Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

Here's a photo manip I did to go with my fanfic. It's a litte rough around the edges, first time I've attempted something like this. Plus it's her season 4 hair color, which I like better on her anyhow. Here it is :) . Credit to athlov and CSI Screencaps for the caps I used.
Aww...I really wish channel five would get a move on and send the lonely RaVers in Britain some more action! Sometimes I seriously consider immigrating to the states just so I can watch CSI earlier than I get to here! Oh yes, btw I am kinda new here, and am chuffed to bits that there are other Ryan/Valera shippers here *does her happy dance*
Hee. Their faces were totally shown side by side for like 2 minutes tonight. It's a sign. I foresee babies.

Carry on.
Lol, I was thinking that tonight. It's sad.

But one scene is better than no scenes. Also, someone should write a R/V comfort scene.
Ryan doesn't have to be in the lab waiting for those results. He just wants to be near Valera. I don't even remember them talking in the scene just looks and more looks. ;)
This will be posted in all the active shipper threads.

There have been lots and lots of newbies to TalkCSI and the Shipper Threads so I thought I would direct everyone to the Shipper Central Rules so those new to Shipper Central, please make sure to read them in their entirety. Thanks

Shipper Central Rules - Please make sure to read these
Shipper Central Welcome & Questions Thread - where you can introduce yourself and ask questions.
Ship Name/Song Thread List - Where you can see if your ship has a thread.
I'm in a big Ryan/Valera mood tonight. Does anyone have any songs that remind them of RV? I'm trying to make a fanmix. Also, somebody really needs to write a fic. Seriously.
I wrote a RaVe fic not too long ago called Mr. Fix It. All in all it's a fun, light story if you want to check it out.

I might write another fic with them though soon enough. I'm currently involved in a prompt challenge and I have some ideas...

As for Ryan & Valera songs... nothing comes to mind immediately but I will give it some thought. Do they have a song thread? If not, we should make one just for them. I feel that sickly sweet bubbly pop wouldn't necessarily fit them though.

Tptb really need to show more Ryan & Valera interaction. Just one scene isn't going to cut it for me anymore, not since we had the episode where she basically told him off for using too much damn luminol. I really thought we'd get a scene of the twosome after the whole Nick issue... ugh.
I love the new fic!

Speaking of. Yeah, baby! I just claimed Ryan and Valera over at csi50. Now I have to write 50 Ryan/Valera fics. Oh, God, what have I done?

As for songs, I already have a few. I just need to create a cover and upload the songs somewhere. No one has ever done a Ryan/Valera fanmix, I don't think. Hopefully you guys will like the songs.
*gasp* Where has this thread been all my life!

I was just reading a fic last night and it made all of the CSI's highschoolers and all of the ships I liked (or didn't mind) were in it! Ryan was the new kid and Valera was...I don't know...but it was cute and they were going to prom! Anyone else read that?
I started reading it once, but I never finished it.

This thread has been around forever! Many people miss it, though. I started a new fic and I think I might be able to finish it tonight. After that, I have 49 more to write. Yikes!

I think Valera is on Monday's episode. Fingers crossed for a scene.
Haven't read that one before. Welcome xanessa! It's about time we get more RaVe. So I really hope they have another good scene. Now if only they would make it longer and more detailed then it would be the perfect show. ;)
Can't wait for your barrel o' fics, Caro!

I have to remember Monday...I always seem to forget CSI: Miami when it's away for more than a week. >_<

Also, welcome xanessa!
Could someone send me into the direction of great RaVe fiction? I've already been to fanfiction.net. Any other websites would be great.

BTW: Can't wait until Monday's episode. I can NEVER forget Monday. ;)