Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

Though I am a main Carwasher,I really like Ryan and Valera
pairing.They look great together!!!!Valera was against the camera guy coz she wanted to protect the lab(or Ryan....^^)
Maybe later she would blame him in other "private" place.^^
I kinda got the feeling she was trying to protect him, cause when he told her to ignore the camera she was all, "ooookay, it's your rep." Besides, all she had to do was not sign the release forms if she didn't want to be on the tape.

I thought it was sweet of her, but I could also understand her frustration. Ryan just doesn't learn. I think he needs to be disciplined. Most likely to have chains and whips? Maxine!
midnight_tiptoes said:
I kinda got the feeling she was trying to protect him, cause when he told her to ignore the camera she was all, "ooookay, it's your rep." Besides, all she had to do was not sign the release forms if she didn't want to be on the tape.

I thought it was sweet of her, but I could also understand her frustration. Ryan just doesn't learn. I think he needs to be disciplined. Most likely to have chains and whips? Maxine!

haha!!!!!Maybe chains on the bed*run* :devil:
but Valera is such a good sweet girl(maybe she will change a lot when she is with Ryan."Girls sometimes like badboy" :devil: said by Wolfe in S3. ^^)
It's an aaaact. Come on, she goes to porn parties.


Maxine: Come on, lunch is only an hour long, and it takes us 20 minutes to drive to your apartment!
Ryan: Maybe if we went into the supply closet, like I suggested...
midnight_tiptoes said: Most likely to have chains and whips? Maxine!

Yes, yes!

And who is the couple most likely to watch porn when there is nothing else on TV on a Friday night? Maxine and Ryan. :lol: Afterall, porn is the new martini, right?

I think she was trying to protect him too. She obviously didn't want to make him feel like a...moron, even though his actions in fact were.

Gosh, she would just be such a great girlfriend to Ryan. Considerate and kinky. What more could you ask for?
I think it's too critical to call Ryan a "moron".Instead ,he is a smart guy,but he shows his ambition in a wrong way.
so he really need a tender girl like Valera to change his abstraction slowly.
I was kidding.

Don't get me wrong, I love Ryan. I'm not calling him a moron by any means. My point is that his actions were 'moronic' in the sense that he should've known better. He isn't a newbie anymore, and he compromised a major piece of evidence. If there hadn't been a camera around, he wouldn't have done what he had done.

My point was that Maxine was trying to protect him - his ego and more importantly, his reputation. Hence why Maxine would make a good girlfriend for him: she looks out for his best interests.

On a lighter note, they really need to show him winking at her more. We need them to be fun, flirty and sexy with each other. Kinda like tptb did with Eric and Natalia before that shingdig hit the fan.

Does anyone know when Rob Estes is coming back? I am wicked intrigued by the whole Nick/Valera/Natalia storyline. Now, all they need to do is throw Ryan in the mix.
I kinda wanna write a Nick/Valera/Ryan story now, but I gave Kas my best plot bunny! Still, I'm gonna give it a shot.

Oh, God, I have way too many stories to work on.

I think Ryan's problem is that he loves to be on camera. One way Valera can remedy that is by making a sex tape with him. Concur?
I understand what you mean^^
Ryan indeed to be punished in severe way by Maxine.haha

Frankly speaking,I am fed up with the Eric/Natalia/Ryan thing.The writers dealt with the storyline so terrible.Coz I don't want to see either Eric or Ryan get hurt.
But if now Nick/Valera/Ryan,I won't mind that Ryan punch Nick to take Maxine back.^^
The best part is I can see both Ryan and Maxine beating the hell out of Nick, and then making out over his dead body.

They're a hell of an intimidating team, these two.

Does anyone have a screen cap of the wink? Cause my friend Mariel wants to see it.
Caro, I posted caps of the wink in an earlier post, under the title "teh wink of love." Oh and you can use your plot bunny! It'd be cool to see two different spins, imo.

But yes, there will probably be violence with the Nick/Maxine/Ryan triangle. And the violence will lead to sexy shannanigans. On tape.

Ryan and Valera: our very own Bonnie & Clyde! :)
Oh and you can use your plot bunny! It'd be cool to see two different spins, imo.

Well, this could also be our first fanfic challenge for the community. Write a fic exploring Ryan's reaction to finding out that Valera is going out with abusive Nick. You guys up for it? We need a challenge anyway.

I totally missed the screen caps before! Thanks for them. They're adorable, even when they're bickering.

Not to spoil anything but I'm working on the fic right now and my Ryan and Natalia bunnies are spying on Nick and Valera. And Ryan is not a happy camper. :lol:

It was originally intended to be "K/K+" but... I think I'm going to have to upgrade it to "M". :devil:
Ooooh! I can't wait to read it! Okay, now that I know where you're going with yours, I can tweak mine to make it different. Hmm. Super creative brain powers? Activate!

I got nothing.

I wanna read yours so badly! When will it be finished? When, when, when!