Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

maybe valera told natalia to stay away from HER man!
i also look forward to screen caps. flirting scenes are always good. maybe the writers will give us something more the next season? or maybe some people of the lab think that valera is the mole and ryan defends her?
valera has a new hair cut?
i bet ryan loves it. :)
I hope that mole isn't Valera. It was cute him trying to make the vomit more exciting for her. And we all know going on the date with the snake lady was to make her notice him more. I don't believe they are dating at all.
Haha Ryan was eager to get the DNA to Valera? He's obviously attracted to her.. :) Why don't you just ask her out, stupid Ryan?
Awwwwwwwwww gosh! The vomit scene was AWESOME!!!!!!! He so wanted her! So, so wanted her!!!!! He even called her my friend!!!!!! That's just another word for 'mistress' :D

RYAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!! Go get her you stupid son of a bitch!!!!!!!!

Awwww, how cute she looked in Rampage! Totally huggable.
Well. For us.
Totally lickable for Ryan.


This is driving me nuts!!!!!! Go. Take. Her. (Clothes. Off.) You. Fucking. Idiot. !!!!!!!!

I'll come back with screencaps later.
Did everyone see the new finale promo?

It says "the mole will be revealed," and it shows the feds escorting Valera out of the lab. I'm sure there must be some explanation, though, because surely TPTB wouldn't give it away like that.
Hey all. Can I just remind you to use spoiler tags when talking about the finale until after it finished airing on the West Coast. I know people who even avoid watching the promos in order to stay spoiler-free, so please protect them by putting all details behind the provided cloaking device. They'll love ya for it. Thanks :)
What do you guys think Valera reaction will be when she finds out Ryan has been checking everyone out including her (on who is the mole)?
Hmm, not sure how she'll react. A lot of people might feel really hurt to think that their friend didn't trust them (like Alexx did), but I don't think Valera would react like that. I dunno, if it were me and the guy I had the hots for had to flush out a mole, I think I'd admire him for not blindly trusting people because of his personal feelings, but proving that it wasn't them first. It would make it that much sweeter when they knew for sure they could trust each other. Then Ryan could be all like "I knew it was never you, but I wanted to prove you were innocent to save you from any suspicion."

Hmm... if I were a writer I would feel a fluffy fanfic coming on, lol.

ETA: Oh man, I just watched the Ryan/Valera scene in "Crime Wave." Looks to me as though Ryan's so eager to see Valera that he started paging her before he even had any evidence. And then he winked at her! Yay!