Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

inge said:
ok, I know some of you already read it. Valera will go out with Nick. sure, we will see more Valera, but my shipper heart screamed NOOOO!!!!
maybe Valera is tired of waiting that Ryan will ask her out some day. I hope we'll see a reaction from Ryan. I hope he's jealous and angry.
I haven't seen Nick yet, but I know that Ryan and Nick are completely different in character.
maybe Nick will break her heart and Ryan will be there for her. :D

Maybe he'll come to her rescue if Nick tries to harm her.
sorry for the not so good post (this won't be three lines), but I think it's also rude not to answer a question. :D

I think I will put it in spoiler spaces. better safe than sorry.

Nick is Natalias abusive ex-husband. If I remeber right, he was in jail, but now he's free and he's working for the Crime Scene Cleaning Unit (or whoever it is called). I'm meaning the people who clean the crime scenes
Inge, thanks I have a hard time remembering names sometimes. Especially if the character doesn't stay around for awhile. How could she go out with him?
I swear, I'm finding all my ship threads tonight. Anyway, I love the idea of Ryan and Valera together. I think they would be such an adorable couple together.

And I agree with what labgeekluvr said about Ryan rescuing Valera. Believe me, my innner shipper screamed out "No!" when I read about what was going to happen. If something awful does happen :(, it'll be the perfect opening for Ryan to come in as the white knight.

Oh, oh! That was my story midnight_tiptoes linked to :). I am such a tool, you have no idea how excited I was just now. I have another one at FF.Net where Ryan reacts to Maxine's new hair color. I also have another plot bunny that is dying to be let out. Long live the RaVeness! :)
I did think it odd that no one made a comment on Valera's new hair coloring. Will have to run over to ff and check out your story. ;)
I kinda like her as a blond. Although, correct me if I'm wrong, didn't she have reddish hair at one time too? I seem to remember seeing her with red hair in an episode and liking it on her.
I think brunette does bring out her most beautiful features, though. Blonde just makes her look kinda blah and artificial.


She's gorgeous with brown hair, and much more Ryan's type.
I also think she looks better with brown tones.The blonde washes her out.

Valera must of dyed her hair to get Ryans attention :lol: :lol: Wonder if it worked? :D
While I'm not against the current color, I must say that the darker colors compliment her more naturally. Definitely brings out her features (and I agree, she seemed to be more Ryan's type with the darker color).

Valera must of dyed her hair to get Ryans attention Wonder if it worked?

Well, Erica is blonde... so maybe, perhaps she did.
CSI_Watcher_8 said:
Don't remember the red hair unless it was a brownish red.

I think maybe this?


I really prefer this one:



They look like that couple that's always running late because, "it takes her freaking forever to get ready! ... Hey, I'm not the one hogging the mirror for 45 minutes!"
Ooh, thanks for all the pictures, midnight. I agree, they do look like the couple that's always late. I feel shippy inspiration coming on, heh.

Ugh, they're so flippin' adorable together. Perhaps I shall write tonight. :)
Yes, please write! I've wanted to write a R/V fic for a long time now, but I don't have any plot bunnies. If anybody has some decent ones, toss them my way.

Also, we need to do something with the community. Would people be willing to write little fics if we had drabble challenges?
God, they look so precious (read: frackin HOT) in all those pics! We need more scenes!!!!

I think Valera and Nick will definitely bring out Ryan's jealous side. Maybe, if we're lucky, they'll never even have a date. Ryan will put a stop to it! :D
I don't know, Ryan and Natalia seem to be getting a lot of scenes lately. If Natalia mentions to Ryan that Nick is taking Valera out, I think he'd definitely be concerned. He might even try to talk Valera out of the date. I get the feeling Nick is only taking Valera out to catch Natalia's attention, and if Valera is into Nick, then she's definitely headed towards Brokenheartville. Poor Maxine. But Ryan would be there for her.