from inside the red envelope (now tucked in his pocket), and which he was reading now, forcing him to fight back the smile that's been so persistently tugging on his cheeks' muscles.
When he finished reading, the evidence room was already right in front of him and he had to tuck the letter back into his pocket before entering the room.
"So, what we've got here?" he said, upon seeing crime scene photos, evidence bags, and papers spread all over the lit table top. He glanced briefly at Sara and suddenly he realized he must've sounded a bit too cheerful. He coughed to erase the stupid grin that had been followed him from the hallway, but he couldn't fight the warmth that soon creeping onto his cheeks instead.
Shit, am I blushing? I can't believe I'm blushing. He put the evidence bags on the table, now avoiding eye contact with Sara.
I can't believe I'm blushing because of some stupid anonymous letter AND Sara sees it...
He cleared his throat and started, "I found a shoe print..."
[*cough* Really has to stop making long posts
But there you go