Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

My problem is I have these two stories, one is E/C and the other is R/V and they're both WIPs. So I can't really post them both at the same time cause then I'll never finish either one of them. But since the R/V fic is shorter and less complicated, I think I'll post it first. The E/C one has R/V, too. I love writing those two ships together. They're so much fun.
Damn it all to hell. I didn't get to see the wink on Monday and stupid innertube fails at life!

Hurgh. Maybe the clip will end up youtube or something.

frakkin cbs.com! :mad:
Okay, part one of my challenge fic is posted at my livejournal. I'm also going to upload it to fanfiction.net, for those who wanna check it out. Also, check out Kas's version: The Masterplan, it's to die for.

It's a miracle I caught the wink, cause I usually don't pay much attention to the show. But I did, and I squeed! The last time he winked at someone, he was interested in her (Natali).
I find Ryan and Valera incredibly adorable, and yet kinda dirty at the same time. How is that possible? But they make a lot of sense to me. Ryan really needs someone to loosen him up and I think Valera's the perfect woman. And they're so whacky together. They always make me laugh with their bickering.
_____Skylar said:
I find Ryan and Valera incredibly adorable, and yet kinda dirty at the same time.
Second that :D I don't know how that's possible either...

:eek: wait, he WINKED at her? :eek: SQUEEEEE!!!!! :D :D Man I miss a lot... The last episode to air in my area was Dead Air. Been a long time since they have a scene together... I hated that episode, but when Ryan went to see Valera I squeed :D That's basically the only highlight of the whole episode. He touched her arm!!!! YAY!!!

Well of course, he asked the wrong DNA girl out but... nevermind :rolleyes: I love it when Ryan touched Val's arm, even if it's only for a brief second :D
Hell yes, Maxine! Do yo thang!

I was so cheering her on tonight. She kicked some serious arse. I knew abusive dicktard wouldn't get the best of her! Does he KNOW who she IS?! She's Maxine frakkin Valera, beyotch! Sit on it and spin, Nick! >:D

Sucks for no angsty jealous Ryan, though. :/ But, oh, it will come!

...i hope
Dammit, I really wanted to finish part two of my story before tonight's episode :(. But I think I might have it finished by tomorrow.

No R/V, boo. But Valera was awesome! I challenge someone to write a fic about Ryan finding out about the whole thing. I wonder what he'd say to her. You know he'd talk to her about it.
I was really hoping for some RaVe action, especially with Ryan's temper. Such a pity. It would've been fitting in the fight scene between Nick and Eric.

Eric: You stay away from Natalia! *punches Nick*
Nick *punches back* I am here for Maxine!
Ryan *walking down the hall overhears* Wait...what the? You can't have Maxine *lunges at Nick*
Eric *rubs his swollen jaw* Oh. Huh. Didn't see that one coming. Damn, Valera's Miss Popular with the boys.
I smiled when Valera said she likes bad boys, because I totally think Ryan kinda is one. Not like Nick, but you know. Ryan's kinda cranky and all. I think Valera loves that.
I also smiled when she said that. I thought I wonder what the shipper thread is saying right now. And was like Ryan can be bad but at least he isn't a creep like Nick. ;)
midnight_tiptoes said:
Oh and you can use your plot bunny! It'd be cool to see two different spins, imo.

Well, this could also be our first fanfic challenge for the community. Write a fic exploring Ryan's reaction to finding out that Valera is going out with abusive Nick. You guys up for it? We need a challenge anyway.

I totally missed the screen caps before! Thanks for them. They're adorable, even when they're bickering.

Here's a fic I just wrote and posted over on ff.net. Click on "live preview" to read. Enjoy.
That's where I keep screwing up. Anyway since you managed to link directly to it, I deleted my post of the story. Enjoy guys!
midnight_tiptoes said:
I smiled when Valera said she likes bad boys, because I totally think Ryan kinda is one. Not like Nick, but you know. Ryan's kinda cranky and all. I think Valera loves that.

That's too funny. I swear Ryan probably PMS-es more than most women. But I can totally see Maxine keeping him in line. Oh, and of course she loves bad boys! Sexy bad boys are one thing. Psycho bad boys are a whole different lot.

There better be some continuity (though w/this show, that's asking for a lot) with the storyline... I'd love to see Ryan's reaction to the whole lunch date thing. Maybe he'll wake up and smell the cafe!