Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

Midnight I would def. be game for some drabble challenges. I have an LJ account, I just need to get off my lazy caboose and join. Anyway, I agree that in concern with fics, R/V don't get a lot of love and perhaps having challenges will change that - for veteran writers who need plot bunnies (I can def. atest to that) and maybe it'll inspire new writers.

Anyway, I don't believe (personally) in the great white knight. However, I do think that Ryan can definitely be one for Maxin and vice versa, especially after Erica. And don't even get me started on Natalia...

Oh Ryan, wake up and smell the hotness that is under your nose!
Ryan needs a big slap in the face. And so does Erica. By Valera.

I was disappointed in Valera's plot. I mean, she had all of 3 seconds of screen time. Come on. She needs to get Wolfed.

Do you guys think Nick is gonna try something with Valera? Like he could hurt her?
Not if Ryan can help it. She could being going out with Nick to give Ryan a kick in the butt to see what's right in front of him.
CSI_Watcher_8 said:
Not if Ryan can help it. She could being going out with Nick to give Ryan a kick in the butt to see what's right in front of him.

Seriously... Ryan needs to see that he's missing out on the best thing ever.

Is that a challenge midnight? I've been looking for a plot bunny...and perhaps I could even work in a slap or two, haha. :lol:

While I wish Nick wouldn't hurt Maxine, I can honestly see tptb writing that in, unfortunately.
Go for it! By the way, you can call me Caro.

We need to start those challenges at the community. The R/V community needs to represent.

Seriously, if Nick hurts Valera, I'd kill him. Nobody messes with Maxine. I hope that if he does, she doesn't become all submissive and scared. I hope she beats the crap out of him right back, and then tells Ryan, and then Ryan shoots him.
When I first saw Valera, I figured her to be one of those "I am woman, hear me roar" types; you know the type - "don't bother trying to mess with 'em/I do my own thing."

But then, she acted all upset and nervous with Natalia and that bothered me a lot.

Though, can picture Erica casually mentioning the whole Natalia/Valera/Nick thing to Ryan and him getting super-pissed.

Erica: Oh you didn't know? Hmm, word usually travels fast in CSI.
Ryan: *storms off to the DNA lab* You can't date Nick! Not if I have any say in it!
Valera: What? Where is this coming from?
Ryan: I...I... *kisses Valera*

A girl can dream. Oh and Caro, I think I just might! You can call me, Kas. :)
Yeah, that was weird. Valera never put up with anyone's shit. I especially loved it every time she and Ryan bickered. It was always hot. Crime Wave? Yum! I'd love it if they started bickering again.

Oh, God, Ryan would be insufferable when jealous! You know he'd just express it in the most unhealthy ways. And he wouldn't even know he was jealous, until Valera called him in on it.

Are you gonna write that story? I'm desperately in need of some R/V.
Valera and Ryan are the type a couple where they would fight... and then make up in the most not so PG way, haha.

And Caro I'm going to get started on it soon - I haven't written a RaVe fic in awhile and am in desperate need of them myself.
Oh, I know! No wonder I can see them with a huge crop of kids.

Yay, that's awesome! I can't wait to read it. I'm working on two right now, and one of my E/C stories has a lot of R/V in it. They're so much fun to write! I'm having a blast.
Awww yes please do write that fic. I'm in the mood of RaVe fic right now.

Oh anyway... Hi :D I'm not that new, but mostly lurking. Always thought they're really cute together... But I only get to S4 and there's not much Valera's scene OR RaVe scenes so far :( Really miss the S3 interaction...

Erica: Oh you didn't know? Hmm, word usually travels fast in CSI.
Ryan: *storms off to the DNA lab* You can't date Nick! Not if I have any say in it!
Valera: What? Where is this coming from?
Ryan: I...I... *kisses Valera*
Awwwwww.... :D

Since I haven't got S5, I have no idea who is Nick... But I see you guys talking and I do wanna see a jealous Ryan :D

midnight, didn't you open an LJ community for them? I think I miss it... :confused: Would you be so kind and point me to the right direction? :)
Silhouette isn't the only one that can't wait for a fic. It's been too long, seriously. But it sounds like it will be a good and long story. ;)
The community is here. Kinda quiet right now, but hopefully more people will join.

My fics tend to be very long, that's why it takes me so long to write them. Bleh. But at least I'm working on it, even if it takes me 10 years.
Boti and Jon have such good chemistry together and it is evident in the way they interact with each other on screen. Perhaps that's why it's so much fun to write them - they make it very easy to do so.

Oh and how cute would their babies be?
wow, interesting discussion and I didn't have time to join yesterday. :(

I also have the bad, bad feeling that Nick will hurt Valera. But I also agree with you, Valera is a strong woman and she would fight back.
Do you think she would go to Ryan to find some support?
I hope so. and then Nick has to watch his back.
There wasn't a lot of interaction between them in Season 4. ( :() and I also miss the Season 3 scenes.

oh and fics! yes, we need fics. I know I haven't registered yet at the lj. :(
but I read midnights introducing post how bad lurking is. I will join, promise.