Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

Poor Maxine. God, if Nick hurts her, I swear I'll go nuts on these writers. Who would wanna hurt Valera? She's awesome.

Register! Also, we need to get started on the challenges, cause it's a little quiet over there. I'm working on like 10 fics at the same time and two of them are R/V. yay!
I know why the writers want to hurt Valera. It's because they have nothing better to think of.

Writer 1: Who is next on the block for angst?
Writer 2: Well, Horatio? Check + +! Speedle? Oh yeah, we canned him. Hmm, Calleigh? Check! Eric? Check! Yelina? Check. Are we missing someone?
Writer 1: Natalia's proven useful. But what can we add to the element? I suppose we could make one of the characters happy.
Writer 2: No, no. That won't bring ratings. There has got to be someone else. Oh I know, the other DNA technician. What's her name? Something Valera...
Writer 1: Genius!

Oh and Caro I hope you R/V fics are coming along. I cannot wait to read!
It's coming along, thankfully. I wanna post the first part some time this week.

WE HAD A SCENE TONIGHT! It was awesome, too! They were bickering again, yay! I loved it when Valera was all, "Ryan, turn the camera off." I bet they cut the part where she said, "we already made a tape, remember?"
I was giddy with joy when I saw that scene and I immediately thought about this thread.

I loved that they were bickering too; they're so cute together. And of course they cut that out Caro. :) They've got to keep it squeaky clean for the kiddies...oh, forget them! We all know bickering leads to sexy making up! *cue cheesy music*.:devil:

I really wanna know more about the Nick/Valera date (assuming that it already occurred). I'm a little miffed that we didn't get more info. on that.
Did you notice Ryan winked at her? Sure, he was being cocky, but it was still kind of adorable. Methinks he was trying to impress her, with his film crew and all.

I wonder when we're gonna hear about Nick. I really thought they'd bring it up tonight. I guess he hasn't started beating her yet. Oh, God, if he does... *shakes fist in the air*
He winked at her! It was when she told him to turn the camera off. I don't remember what he said to her, I think it was something like, "ignore it" and then he winked at her. It was cute.

Are the episodes online now? I didn't know. Every other show is online now.
No, it's not. I just checked. But usually they're up soon after. I'd give it another hour or so. But I am definitely going to re-watch, even if it's just for the wink.

*sigh* He winked at her... that's just very fanfic inspiring. You just know they got it on in the locker room afterwards.:devil:
Oh, lots of angry sex. Valera was probably yelling at him about how careless he was and then suddenly he jumped her.

How's your fanfic coming along?
SincerelyInDenial I missed the wink too. Maybe the date with Nick hasn't happened yet. Maybe someone (Ryan) is trying to make sure it doesn't happen. Trying to stop her from making a horrible mistake with him. ;)
Oh, of course! Angry sex is the best sex. And then afterwards, they were probably called into H's office about proper decorum during work hours. :lol:

My story is...coming along. I've been crazy busy with work and interviewing and haven't had much of a chance to work on it. But I am going to work on it tonight, since I don't have anything scheduled for tomorrow. What about yours, Caro?

I'm off to innertube to see if the episode is finally up...
I wish I had screen caps of it.

I have two jobs and work 7 days a week! It's been awful. I'm so tired. But I'm still working on the story. I wrote a couple of pages today. By the way, I'll have to post it at my LJ, because it'll be rated NC-17 (yay!). So if you guys wanna go ahead and friend me, my LJ is here.
I'm not promising anything but I might be able to do some caps tonight... :)

Oh, and I definitely want to check out this story of yours Caro. I heart NC-17 fics like whoa. I've never read a RaVe one though, so I am excited.

ETA: In honor of the now infamous wink, I come bearing caps! Enjoy!! :)

Ryan's wink 1 of 2
Paying a visit to Maxine
Valera's hard at work
More Valera
She said no cameras...
Seriously - she will kick your ass
He's harmless ... like a puppy
Suit yourself
Teh wink of LOVE 2 of 2
No DNA Ryan
Ryan has made a boo boo
Oh he's got some smile...
Ya blew it kiddo
Howd you become a CSI Ryan?